Product Accessibility Group

Ensure GitLab product compliance with accessibility guidelines


Property Value
Date Created 2023-07-19
Target End Date TBD
Slack #wg_product_accessibility (only accessible from within the company)
Google Doc Agenda (only accessible from within the company)
Epic HQ epic
Overview & Status See Exit Criteria Progress


Since we were able to create a proof of concept with axe-core to automate accessibility checks in feature specs, we would like to include these assertions in the most of the GitLab feature specs, as well as in GitLab UI components codebase. This will allow us to ensure that GitLab accessibility compliance covers at least 57% of the WCAG guidelines (percent of accessibility issues that can be automated). It will also let us shift left our efforts to provide an accessible platform, by giving developers an easy way to monitor how introduced changes influence compliance. This initiative will entail writing tests, understanding existing violations, and finding ways to fix or document them.

Stakeholders for this project include frontend engineers, backend engineers and product designers.

Exit Criteria

This Working Group has the following goals:

  1. Include axe automated accessibility checks in automated feature tests.
  2. Include axe automated accessibility checks in GitLab UI and write tests for components.
  3. Compile a comprehensive list of known accessibility violations.
  4. Develop and implement a plan for addressing accessibility violations, including evaluation plan/process and tooling.
  5. Identify and bridge the gaps in accessibility frontend guide.
  6. Validate existing issues regarding accessibility.
  7. Plan for internal training.

Exit Criteria Progress

Criteria Start Date Completed Date Progress DRI
Add axe-core checks to feature specs 15-08-2023 20% @psjakubowska
Add axe-core checks to components specs 16-04-2024 93% @rchanila
Compile a comprehensive list of known accessibility violations 19-10-2024 03-01-2025 100% @tauriedavis
Develop and implement a plan for addressing accessibility violations, including evaluation plan/process and tooling 04-10-2024 0% @you?
Identify and bridge the gaps in accessibility frontend guide. 12-10-2023 27-02-2025 100% @psjakubowska
Validate existing issues regarding accessibility. 08-10-2024 0% @deepika.guliani
Plan for internal training 29-02-2024 100% @jeldergl

Roles and Responsibilities

Working Group Role Person Title
Executive Sponsor Tim Zallmann VP of Engineering, Core Development
Functional Lead Paulina Sędłak-Jakubowska Frontend Engineer, Monitor:Respond
Functional Lead Rahul Chanila Senior Frontend Engineer, Package
Functional Lead Jeremy Elder Staff Product Designer, Manage:Foundations
Member Enrique Alcántara Senior Frontend Engineer, Create:Editor
Member Lisa Falcone Senior Paralegal, Legal & Corporate Affairs
Member Scott de Jonge Senior Frontend Engineer, Manage:Foundations
Member Rajan Mistry Frontend Engineer, Plan:Product Planning
Member Deepika Guliani Senior Frontend Engineer, Plan:Project Management
Member Mohamed Moustafa Fullstack Engineer, Fulfillment:Provision