Static Analysis Group

Static Analysis

The Static Analysis group at GitLab is charged with developing the Static Application Security Testing (SAST) feature category for customer software repositories.

How We Work

The Static Analysis group is largely aligned with GitLab’s Product Development Flow, however there are some notable differences in how we seek to deliver software. The engineering team predominantly concerns itself with the delivery of software, which is the portion of the workflow states where we deviate the most. What follows is how we manage the handoff from product management to engineering to deliver software.

Issues worked by this team can span analyzers, vendored templates, CI/CD components, and GitLab’s Rails monolith.


The Static Analysis group works on a monthly planning cadence, much like all groups across the company. We are product-driven and work in response to the priorities identified by Product Management.

As a guideline, the team capacity is allocated to:

  • 60% Features (Product priorities)
  • 40% Maintenance and bugs (Engineering priorities)

We use planning issues to determine what our team is going to be working on during each milestone. Planning issues are the single-sourch-of-truth from which engineers do work. If an issue is not in the planning issue, it’s unlikely that we’re working on it.

Planning issues for 17.x.

This link is also available on our Slack channel bookmarks.

How we interact with planning issues

  • Engineering Manager adds to the planning issue:
    1. Feature epics and standalone issues based on Product priorities.
    2. Maintenance epics, standalone issues, and bugs based on Engineering priorities.
    3. The engineering allocation for the milestone; i.e.: DRIs for epics, feature vs maintenance allocation, and reaction rotation.
  • Engineering Manager mentions engineers requesting that they:
    1. Review their allocation.
    2. Commit to deliverables by setting the ~Deliverable label to chosen issues.
    3. Update labels, milestone and health status on selected issues.
  • Engineering Manager mentions Product manager for review.

Static Analysis Shared Calendar

The Static Analysis Shared Calendar is used to make sure PTO events are visible to everyone on the team.

Below are the steps to add the calendar to Time Off by Deel:

  • In Slack, jump to Time Off by Deel > Home, click on the dropdown Your Events, and select Calendar Sync.
  • Under Additional calendars to include?, click on Add calendar.
  • Add the following calendar ID:
  • Great job! 🎉 Your PTO events will be synced to Static Anaylsis Shared Calendar from now on. 🚀


For, we monitor performance of our code within the Rails application, metrics around our CI build performance, and traffic to our container registries. These dashboards are accessible on the Monitoring page.

Observability is a critical component to any high-availability system and it is recommended for each team member to review each dashboard and ensure they are familiar with their usability and trends.


The process for monitoring, responding to, and mitigating incidents is documented within our Static Analysis Runbooks page.

Software delivery in Static Analysis

While we follow GitLab’s product development flow, our processes as an engineering team most closely resemble kanban. Engineers are empowered to choose issues from the planning issue and pull them through the identified states.

State Expected Outcomes
~workflow::planning breakdown - Issues deemed complete and understood.
- Issue split into smallest testable units of value.
- We try to split issues vertically rather than horizontally. Splitting vertically means the whole system will do something noticeably different; splitting horizontally results in trying to realize the fullest possible change in an individual component.
- If the issue can - and should - be split into separate issues, engineers are empowered to create the new issues, attach them to the epic they are working, and collaborate with product management on if they are included in current scope.
~workflow::refinement - Implementation plan
- Relative size applied as weight.
~workflow::ready for development Issue deemed to be ~Deliverable, stretch, or possibly punted to a future iteration.
~workflow::in dev Last MR is up and out of Draft or WIP status.
~workflow::in review Last MR is merged and changes are available in a production environment.
~workflow::verification Changes functionally tested in a production environment.
~workflow::complete Code is verified, the work is complete, and the issue is closed.


We assign issue weights according to our stage’s issue weight definitions.

How we commit to delivering work in a milestone

In GitLab, the ~Deliverable label is referred to as a release scoping label. Applying this label represents a commitment from the engineering team to realize the work required in the issue within the milestone to which the issue is assigned. This means we decide whether we can commit to delivering work once an issue is in the workflow::ready for development state.

The decision on when to use the ~Deliverable label is made through answering the following questions.

  • Given the issue’s weight, are we reasonably confident there is enough time left in the milestone for the engineer to deliver the issue?
    • We currently assume that an issue with weight 9 can be delivered in a single milestone.
  • Would the issue be achievable early in the next milestone if work began now?
    • If so, discuss with the Product Manager about the situation. Work can begin if the Product Manager agrees with the proposed timeline and would like to proceed.
    • Please make sure the milestone is updated before continuing with work.
  • Is this the smallest, testable unit of work which adds value and cannot be further broken down without adding overhead?

The ~Deliverable label is applied if the answer to the above questions are yes. The use of this label impacts the group’s Say/Do ratio, making the Engineering Manager the directly responsible individual for this label. However, engineers in Static Analysis are empowered to use their judgment about applying this label and proceeding if they believe the work is achievable. Please have a conversation with the Engineering Manager if uncertain about how to proceed.

Code Review Process

The process for reviewing and maintainer code is documented within our Static Analysis Group Code Review page.

Security Vulnerability Process

We are responsible to ensure that what we deliver is secure. This means that we dogfood GitLab’s Security features.

See the vulnerability management process.

When creating an issue for a vulnerability, please make sure to follow the Engineering Security instructions.

SLO by Vulnerability Severity

When triaging Unknown vulnerabilities, they should be assigned a proper severity as a means to decide the priority they should receive to be resolved. The corresponding priority is taken from issue triage.

Target Unknown Critical High Medium Low
Dismiss/Confirm Vuln 72h 72h 72h 1mo 1mo
Confirmed Vuln is Resolved N/A ~priority::1 ~priority::2 ~priority::3 ~priority::4

Workstream Designation

The following is a description of the type of work and which workstream it flows through.

Work Responsible Workstream
Triage of new vulns This should be done as a part of the MR review that introduces the vulns.
Triage of existing vulns This is done by the main maintainer of each of our analyzers as defined in our Release project’s issue template.
Resolution of Critical / High Vulns These should be a Product-driven priority.
Resolution of Medium / Low Vulns This is done by the main maintainer of each of our analyzers as defined in our Release project’s issue template.

As always, contributions are welcome from our community or the current MR coach in rotation.

False Positive Dismissal Process

The process for dismissing a vulnerability as a false positive is as follows:

  • If it doesn’t exist on the Static Analysis Group Defined False Positives page, then write documentation describing the type of false positive and why we think it is classified as such.
  • If the vulnerability relates to a specific code location (e.g. SAST), then open an MR with comments at each FP location that contain a link to the FP documentation.
  • Dismiss vulnerability in the GitLab UI with a comment that contains:
    • A link to the FP documentation.
    • A link to the FP comment MR if it was created.

Vulnerability Issue Labels

When creating issues for vulnerability consider adding the following labels besides our normal labels:

  • ~security
  • ~“type::bug”

When there is a doubt about the severity/priority while creating the issue and severity/priority labels are not added. Then Appsec Escalation Engine could be leveraged to initiate a discussion with the Appsec team. This bot monitor issues that are labeled ~security and not ~test or ~“type::feature”. If severity/priority labels are not present, then labels security-sp-label-missing and security-triage-appsec will be added and this issue will be mentioned in the #sec-appsec Slack channel. Then, the appsec stable counterpart for the group or App sec team triage person will pick up the issue and assign a severity as part of the appsec triage rotation.

We Own What We Ship

The security analyzers we develop may rely heavily upon open source software. This means we can be dramatically affected by changes in those software packages. We will check for updates to these packages once per GitLab release. New versions will be scrutinized for the following aspects:

  • Breaking changes
  • New, updated, or removed security rules
  • Behavior changes
  • Analyzer changes needed to use the new version
  • Security vulnerabilities

An issue will be created and prioritized if a breaking change is discovered. Otherwise, dependency updates will be detailed in the relevant analyzer’s changelog and a new version will be released utilizing the change. This is a lot of work, most likely requiring several hours of focused study to understand what is happening in the new version. As a result, dependency updates will be divided evenly and assigned to Senior and Intermediate Backend Engineers, with the remainder going to the group’s Staff Backend Engineer. Assignments will be managed through our Release project’s issue template.

The assigned backend engineer is the group’s primary liaison with the dependency’s open source community. Engineers are expected to contribute back to those projects, especially if critical or high security findings are confirmed.

Testing for security vulnerabilities

We have a dependencies group which contains mirrored copies of the OSS projects upon which we most rely. Prior to submitting an MR updating an analyzer to a new version of these projects, engineers are expected to do the following:

  1. Find a release branch which matches the new version we wish to ship.
  2. If one doesn’t exist, create it from the corresponding tag.
  3. Push the branch through a pipeline which executes all of our security products.
  4. Please note, some of these projects have complicated builds. Auto DevOps works sometimes, but projects such as spotbugs can require a custom CI configuration for our scans to be successful. Also, these projects include tests that can be noisy if not filtered out.
  5. Evaluate any potential security vulnerabilities which are found.
  6. Work with the relevant Open Source community to resolve any Critical or High severity findings.
  7. GitLab has published Secure Coding Guidelines, which may be a useful resource to use when trying to solve identified risks.

We do not want to ship updated dependencies which have Critical and High severity vulnerabilities in them. If we find ourselves in this situation, we will withhold updates to the dependency until the problems have been patched.

Go security fixes

At times we will need to update our analyzers because of security updates to golang itself. In this situation, we follow the established release process.

Testing and validation

Our users expect us to provide them with a quality experience, no matter which open source or proprietary components we include in our analyzers. They also expect our documentation to clearly outline the configurations we support so that they can make informed decisions about whether to adopt our tools for their needs.

Before we document that we support a configuration, we do validate that it works. For example, before we list a certain type of file or build configuration as a supported feature, we must have checked it at least once, however minimally.

However, we do not independently reproduce all end-to-end tests for components we rely on. Maintaining these tests independently would require unnecessary effort and would duplicate work that would be better contributed upstream if it’s lacking. Instead, we aim to build tests that cover basic configurations for smoke-testing and demonstration purposes.

We may choose to document supported configurations once they’re validated, even if the test coverage is not yet complete.

Unplanned work

In general, the Static Analysis group has two sources of unplanned work: community contributions and ~priority::1 bugs. We will reserve capacity each release so we can respond quickly and efficiently. In both scenarios, we will route community contributions to the engineer who “owns” the analyzer.

We do, however, own and contribute to projects beyond the analyzers shipped as part of GitLab’s product. Where possible, unplanned work requiring the attention of an engineer in Static Analysis will be routed according to that project’s CODEOWNERS file. Otherwise, unplanned work will be considered and handled on a case-by-base basis.

Support to customers and prospects

While we plan our work on a monthly basis, customers and customer-facing team members may need support on an unplanned basis. We aim to support these requests quickly because they affect the success of our customers and our business.

Generally, we aim to provide an initial response and triage the question/report as quickly as is reasonable. “Reasonable” means, for example, that team members are answering during their normal working hours and are continuing their normal work activities. Whoever is available and can contribute to a solution is encouraged to make first contact with the questioner and ask any clarifying questions—remember, you can always tag in another group member later if you’re unable to resolve the question.

The aim of the triage is to support other team members in moving forward; if development work is required to address the problem, it is not automatically a top priority for the group and should not automatically displace existing planned work. If there is any question of whether a bug fix or improvement should be taken up immediately, the Engineering Manager and Product Manager should be alerted to facilitate a decision.

When a Customer Success Escalation is declared, the Engineering Manager and Product Manager should both be alerted, and an appropriate team member should be designated to deprioritize existing work and respond to the escalation as soon as possible.

Retrospective summaries


This page contains executive summaries of retrospectives done by the Secure::static analysis group. The purpose of these summaries is to externalize lessons learned during the retrospective process.

Access to internal retrospective documentation is available to the team and their immediate counterparts only.


This milestone focused on the deprecation and migration of functionality from various SAST analyzers to the semgrep based analyzer.

During this milestone the following concerns were raised in no particular order:

Static Analysis Group Code Review Process


This page documents the code review process utilized by the Static Analysis team.


All Static Analysis group members are expected to regularly participate in code reviews. This includes contributions from both GitLab Team Members and the wider community, as done as a part of our MR coach rotation.

While all team members are encouraged to review merge requests, the ability to merge MRs and release changes is restricted to project maintainers.

Static Analysis Group Defined False Positives

Static Analysis Group Defined False Positives

The table below lists different rule ids and situations in which they can be considered as false positives. The column Source Project contains a reference to the project for which the FP finding was produced; column Origin refers to the analyzer that produced the FP; columns CWE and ID show the reported CWE ID and the native vulnerability ID that is used by the analyzer to identify a vulnerability, respectively. The column False Positive Reason details why the reported finding can be considered as a false positive.

Static Analysis Group EC2 development machine setup guide

Static Analysis Group EC2 development machine setup guide

Some of the SAST analyzers, including Semgrep, do not run on the M1 mac as ARM64 is not supported.

To overcome this, a SAST developer image has been added to the EC2 AMI catalog and shared with the arn:aws:organizations::663740273027:organization/o-qjrbh9ll6x sandbox organisation so that SAST contributors can run SAST analyzers in a development environment. To setup the image:

  1. Create an AWS sandbox account for yourself by visiting and clicking on Create individual Account.

Static Analysis Group Reaction Rotation

Reaction Rotation

Each milestone, two engineers in the team are assigned the role of Reaction Rotation, one as Primary and the other as Secondary. The assignments are in the rotation schedule.

The Secondary role is to step-in when the Primary is unavailable or over capacity. In such instances, the Secondary assumes the same responsibilities as the Primary, but otherwise they work on tasks planned for the milestone.


The Reaction Rotation role has these responsibilities:

Static Analysis Runbooks


This page lists runbooks used by the Static Analysis team for monitoring, mitigating and responding to an incident.


Last modified January 4, 2025: Fix incorrect or broken external links (55741fb9)