Development OKRs
The source of truth for GitLab OKRs and KRs for Development is the GitLab OKRs tool. Development objectives and KRs are captured on this page.
- OKR Continue to win against GitHub with AI => 66%
- KR: GA Code Suggestions => 50% - Needs Attention
- KR: Beta GitLab Duo => 40% - Needs Attention
- KR: Increase accepted code suggestions rate to 20% => 50% - At Risk
- KR: Ship Iteration 2 of Self-Managed AI (GitLab Plus) => 100% - On Track
- KR: Create: Continue to win against GitHub with AI => 64% - On Track
- KR: Ops: AI Goals =>100% - Needs Attention
- OKR Reducing Churn and Contraction => 61%
- KR: Ship temporary licenses capability for self-managed customers => 80% - On Track
- KR: Reach a 50% minimum per group of pajamas compliance for drop downs => 63% - On Track
- KR: Verify CI Catalog goal - Beta or GA release => 40% - At Risk
- OKR Make GitLab easier to do business with => 60%
- KR: In collaboration with PS migrate 3 new large customers to Dedicated => 60% - On Track
- KR: Deliver a consolidated SSOT Monorepo guidance => 80% - On Track
- KR: Project Hamilton Delivery => 70% - On Track
- OKR Continue to build a diverse team of top talent that we retain and grow => 52%
- KR: Meet new hiring goals => 80% - Needs Attention
- KR: TBD placeholder for actions to employee engagement survey feedback => 35% - On Track
- KR: Create Stage OKRs => 40% - On Track
- OKR Engineering efficiency and foundations => 59%
- KR: Ship Gitaly enhancements for scalability and disaster recovery => 35% - At Risk
- KR: PoC on Auth/Auth service => 100% - On Track
- KR: Ship Cells planned work => 50% - At Risk
- KR: Ops Engineering Efficiency => 51% - On Track
- OKR Joint Product Goals each groups major deliverables for Q3 => 45%
- KR: FY24Q3 Fulfillment Product Deliverables => 46% - On Track
- KR: FY24Q3 - Enablement O6: Joint Product Goals => 62% - Needs Attention
- KR: (3.0) Create: Joint Product Goals each groups major deliverables => 47% - On Track
- KR: Sec/Growth/Data Science: Major roadmap deliverables => 37% - On Track
- KR: Ops: Product Aligned Goals => 47% - On Track
- KR: Dev + Analytics - Deliver on high priority product roadmap items => 31% - Needs Attention
- OKR Continue to win against GitHub with AI in all we do => 66%
- KR: Create: Compete with GitHub => 65%
- KR: Experimental launch of Workspaces feature used by 10 team members to develop GitLab features. => 70%
- KR: Ops: Compete with GitHub => 70%
- KR: Assess and propose organizational structure for AI moving forward (end of quarter) => 40%
- KR: Development: AI in everything we do => 87%
- KR: Development: 32 Experimental, 12 Beta and 8 GA AI assisted features =>66%
- OKR Reducing Churn and Contraction => 74%
- OKR Make GitLab easier to do business with => 73%
- OKR Continue to build a diverse team of top talent that we retain and grow => 73%
- OKR Engineering efficiency and foundations => 64%
- OKR Joint Product Goals each groups major deliverables for Q2 =>77%
- KR: FY24Q2 Fulfillment Product Deliverables => 89%
- KR: FY24Q2 - Enablement O4: Joint Product Goals each groups major deliverables => 71%
- KR: (4.0) Create: Joint Product Goals each groups major deliverables for Q2 => 100%
- KR: Sec/Growth/Data Science: Deliver on high priority product roadmap items =>54%
- KR: Ops - See Compete with GitHub Objective => 69%
- KR: Dev + Analytics - Deliver on high priority product roadmap items => 82%