GitLab Mental Health Team Member Advocacy Group (TMAG)

We are the Mental Health Team Member Advocacy Group (TMAG) founded in the Summer of 2024. Learn more!

Welcome to the Mental Health TMAG!

Mission Statement and Vision

This group aims to unify all GitLab employees in a supportive wellness and mental health community. The Mental Health Team Member Advocacy Group (TMAG) emphasizes the four pillars of wellness: emotional, physical, social, and professional/financial well-being. It offers opportunities for individuals to share their experiences, learn about available resources, and work together to enhance and strengthen our community.


Co-leads: @mmacfarlane and @yyugitlab

Executive sponsor: To be confirmed

Advisors & allies: Could be you!


  • Prioritizing mental health is crucial for both our personal lives and our productivity at work. By offering more resources to team members, we can improve overall well-being and increase productivity at GitLab (a true win-win situation). Furthermore, research indicates that more people are facing mental health challenges than ever before, and the demand for resources is at an all-time high.

Where to reach us

  • Join our Slack channel #
  • Issue label:
  • Email:
  • Sign up to get meeting invites by joining the GitLab Mental Health Google Group (link to be added)
Last modified August 5, 2024: Update file (622bda10)