GitLab Secrets Manager

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Status Authors Coach DRIs Owning Stage Created
proposed alberts-gitlab iamricecake cipherboy-gitlab grzesiek fabiopitino jocelynjane shampton sec govern 2023-08-07


GitLab users need a secure and easy-to-use solution to store their sensitive credentials that should be kept confidential (“secret”). GitLab Secrets Manager is the desired system that provides GitLab users to meet that need without having to access third party tools.


The current de-facto approach used by many to store a sensitive credential in GitLab is using a Masked Variable or a File Variable. However, data stored in variables (masked or file variables) can be inadvertently exposed even with masking. A more secure solution would be to use native integration with external secret managers such as HashiCorp Vault or Azure Key Vault.

Integration with external secret managers requires GitLab to maintain the integration with the third-party products and to assist customers in troubleshooting configuration issues. In addition, customer’s engineering teams using these external secret managers may need to maintain these systems themselves, adding to the operational burden.

Having a GitLab native secret manager would provide customers a secure method to store and access secrets without the overhead of third party tools and to leverage the tight integration with other GitLab features.


Provide GitLab users with a way to:

  • Securely store secrets in GitLab
  • Use the stored secrets in GitLab components (for example, CI Runner)
  • Use the stored secrets in external environments (for example, production infrastructure).
  • Manage access to secrets across a root namespace, subgroups and projects.

Use cases

To help design the architecture, we need to understand how users, in their roles, would operate and use the system. Here are significant use case scenarios that can help drive our design decisions:

  1. As a Compliance Manager or Security Ops engineer, I want to use dynamic secrets to provide an additional layer of security for my system.
  2. As a Compliance Manager or Security Ops engineer, I want to use automatic secret rotation to provide an additional layer of security for my system.
  3. As a Compliance Manager or Security Ops engineer, I want to set secrets expiration policies to provide an additional layer of security for my system.
  4. As a Developer, I want sensitive credentials to be fully encrypted so I am not accidentally leaking this information in my deliverables.
  5. As a Developer, I want to use secrets to store sensitive credentials to avoid storing this information inside of my code.
  6. As a GitLab Admin and as a GitLab Group Owner, I want to have the ability to disable secrets management feature altogether if my organization requires the use of a 3rd party tool.
  7. As a Compliance Manager or Security Ops engineer, I need to have audit tools which will show me the status of the secrets and their usage so I can identify any suspicious behavior and ensure our security and compliance of our sensitive credentials.
  8. As a Compliance Manager, I need to audit log of secrets usage and management to ensure my organization is following compliance policy.
  9. As a DevOps Engineer, I want the deployment process to fetch secrets necessary for deployment directly from a secrets manager.
  10. As a Customer of a regulated industry, I need a secrets manager with HSM support so I can meet FIPS requirements.
  11. As a US Public Sector customer, I need a secrets manager that is FedRAMP certified to meet security requirements.
  12. As a Customer with an air-gapped system, I need a secrets managers that can be installed on-prem and managed on-site to meet network requirements.
  13. As a Secret Owner, I need to quickly update or rotate the secret in case there has been a vulnerability to ensure the security of my software supply chain.
  14. As a Secret Owner, I need the ability to rollback change to a secret in the event of an accidental change.
  15. As a Security Engineer, I want to ensure all secrets are properly deleted/destroyed if they are no longer needed.

Non-functional requirements

  • Security
  • Compliance
  • Auditability


This blueprint does not cover the following:

  • Secrets created within GitLab to allow external resources to access GitLab personal access tokens, such as personal access tokens.



These documents are part of the initial iteration of this blueprint.


The secrets manager feature will be available on both SaaS and Self-Managed installations and will consist of two core components:

  1. GitLab Rails
  2. OpenBao Server

interacts with

provisions secrets in


fetches secrets from


GitLab Rails



Because pipelines can be external to GitLab infrastructure, OpenBao thus needs to be open to externally accessible and ACL protected. However, we’ll initially restrict the provisioning of secrets and authentication roles through the GitLab Rails UI and limit JWT token creation to pipeline execution, until we can build multi-tenancy extensions into OpenBao.

Digression on OpenBao visibility

Technically there are two approaches to make OpenBao visible:

  1. Directly, making the API address listen globally to the public internet.
  2. Via GitLab Rails proxying requests on behalf of callers.

In particular, with the latter, while we have the option of replacing the backend secret store with a different provider in the future, we incur additional effort for every dynamic secret provider we support: we can either implement a thin proxy over the OpenBao API (making switching harder as we’re still tightly coupling to OpenBao), or we can implement a bespoke translation layer per call.

Outside of a few proprietary vendors offering dynamic secrets, we’d thus likely have to rewrite the functionality from scratch anyways if we were to switch. Thus, we could stick to a vaguely OpenBao/Vault-compatible API design (for clients) but modify it as necessary.

With this trade-off, and given there’s interest in expanding past static K/V secrets (into dynamic secrets – whether for databases, cloud providers, or even GitLab tokens), we suggest using the former approach, exposing OpenBao publicly. This enables non-Pipeline workloads in the future (that simply read secrets, leaving policy creation to GitLab Rails) and lets us use more advanced features such as Transit for other solutions inside GitLab Rails.

Within OpenBao, we’ll use two authentication engines:

  1. JWT, to authenticate Rails to OpenBao and created pipeline jobs to OpenBao. All of these JWTs will will be issued by GitLab Rails, using GitLab OIDC ID Tokens supported by the existing HashiCorp Vault Runner integration. Claims on tokens for administrative use by Rails will have different values than those issued for GitLab’s OIDC ID tokens.

authenticated secrets management

issues JWT

authenticated secrets fetch

GitLab Rails



Importantly, while GitLab Rails authorizes the pipeline’s execution of a particular job, the pipeline’s token must be adequately scoped to a particular execution context. A pipeline’s execution context is defined as follows:


optionally contains




optionally contains








Group Namespaces


Org Groups

Org Namespaces





Both groups and organization groups can contain many nested subgroups (“namespaces”). The existing OIDC ID token contains sufficient context information for these purposes.

From the context of an execution of a pipeline, a secret may come from many sources:

of a

contains multiple

in the context of

contains multiple

in the context of

in the context of

in the context of

in the context of

in the context of

in the context of




Org Groups






Here, an execution of a pipeline can, in the restriction of a set of branch or environment match patterns (e.g., main, *, or release/*), can get secrets from:

  1. A project,
  2. The (user) owner of a project or equivalently,
  3. The hierarchical groups up to and including the organization owner of a project, or a parent group (prior to the introduction of organizations).

That is, if a secret is to be used by multiple projects, it should be provisioned up a level and the branch and/or environment restricted appropriately, ensuring that the relevant environment does not conflict across projects it should not be visible in.

Similarly, in the context of user access and management of secrets, the following hierarchy applies:

given direct access to

belongs to

belongs to

belongs to









Project Team

Group Team

Organization Team

Direct Access

Secrets Management role

A team at any level (project, group, or organization) can be given permission to manage all secrets at or below its level (“Secrets Management capability” above). However, on an individual secret, a user or team can also be given direct access even if they don’t otherwise have secrets management capabilities.

Initially, users will manage secrets through GitLab Rails and its broader privileged JWT tokens, but the intent longer-term is to use per-user JWTs. The current design necessitates that GitLab Rails sees the value of the secret, proxying it on behalf of the Browser UI to OpenBao. By using a per-user JWT issued to the browser session in LocalStorage, the UI can directly contact the public OpenBao instance and GitLab Rails will not have access to the secret during provisioning and thus, risk inadvertently logging it. However, the privileged JWT token will still be used to safely limit changes to the ACL policies.

Secret and authentication hierarchy

Design of OpenBao’s mount path will greatly affect available security parameters. When encoding user values ({value}), we’ll use URL-safe Base64: this lets us have a unique, canonical transformation of potentially non-path-safe components into individual path segments. For components with dynamic names (like user, organization, and group names), which aren’t glob-aware and which are subject to renaming, we’ll use their internal integer database identifiers to prevent having to rename the underlying mounts.

Tenant definition

We assume every project has a parent component: this is either a user, a group, or an organization. In the event of legacy groups with org_id=1 we will use the owning group instead.


We propose the following structure for mounts for user-owned projects:

  • /user_{userid}/secrets
  • /user_{userid}/proj_{projectid}/secrets

And for organization-owned projects:

  • /org_{orgid}/secrets
  • /org_{orgid}/namespace_{nsid}/secrets
  • /org_{orgid}/proj_{projectid}/secrets

For groups which use the existing group-based system, the top-level entity would be the parent group:

  • /group_{groupid}/secrets
  • /group_{groupid}/namespace_{nsid}/secrets
  • /group_{groupid}/proj_{projectid}/secrets

Here, the first group_{groupid} would be the top-most group-id, but would not be repeated for the nested sub-group secrets.

namespace_{nsid} indicates a nested entity (whether a group, subgroup, or user namespace within a top-level organization or group). With the eventual introduction of top-level organizations, if groups belong to orgid=1 meta-org, we’ll use group-based tenant separation for these.

Within each secrets folder, we’ll initially mount a K/V secrets engine at /kv; eventually other types of secrets engines can also be mounted to provide dynamic secrets, with some consideration as to naming engines.

Within each K/V secrets engine, we’ll use the following nesting structure to restrict access to secrets (with a given <name> in pipelines:

  • .../secrets/kv/data/explicit/<name>

Similarly, when using dynamic secrets engines with roles, we’ll suggest using the following structure of mounts and allow configuring secret names inside of these mounts as appropriate to the specified dynamic secret engine:

  • .../secrets/<mount-name>/.../explicit-<role-name>

Succinctly, the requirement that any given path a secret could live at is prefix-free: we use explicit to indicate that provisioning auth engines must explicitly grant secret-level access to specific fields. If later types of secret protection schemes are used (such as placing environment or branch protections in the URL to allow broad access to any secret for that branch or environment), we suggest using env- and branch- as prefixes.


Authentication uses five sets of mounts:

  • /auth/user_{userid}/pipeline_jwt
  • /auth/group_{groupid}/pipeline_jwt
  • /auth/org_{orgid}/pipeline_jwt
  • /auth/user_jwt
  • /auth/gitlab_jwt

In particular, because pipelines may need access to nested secrets, but won’t need access to anything outside the tenant’s scope, we will provision ACL policies and authentication at the top-most tenant namespace (user_, group_ or org_). With namespaces, this will help with restricting the pipeline from escaping its sandbox and accessing other tenant’s secrets; however, we rely on careful ACLs to protect access to other projects and secrets within the tenant namespace.

Later, user authentication can be added to each tenant (/auth/org_{orgid}/jwt_user or /auth/group_{groupid}/jwt_user) and the user can request scoped JWTs (and subsequent OpenBao tokens) so that they aren’t requesting tokens with broad access beyond the scope they are modifying the secrets of.

Aside: presently the order is auth and then tenant segment, but when adding proper namespace support, auth mounts could be inside of a tenant and thus the order will be swapped to e.g., /user_{userid}/auth/pipeline_jwt.

GitLab Privileged JWT

Initially using the same JWT issuer, though potentially migrating to a purpose-built issuer, GitLab will issue itself JWTs to authenticate against the privileged /auth/gitlab_jwt path. The subject of this token and other fields will be uniquely different than the OIDC ID tokens issued to pipelines, preventing them from successfully authenticating against this endpoint.

Long-term, we’ll attempt to tie inbound GitLab Rails requests to outbound, user-initiated management actions via custom claims on these JWTs, allowing auditing and attribution from source request through to OpenBao.

Using JWTs instead of AppRole removes the need for additional, external secrets management in the operational side of GitLab Rails: it already has access to the provisioned JWT issuer and thus can self-issue JWTs to auth against OpenBao as it remains in a privileged place in the design.

ACL design

We propose a group-based approach to ACL policies: each scope (for a pipeline) and role (for users, when not using explicit grants) will grant access to specific subsets of secrets. These policies are maintained and stored in OpenBao, but GitLab Rails is tasked with managing and provisioning them.

Notably, no Rails-initiated operations are expected to span multiple tenant contexts. This allows us to add per-namespace ACLs in the future and create smaller path->policy indices in the future. Furthermore, we can use nested paths to segment different policies and build per-segment indices, reducing the list operation overhead as well.

For each policy, we’ll present create a group alias to allow a groups_claim on the Rails-issued JWT to select applicable ACL policies based. A future enhancement will allow us to get rid of all but glob-based group matches.

Hierarchy of policies

Policies will be prefixed by their tenant information (e.g., user_{id}/) until they are migrated to proper namespaces.

For each project, we’ll provision ACL policies prefixed with project_{id}/: this path separator component is an allowed character in policy names and allows us to use a future extension to list just policies we are interested in and will let us reduce the size (and increase the relevance) of indices.

Additionally in the future, hierarchical secrets can be supported by also supporting group_{id} and other constructs as top-level categories. With multi-tenant support, we’ll have fewer top-level items (as they’ll be explicitly bounded by the tenant), making iterating over all such items easier. However, we’ll usually have fairly few items.

Note that these do not necessary reflect the secret’s path and only notate where ACL policies exist. Because tenant information will eventually be conveyed within a namespace (and the policies moved appropriately), we’ll eventually end up with a secret-like ACL policy hierarchy.

Each top-level segment essentially represents all access to a particular secrets management section of the UI: project_{id}/, group_{id}/ &c.

Pipeline ACL

To restrict a pipeline’s JWT token to only allowed paths, we’ll use GitLab Rail to provision a just-in-time ACL policy for the pipeline and a JWT role tightly scoping to the expected claims from the existing CI/CD OIDC ID token integration.

OpenBao’s ACLs are directly stored on disk, with a moderate cache for recently-used policies. Policies are loaded and evaluated at request validation time, meaning that if a pipeline ACL name is modified and reused, the latest version (at the time of the request) will win.

Likewise, the JWT auth method’s login will require a role parameter to select the correct role for authentication.

For naming roles, we suggest the format:

  • project_{projid}

Within the project_{id}/ top-level path segment, we’ll provision an additional path segment, pipelines/, to separate pipeline-related policies for a project from other types of access.

We create the following types of pipeline policies with Rails:

  • global: secrets any pipeline can access
  • env/{context}: environment restriction policies
  • branch/{context}: branch restriction policies
  • combined/env/{context}/branch/{context}: combined environment and branch restrictions (AND)

A full path of an ACL would thus look like the following examples:

  • project_12345/pipelines/global,
  • project_12345/pipelines/env/prod-*,
  • project_12345/pipelines/branch/release/*, or
  • project_12345/pipelines/combined/env/prod-*/branch/release/*.

Notably, the direct encoding of restriction to path allows for us to create groups with the same encoding, reducing the need for GitLab Rails to query the set of restrictions before issuing the JWT. Use of combined as a prefix ensures we cannot have confusion attacks with poorly named environments and branches.

In the future, explicit grants could also occur: stages could have a path segment and policies (stages/{name}/global) and each job in a stage could also have direct secret access (stages/{name}/job/{name}/global). Or, we could even support ANDing between stage, name, and the above restrictions (environment/branch) to support rather granular execution contexts for these jobs.

When issuing a JWT, presently GitLab Rails will need to query relevant ACLs within a path and issue a groups_claim field with all the relevant glob values from the ACL list. However, with the mentioned glob enhancements, GitLab Rails should be able to directly compute these without requiring a lookup from OpenBao as this information already appears on the id_token.

The one exception is that the future enhancement for direct explicit grant (by stage/job name) does not yet exist on the id token and thus cannot be used for ACLing. However, this can easily be added as the information exists on the Ci::Build object (stage and name fields).


Each ACL policy will be an explicit grant of capabilities over a path. We will set these with GitLab Rails and will not use globbing (+ or *) to grant access to multiple secrets; only access to specific secrets will be allowed.

For example, if any pipeline running with an env/prod-<DATE> context is to have access to the production database credentials, we will create a policy named user_12345/project_54321/pipelines/env/prod-* with the contents:

path "user_12345/project_54321/secrets/kv/data/explicit/PROD_DB_PASS" { capabilities = [ "read" ] }

Notably, because a pipeline will have multiple contexts which might provision different ACL policies, we’ll eventually want to implement something similar to policy unions.

User ACL

While the user wouldn’t initially contact OpenBao directly (and instead have secrets management operations proxied through GitLab Rails), we want to switch GitLab Rails to using scoped user-level JWTs and then ultimately to the client having direct access to OpenBao (without necessarily contacting GitLab Rails), so that no user-confusion attacks are viable and so that GitLab Rails does not see the secrets during provisioning, preventing them from accidentally being logged in the future.

Notably, a user token would be rather privileged: it would have complete access to all secrets within the users’ purview and thus should be suitably short-lived to avoid potential side-channel attacks. Further hardening (like auto-binding to CIDRs) would help avoid these issues. To solve this, we’d need to scope access along team lines (e.g., any teams with access to manage a certain category of secrets would have a separate ACL policy) along with any location-specific secrets granted in a given view and expand OpenBao to allow templating of profiles (so that the JWT could contain a concrete list of profiles to grant this user). This would be rather involved but would help scope user JWTs more specifically.

The upgrade path (from privileged JWT token to incrementally using tightly scoped policies) would simply be changing the Rails code to generate a user JWT and updating the Ruby client’s request to authenticate and use the subsequent token for a particular request instead of the privileged JWT token.

Note that users lack read permissions on the actual secret; they can only set the value. When rolling out dynamic secrets, users would be granted full permissions on the role, but no permissions on the dynamic secret endpoint (e.g., for PKI, they could have full permissions on pki/roles/:name, but none on pki/issue/:name).


Similar to pipelines, we’ll create policies under the relevant top-level path, with a roles/ or direct/ subcomponent. Here, roles/ will have various default or custom roles which get access to secrets at various levels. For instance, roles/maintainers and roles/owners: this allows each project to control what scope of access these roles get, if the defaults are not ideal.

Further, with direct/user_{id} roles, users will be given explicit grants to certain secrets, beyond what they might normally see given their role.


For both roles and direct access, there are two types of grants:

  1. Broad grants to the entire category of secrets.
  2. Specific grants to individual secrets.

For the former, the policies might look like:

path "org_{orgid}/project_{projectid}/secrets/kv/data/explicit/+" { capabilities = [ "sudo", "create", "update", "patch", "delete", "list" ] }

for read-write access and

path "org_{orgid}/project_{projectid}/secrets/kv/data/explicit/+" { capabilities = [ "list" ] }

for view-only access.

For the latter (specific grants), the policies might look like the above, just with explicit names in them (e.g., DB_PASS_PROD).

When accessing a secrets management page, GitLab Rails will issue a JWT to the user which will contain the relevant groups_claims to groups with specific policies within the project. Notably, this will not delay load: this token will only be used by the user to set specific secrets, though a similar JWT and secret could be used on the GitLab Rails’ backend to render the initial page. The assumption here being the Rails->OpenBao interconnect is faster than User->OpenBao and potentially Rails could have caching of user or secret lists.

Modifying ACL policies

Notably, ACL policies are written in HCL: this presents a problem since Ruby lacks good HCL support. However, HCL is JSON-compatible.

This means that, for any given ACL policy above, we can construct its equivalent in JSON, giving GitLab Rails native capabilities to edit it without pulling in another dependency or building our own parser.

For example, the policy in HCL:

path "org_{orgid}/project_{projectid}/secrets/kv/data/explicit/+" { capabilities = [ "list" ] }

would be equivalent to the following JSON:

{ "path": { "org_{orgid}/project_{projectid}/secrets/kv/data/explicit/+": { "capabilities": [ "list" ] } } }

This becomes much easier for GitLab Rails to query and update.

Static vs Dynamic Secrets

GitLab Secrets Manager will initially only support static secrets, stored in a KVv2 engine. Some improvements to OpenBao can be added to static secrets, such as:

  1. Using leases, to support one-time use secrets. These could be written by another workflow and removed on use.
  2. Supporting automatic deletion of secrets: a given expiration date could be strictly enforced, preventing use of the secret and requiring rotation of even long-lived manual secrets.

However, ultimately automatic rotation is an important consideration. By using fully dynamic secrets, the problem of rotation is avoided: secrets are scoped to a particular access and are automatically revoked (trough lease expiration or revocation) once the pipeline or access finishes. This prevents reliance on static values and ensures compromise of values require time-limited use and prevent persistence. We can build several improvement to OpenBao to help the adoption of dynamic secrets:

  1. Add a plugin registry to allow custom, external plugins or allow containerized execution of plugins.
  2. Create additional backend-pluggable plugin types beyond database: this could allow various access-token providers to be more easily created by exposing common APIs in a standardized format.

We ultimately wish to push more users towards dynamic secrets. These are more secure and don’t have long-term data retention and security concerns.

Sources of Truth

GitLab Rails is the source of truth for:

  • JWT issuance via OIDC
    • Pipeline issuance
    • User-level issuance (eventually)

OpenBao is the source of truth for:

  • Definitions of secrets
    • Canonical locations inferable from the pipeline definition and contextual information like project, namespace, &c.
    • Ownership information (direct access, role access, &c)
    • Scope of pipeline access (environments, branches, &c)
    • Any textual description of the secret available to operators
  • Values of secrets
  • ACL policies; these will be pushed from GitLab Rails based on ownership information (just before usage in the case of pipelines).
  • Configuration of dynamic secrets, including K/V extensions for one-time use secrets, and automatic deletion.

GitLab Rails

GitLab Rails would be the main interface that users would interact with when managing secrets using the Secrets Manager feature. We would not provision direct user access to the underlying OpenBao instance and thus OpenBao’s lack of a UI would not impact us: we wish to provide a more native, integrated UI than redirection through OpenBao’s UI would provide.

This component is a facade to OpenBao server, initiating several requests and workflows to OpenBao:

CUD secret (no Read)

manage mounts

manage auth roles

manage ACLs

issue user JWT

CUD secret (no Read)

issue pipeline JWT

JWT auth

fetch secrets


GitLab Rails




Initially all operations will through GitLab Rails including CUD operations on secrets, but not requests for secrets from pipelines (hence, excluding the R in CRUD – though this action is of course initiated by a pipeline job started from, and with a JWT issued by, GitLab Rails). Eventually the privileged token for CUD operation will be replaced with a user JWT and subsequently directly by the user (through a JavaScript OpenBao client running in the context of the GitLab UI).

Within the GitLab Rails monolith, two components will need access to the secrets manager: Puma, where the majority of the GitLab backend code executes; and Sidekiq, a background job processor to allow long-lived background operations (such as initial provisioning of OpenBao and secret engine mounts).

Management of secrets

Because OpenBao remains the source of truth for many decisions, GitLab can retain only a minimum table indicating the enablement status of secrets on projects.

In SQL, this could look like:

CREATE TABLE secrets ( id bigint NOT NULL, // Scope information; only one is set. Currently only project-level // secrets are allowed. // user_id bigint, // organization_id bigint, // group_id bigint, project_id bigint, // enablement status: provisioning, active, or disabled. status state_machine, );

Here, group_id references the closet-most subgroup that owns the secret instance. Parent subgroups and the namespace can then be queried.

Management of authentication

GitLab Rails needs to issue two types of JWTs:

  1. JWTs within the scope of a project for a particular pipeline execution.
  2. JWTs for user authentication.

GitLab already supports issuance of both JWT types through its OIDC for CI/CD and as an Identity Provider (IDP). Within each auth method, we’ll need to ensure that we create the necessary roles to ensure OIDC tokens get exchanged for OpenBao tokens with appropriate JWT-specific policies attached. As discussed in ADR-008: Redesigning secrets manager without a Rails database table, this will require simple extensions to OpenBao to do.

Necessary cleanup hooks

The following places need to be hooked to update secrets (both internally to the database and in OpenBao):

  • Deletion of project
  • Deletion of group
  • Deletion of organization
  • Deletion of user
  • Cancellation of a pipeline
  • Disabling of secrets on a project
  • Non-renewal of secrets management subscription

Because IDs are used in place of names, few mount move operations will be incurred except when enabling multi-tenant namespaces for the first time.

OpenBao server

OpenBao server will be a new component in the GitLab overall architecture. This component provides all the secrets management capabilities including storing the secrets themselves. An overview of its internals and threat model are available on its project website.

In summary, storage is encrypted with a root key, which in turn encrypts a barrier keyring, which in turn encrypts storage. Access to the root key is protected through either a Shamir’s derived AES key (which requires a quorum present to unseal) or an automatic unseal mechanism (such as GCP KMS).

Storage backend

OpenBao on Runway will initially be deployed with the Postgres engine. This is a sane default for self-hosted as well, as GitLab Rails already requires a database and can create tables in it. However, support for the more widely deployed Raft backend can also be added in the future fairly easily.

Seal mechanisms

For GitLab.Com deployments, OpenBao will use the GCP KMS auto-unseal mechanism. For self-hosted environments, if an existing supported KMS mechanism is not provided, we can use the Shamir seal for MVC. Later improvements might include tying into the existing secrets file as an auto-unseal mechanism for OpenBao, supporting PKCS#11 seals, and multi-unseal capabilities (discussed below).

Audit logging

OpenBao supports audit logging through file, syslog, or socket mechanisms. Because OpenBao will not necessarily be co-located with GitLab Rails or our audit logging (into Postgres), it is suggested to either use the syslog backend or use a custom audit logging backend.

Note that, in the event audit logging goes down, OpenBao will not be able to handle any requests until this is fixed.

High availability

GitLab Rails includes Geo support for self-hosted clustering, allowing multiple sites to exist, each with its own set of nodes. Each site has its own PostgreSQL replica. One site is designated primary and nodes in the site are allowed to perform write operations to the Postgres database. All PostgreSQL data is available on all sites. While Gitaly has selective syncing of repository data, projects are globally accessible from all sites and nodes. While currently only secondary nodes talk to the primary site, this should be a bidirectional channel.

OpenBao natively includes High Availability support; this is either provided by Raft or the PostgreSQL storage backends. The latter uses a lock table to implement leadership election. Only one node is marked active at a time, with secondary nodes not performing any operations except forwarding requests to the primary.

Notably, the semantics of Geo and OpenBao roughly align. We propose that Geo will need no additional enhancements to support GitLab Secrets Manager and that replication will be handled by the latter when using Raft.

On all front-end service nodes, we’ll start the self-hosted OpenBao server instance. One node will be designated primary by OpenBao HA election: initially this will be a random node, but in the future we could let Geo inform OpenBao which site is designated primary and the leader election process could be changed. This node will use OpenBao’s native HA capabilities: standby nodes will proxy all operations (initially, later serving read requests) to the active OpenBao instance.

With the Raft storage backend, each front-end node will have local storage it can use for placing Raft’s underlying bbolt K/V store. In the event of an even number of nodes in the primary site, we will proactively designate one node to be a non-voter node. From Geo’s information, we’ll populate all node’s retry_join configurations with reference to the other nodes for discoverability. In the future, we can also designate non-primary sites to be non-voter nodes as well. The number of sites or latency of replication will thus not impact the latency of writes in the general case.

With the PostgreSQL storage backend, we can rely on Geo’s existing replication of the PostgreSQL backend and no additional changes will be necessary.

When runners contact the OpenBao instance, if their request does not hit the active node, OpenBao will route the request through its GRPC request forwarding mechanism.

In the event of a failover, Geo will be able to bring up the new site designated as primary and data will already have been replicated, either through PostgreSQL’s replication or through Raft’s synchronization process. In the future and in the case of the latter, Rails, via Geo’s indication, will update the node’s Raft configuration to no longer be non-voter and restart the node so a new leader is elected. In the event of later improvements to Postgres backend to indicate desired leadership status, a similar change could be applied there as well when a site’s status changes. This will also help to align the definitions of primary sites between Geo and OpenBao.

The net result is that Geo is not responsible for data replication for OpenBao, but is still used as a source of leadership data so that a consistent customer experience is achieved.

Cells and multi-replication zones

Initially we will support one logical OpenBao cluster per instance. In the future with cells, we’d expect each tenant to cluster affinity:

Required enhancements

OpenBao will require enhancements to improve security prior to GA of this feature. These are discussed more below.

Multi-unseal capabilities

In the event an unseal method has faulted and is unrecoverable, OpenBao today will be unable to decrypt its secrets and thus fail to start. In the event of infrastructure outages, this makes recovery hard. Upstream Vault Enterprise has introduced Seal HA capabilities, whose design was influenced by the additional requirements of Seal Wrapping. OpenBao does not have Seal Wrapping and thus can rely on a design similar to an earlier, retracted PR.

We can allow several parallel unseal mechanisms, each of which encrypts the same root key. This would allow a mix of auto-unseal and Shamir’s, allowing a hybrid recovery procedure in the event the auto-unseal mechanism were unavailable or the key was lost. Notably, reuse of the root key isn’t bad: any loss of unseal key material (that compromises root key integrity) with separate root keys would still allow recovery of the barrier encryption key. Rotation of the root key would require all unseal mechanisms to either be online or removed prior to use. However, we wouldn’t have to contend with secrets encrypted using a combination of mechanisms, as they only encrypted entry is the root key.

Multi-tenancy through namespaces

In the current design document, separate tenants’ secrets would be encrypted using the same barrier encryption keys. This means compromise of a single tenant would result in compromise of all tenants.

OpenBao lacks namespaces from Vault Enterprise. These allow for logical separation of tenants, as discussed upstream. In particular, we can grant limited, scoped sys/ capabilities to admins within a namespaces:

The intention of this change would be to safely allow customers to directly interact with their OpenBao instances, bringing non-Pipeline workloads to use the same secrets store.

Further, we can add layered seal encryption to namespaces, creating a separate root key and barrier keyring encrypted by both the parent namespace’s barrier key but also a separate unseal mechanism. This would likely expose the following scoped sys/ routes within a namespace:

In the event a customer wanted to revoke access to secrets from GitLab, they could seal their namespace and prevent GitLab from accessing the unseal mechanism of choice.

Lastly, we can strengthen the memory isolation of customers by only allowing plugin multiplexing within a namespace. When coupled with external runners for plugins, such as a container or cgroups, we could further isolate tenants data in memory.

Chosen leader and Raft updates

When working in a Geo cluster, we’d ideally like the OpenBao primary node to align with the Geo cluster’s definition of the primary site. We’ll want update OpenBao to give a suggested leader or add non-leader/voter status to nodes on secondary sites.

Packaging and deployment

OpenBao maintains an upstream Helm chart that can be used for deploying OpenBao in a Kubernetes environment. This can be referenced and configured from the GitLab Helm chart as required.

For self-hosted, OpenBao server will also be executed by GitLab Rails.

Use case studies

Further investigations required

  1. Authentication of clients other than GitLab Runner. GitLab Runner authenticates using JWT, for other types of clients, we need a secure and reliable method to authenticate requests to decrypt a secret.
  2. Infrastructure setup, including how OpenBao will be installed for self-managed instances.
  3. How to best implement sharing of secrets between multiple groups in GitLab.
  4. Establish our protocol and processes for incidents that may require sealing the secrets vault.
  5. How to support protected and environment specific rules for secrets.
  6. How to audit secret changes. Do we want to use audit socket?
  7. Should the secrets be revoked if a project or subgroup is moved under a different top-level group/organization?

Alternative solutions

Other solutions we have explored:

  • Separating secrets from CI/CD variables as a separate model with limited access, to avoid unintended exposure of the secret.
  • Secure Files
  • Implementing secrets management from scratch (see Superseded).


The following links provide additional information that may be relevant to secret management concepts.



Role Who
Author Erick Bajao, Senior Engineer
Co-Author Alex Scheel, Staff Engineer
Recommender Fabio Pitino, Principal Engineer
Product Leadership Jocelyn Eillis , Product Manager
Engineering Leadership Scott Hampton, Engineering Manager
Lead Engineer Erick Bajao, Senior Backend Engineer
Senior Engineer Maxime Orefice, Senior Backend Engineer
Engineer Shabini Rajadas, Backend Engineer

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 001: Use envelope encryption


To store secrets securely in the GitLab Secrets Manager, we need a system that can prevent unencrypted secrets from being leaked in the event of a security breach to a GitLab system.


Use envelope encryption. GitLab Rails will store the encrypted secret at rest, along with an encrypted data key. In order to decrypt the secret, GitLab Rails will need to make a decryption request to the GCP key manager through GitLab Secrets Service and obtain the decrypted data key. The data key is then used to decrypt the encrypted secret.

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 002: Use GCP Key Management Service


Following from ADR 001: Use envelope encryption, we need to find a solution to securely store asymmetric keys belonging to each vault.


We decided to rely on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Key Management Service (KMS) to manage the asymmetric keys used by the GitLab Secrets Manager vaults.

Using GCP provides a few advantages:

  1. Avoid implementing our own secure storage of cryptographic keys.
  2. Support for Hardware Security Modules (HSM).
GCP Key Management ServiceGitLab Secrets ServiceGitLab RailsClientGCP Key Management ServiceGitLab Secrets ServiceGitLab RailsClientInitialize vault for project/group/organizationIncurs cost per keyCreating a new secretRetrieving a secretIncurs cost per decryption requestInitialize vault - create key pairCreate new asymmetric keyReturns public keyReturns vault public keyStores vault public keyCreate new secretGenerate new symmetric data keyEncrypts secret with data keyEncrypts data key with vault public keyStores envelope (encrypted secret + encrypted data key)Discards plain-text data keySuccessGet secretRetrieves envelope (encrypted secret + encrypted data key)Decrypt data keyDecrypt data keyReturns plain-text data keyReturns plain-text data keyDecrypts secretDiscards plain-text data keyReturns secret

For security purpose, we decided to use Hardware Security Module (HSM) to protect the keys in GCP KMS.

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 003: Implement Secrets Manager in Go

Following ADR-002 highlighting the need to integrate with GCP services, we do need to decide what tech stack is going to be used to build GitLab Secrets Manager Service (GSMS).


At GitLab, we usually build satellite services around GitLab Rails in Go. This is especially a good choice of technology for services that may heavily leverage concurrency and caching, where cache could be invalidated / refreshed asynchronously.

Go-based GCP KMS client library also seems to expose a reliable interface to access KMS.

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 004: Stateless Key Management Service

In ADR-002 we decided that we want to use Google’s Cloud Key Management Service to store private encryption keys. This will allow us to meet various compliance requirements easier.

In this ADR we are going to describe the desired architecture of GitLab Secrets Management Service, making it a stateless service, that is not connected to a persistent datastore, other than an ephemeral local storage.



Make GitLab Secrets Management Service a stateless application, not being connected to a global data storage, like a relational or NoSQL database.

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 005: Non-hierarchical key structure for secrets in OpenBao


In GitLab, we have a hierarchical structure for projects and their parent namespaces wherein names can be identical in certain parts of the paths. We want to ensure that there are no conflicts with secrets paths across the hierarchy and across all customers when we store them in OpenBao.


While secrets are defined in a hierarchical fashion in the GitLab UI, the secret key paths are structured in a flat manner.

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 006: Use AppRole authentication method between Rails and OpenBao


Given GitLab Rails acts as a facade over OpenBao, it directly communicates with the OpenBao API on behalf of users. This means the GitLab Rails component will be granted access to read and write secrets and related configuration data for all projects and organizations to and from OpenBao. We must ensure that every request made by Rails to OpenBao is securely authenticated while staying performant.

Authentication options

We evaluated 2 OpenBao authentication methods for GitLab Rails:

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 007: Use OpenBao as the secrets management service


To store and maintain secrets securely in the GitLab Secrets Manager, we want to rely on a robust system that can provide the necessary features that we need.


Use OpenBao, a fork of HashiCorp Vault, as the secrets management service. This component will provide all the mechanism to securely store and manage secrets. In terms of user-initiated modifications of secrets, GitLab Rails will act as an abstraction layer and will delegate all tasks to this component.

GitLab Secrets Manager ADR 008: Redesigning secrets manager without a Rails database table

One major issue with the database design for Tanukey is that it requires data synchronization across two distinct services, preventing the use of a common transaction. Using an external storage operation with OpenBao is impossible, so our next best design option is to use OpenBao as the single source of truth and identify what enhancements need to be made.

Our design goals are as such:

  1. Strictly rely on OpenBao as much as possible and avoid database synchronization issues;
  2. Minimize net-new enhancements to OpenBao;
  3. Be cognizant of OpenBao’s performance characteristics.


In various discussions, we’ve been realizing that the current design has lead to a potential for split-brain problems: creating or deleting a secret requires both a write to OpenBao and a write to a PostgreSQL table (through Rails/Puma). If either fails, a reconcile step would be necessary. Some possible designs included using a background job to retry provisioning the secret or the database table entry (which would potentially mean spreading that secret beyond OpenBao into the runner’s queue), or using a later reconciliation background job (which could be expensive as you’d have to list all secrets in OpenBao to identify which ones lacked database entries).

Use case study: using secrets in a CI job


  • To map out how users can use their native GitLab secrets in their CI jobs.
  • Given OpenBao is a fork of HashiCorp Vault, we want to confirm its compatibility with our Vault integration in Runner.
  • At a high level, gain a better understanding of how to structure OpenBao policies and JWT roles to be compatible with a project’s varied permissions per GitLab user role.


The workflow requires that the templated policies for each combination of capabilities (e.g. read+update, read+update+create) are predefined. For example, consider the following templated policy that allows full access to a project’s secrets:

Last modified January 30, 2025: Use global JWT instead of AppRole (97b045c4)