Talent Acquisition Meeting Cadence

The Talent Acquisition team has a regular schedule of meetings. Please see below for information about cadence and attendance.

Leadership Groups

(Talent Acquisition Leadership Team)
Robert Allen, Devin Rogozinski, Jessica Dallmar, Jake Foster, Marissa Ferber
Manager+ Above group + Ale Ayala, Rich Kahn, Steph Sarff, Justin Smith
Business Leadership Jake Foster, Steph Sarff
R+D Leadership TBA

Team Meetings

Cadence Meeting Owner Content Focus + Goals
WEEKLY TALT Meeting Jessica Dallmar/Devin Rogozinski Senior Leadership:
Alignment across our functions

Big picture TA evolution

Set the direction for manager+
WEEKLY CRO Recruiting Review Jake Foster Pipeline health - line by line recruitment updates - opportunity for leadership to ensure team wide progress
WEEKLY R&D Recruiting Team Stand-Up TBA Pipeline health - line by line recruitment updates - opportunity for leadership to ensure team wide progress
WEEKLY CES Weekly Meetings Ale Ayala Weekly Operational Updates
Team Problem Solving: Brainstorming spaces for unpacking problems together
WEEKLY Manager+ Meeting Jessica Dallmar/Devin Rogozinski Drive awareness around team trends and clarity on needs, asks of leaders.
Get us all moving in the same direction - clarity on prioritized work, evolution and changes in a timely fashion that supports cohesion between Enablement - Functions and all altitudes of our leadership team.
Cascade of feedback.
MONTHLY Global TA Team Meeting Jessica Dallmar/Devin Rogozinski/Robert Allen Quarter to Date: Progress to Goal
TA Strategy Updates / Presentations
Team Spotlights
Break-outs / Team Building