GitLab Advanced CI/CD - Hands-On Lab: Reviewing Best Practices

This Hands-On Guide walks you through common best practices for CI/CD in GitLab

The goal of this lab is to use things like hidden jobs and map merges to help make your code more concise, and avoid repitition.

Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes


  • Reducing repetition in your pipeline
  • Hidden jobs and map merges

In our testing pipeline, there are a few instances where we are repeating code and definitions. We already saw that it was possible to use caches to reduce repetition in the npm install of packages. In this lab, you will learn how to further reduce the repetition in your code.

Here is the current .gitlab-ci.yml file definition:

  - deps
  - test

    on_job_failure: all

  image: node:latest

install deps:
  stage: deps
    - npm install jest-junit
    key: node_mod
      - node_modules
  test binarysearch:
      - npm install -g jest
      - jest --ci --testResultsProcessor=jest-junit binarysearch.test.js
      key: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG
       - node_modules

  test linearsearch:
      - npm install -g jest
      - jest --ci --testResultsProcessor=jest-junit linearsearch.test.js
      when: always
        junit: junit.xml
      key: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG
        - node_modules

Task A. Simplifying your jobs

  1. Navigate to your project repository.

  2. Select the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

  3. Select Edit > Edit in pipeline editor.

  4. In our current .gitlab-ci.yml file, all of the tests contain the same set of artifacts. Instead of defining the artifacts at each job, you can instead first create a hidden job with the definition:

    .artifactdef: &artifactdef artifacts: when: always reports: junit: junit.xml
  5. You can then use a map merge to add the artifact definition to all of your testing jobs:

    test binarysearch: script: - jest --ci --testResultsProcessor=jest-junit binarysearch.test.js <<: *artifactdef cache: key: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG paths: - node_modules test linearsearch: script: - jest --ci --testResultsProcessor=jest-junit linearsearch.test.js <<: *artifactdef key: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG paths: - node_modules
  6. Additionally, we can move the cache into a hidden job to avoid repetition. In this example, we moved these definitions into the cachedef hidden job:

    stages: - deps - test workflow: auto_cancel: on_job_failure: all default: image: node:latest .artifactdef: &artifactdef artifacts: when: always reports: junit: junit.xml .cachedef: &cachedef cache: key: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG paths: - node_modules install deps: stage: deps script: - npm install jest-junit cache: key: $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG paths: - node_modules test binarysearch: before_script: - npm install -g jest script: - jest --ci --testResultsProcessor=jest-junit binarysearch.test.js <<: [*artifactdef, *cachedef] test linearsearch: before_script: - npm install -g jest script: - jest --ci --testResultsProcessor=jest-junit linearsearch.test.js <<: [*artifactdef, *cachedef]

    This change not only reduces the total number of lines of code, but also makes it so if the artifact changes, you only need to change it in one place, rather than multiple locations.

  7. After making these changes, select Commit changes.

  8. Monitor your pipeline by selecting Build > Pipelines in the left sidebar.

  9. After verifying that your pipeline ran successfully, return to your .gitlab-ci.yml file. Can you find any other optimizations for this file?

Lab Guide Complete

You have completed this lab exercise. You can view the other lab guides for this course.


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Last modified January 31, 2025: Fixes formatting in several labs (0d314e4b)