Pipeline Execution Group - Risk Map


The goal of this page is to create, share and iterate on the Risk Map for the Pipeline Execution group.


Utilise the Risk Map as a tool to:

  • Understand the risks the team faces
  • Increase transparency on mitigation plans
  • Effectively allocate limited resources
  • Collaborate strategically in improving Quality

General Risk Map

Map key

  • Impact - what happens if the risk is not mitigated or eliminated
  • Impact level - Rate 1 (LOW) to 5 (HIGH)
  • Probability - Rate 1 (LOW) to 5 (HIGH)
  • Priority - Impact x Probability. Address highest score first.
  • Mitigation - what could be done to lower the impact or probability
Risk Area Risk Description Impact Impact level (1 LOW to 5 HIGH) Probability (1 LOW to 5 HIGH) Priority Mitigation
Team/Capacity We have 6 BE engineers and 2 FE engineers on Pipeline Execution and have a large (and growing) backlog Burn out, missed SLO/SLA, lowers team productivity 5 3 15 Make BE headcount more available
Team/Capacity Unpredictable throughput Low Say/Do, Missed SLO/SLA
Team/Capacity We no longer have a stable counterpart for UX Risk to usability and increase SUS bugs. Potential burn out for EM/PM who take over the responsibilities. 5 3 12 Consider scaling other counterparts if the size of the engineering team grows
Team/Capacity We have a shared (30%) stable counterpart for SET Escape regession bugs 4 4 16
Team/Escalations Escalations like Rapid Actions, Engineering Allocations are disrupting the ability to focus on team priorities Burn out, low level of autonomy, lowers team productivity 5 4 20 Find ways to proactively mitigate urgent issues with gitlab.com, work on GraphQL to unblock FE, find a dedicated SRE for CI
Product/Backlog Bug and Technical Debt backlog has been accruing over the years missed SLO/SLA, prioritzation is harder 5 3 15 Revisit ownership of domains to better share the gaps
Infrastructure availability Pipelines get stuck due to stuck sidekiq shard Mass failure in E2E test suites and/or customer usage impacted 4 3 12
Quality/Testability Hard to replicate production traffic to account for performance testing 4 4 16
Quality/Test coverage This is a mature product, there are many features and feature sets have yet to have test coverages (historical test gaps) Escape regession bugs 4 4 16
Product/Cost CI pipeline inefficiencies CI Minute usage that could potentially be avoided 5 5 25 Develop features to optimize pipeline runtime
Feature/Performance Unperformant database queries Adding load to gitlab.com database, slow page and feature load times 3 3 9 Recent rapid actions has helped, and there’s continual effort to address this to ensure we don’t regress
Team/Efficiency Migrating more REST to GraphQL to help unblock FE FE productivity and delivery 5 3 15
Feature/Dependencies Depends on runner response and processing time
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/326113
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/production/-/issues/3631
If runners fail to process, jobs are not executed, pipeline is stuck 5 3 15
Infrastructure availability CI/CD Data model scaling CI/CD Data model scaling 5 2 10 Actively being worked on in CI/CD Data Model Blueprint MR
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)