Note: Do not pay out invoice/P.O. until MDF proof of performance (POP), lead list and Invoice have been processed and noted as approved by the Partner Marketing team.
<!-- Name this Epic: MDF - PartnerName - Activity -->{{#fields}}
## MDF Request - {{fundRequest}}
## :key: Key Details
### :round_pushpin: DRI
* **Campaign Owner (CMM)**: {{userHandle}}
* **Ecosystem Sales Manager**: `Insert ESM`* [ ]**Manager Approval**: `Insert Ecosystem Director` - Approval required only for EMEA.
### :handshake: Partner Details
* **Channel Partner**: {{channelPartnerName}}
* **Channel CRM ID**: {{channelPartnerCrmId}}
* **Is an Alliance Partner Involved?**: {{isAlliancePartnerInvolved}}
* **Alliance Partner**: {{alliancePartnerName}}
* **Alliance CRM ID**: {{alliancePartnerCrmId}}
### :paperclips: Quick Links
* [ ]**MDF Tracking Sheet** (add link)
* [x]**Allocadia Sub-Category ID** [{{subCategoryId}}]({{budgetId}}/items/{{subCategoryId}}/details)
* [x]**Allocadia Line Item ID** [{{itemID}}]({{budgetId}}/items/{{itemId}}/details)
* [x] [**Salesforce Campaign**]({{campaignLink}})(automated)
* [ ]**Funds Request** (add link)
* [ ]**Fund Claim** (add link)
* [ ] [**Marketo Program**]() - [process to follow](/handbook/marketing/channel-marketing/#mdf-campaigns) Remember to paste **Allocadia Line Item ID** into Marketo Description field when syncing to SFDC. The line item in Allocadia will auto-tag/update once the SFDC Campaign is created and an ID match found.
* [ ] [**Zip**]()
## :notepad_spiral: Campaign Details
*Please do not delete anything in this section. Fill out information in full and complete your budget line item before moving to WIP.** **Date(s):** {{startDate}} - {{endDate}}
* **Campaign Type:** Partner - MDF
* **Worked by Sales Dev:** {{workedBySalesDev}}
* **Tactic/Event Type:** {{partnerCampaignType}}
* **Campaign Name:** {{campaignName}}
* **Location:** `Insert the location of the activity`* **Event website:** `Insert the event website`* **Expected number of deal registrations:** {{expectedNumberDR}}
* **Target number of contacts:** {{targetNumberContact}}
* **Estimated pipeline created (USD):** {{estimatedPipelineCreated}}
* **Budgeted costs:** `Insert the budgeted cost`* **Total cost of campaign:** `Insert cost of campaign`* **Budget holder:** Channel Marketing
* **Region:** {{partnerRegion}}
* **Sub-Region**: {{geo}}
* **Sales Territory (if specific):** `Insert the sales territory`* **Sales Segment:** Assumes both Large & MM unless otherwise explicitly noted.
## :vertical_traffic_light: User Journey
(REQUIRED: Channel Marketing Manager to provide a description of the user journey. What is this campaign? How will the partner attract leads and drive ROI from this spend?)
## Joint Messaging
Please provide high level joint messaging concepts that you will be using with the campaign
## :level_slider: Sponsorship Level & Details
(Fill in if applicable, delete if not.)
## :mega: Does this event have a speaking engagement?
(Fill in if applicable, delete if not.)
## :busts_in_silhouette: Staffing
Please read through the [Event Handbook page]( for best practices at events. Once you commit to an event, please make sure to plan to attend.
* [ ] ESM
* [ ] SA Request: If you need an SA to attend, [please follow their triage process](
* [ ] Speaker: If you need a customer speaker, [please follow the Customer Reference Process](
* [ ] GitLab AE
* [ ] Other:
### Lead Follow-up with Channel Partner
- [x] Will the partner do the initial lead follow-up? _(Auto-checked - if Sales Dev is involved make sure to uncheck)_- [x] YES, based on [process outlined here](/handbook/marketing/channel-marketing/#channel-partner-lead-sharing-via-vartopia).
- [x] Partner will submit for Deal Registration via Partner Portal
- [ ] Please describe how the partner plans to follow-up on leads received from this event/campaign:
- [ ] No
- [ ] Please add any additional, relevant notes regarding the partnership on this event/campaign here:
## :package: Swag and Event Assets
<details><summary> Expand </summary>For all details regarding swag, [please see here](
### Shipping Details
- [ ] Ship from Vendor:
- [ ] Please list what is being shipped (including quantities):
- [ ] Tracking:
</details>## :checkered_flag: Post Event
<details><summary> Expand </summary>* [ ] Import lead list to Google Drive
* [ ] Add proof of performance to the epic by posting the SFDC Fund Claim link
</details>/label ~"mktg-status::wip" ~“Channel Marketing" ~"Channel" ~"MDF" ~"Pending MDF Approval"
/assign {{userHandle}}
Channel Events
To Partner Marketing Webinars
<!-- Name this epic: Name of Event - Date of Event -->## [Main Issue]() - template:
## Copy Document:
## [Dry Run Agenda]() - template:
## [Landing Page]() - `to be added when live`
## Key Details
* **Channel Marketing Manager:**
* **Campaign Type:** Webinar
* **Official Name:**
* **Date(s):**
* **Campaign Name (SFDC/Marketo Name):**
Format: YYYYMMDD_FYYY_QX_Quarterly_Partner_Marketing_Webinar_Region (i.e. EMEA/AMER or APAC)
Note: Campaign format is critical to maintain reporting integrity
* [ ] [**Salesforce Campaign**]()
* [ ] [**Marketo Program**]()
## On24 Links
- [ ] [Link for AUDIENCE to join](ADD LINK TO THE AUDIENCE from ON24)
- [ ] [Link to registration reports, analytics, etc.](ADD LINK TO THE Reports from ON24)
- [ ] [Link used to review audience-view of event lobby](ADD LINK TO THE Preview from ON24)
- [ ] [Link supplied to event producer, presenters and Q&A managers to conduct dry run and join webinar day of](ADD LINK TO THE Present from ON24)
## Sub-Issue Creation
Utilize the [Workshop/Webcast SLA Workback Schedule]( to calculate the due dates. `All Webcasts will be -45 day SLA webcasts since they require all new content.`### PMM Creates and assigns all to self except Marketo LP&A
* [ ] [On24 Event Creation](/handbook/marketing/virtual-events/webcasts/#on24-webcast-setup)
* [ ] [Program Tracking](
* [ ] [Webcast Prep Issue](
* [ ] [Dry Run Scheduling Issue](
* [ ] [Write Copy Issue](
* [ ] [Marketo Landing Page & Automation Issue](
* [ ] [News on Demand Article/Email Creation](
* [ ] [Update Partner Portal - Partner Marketing Webinar Page](
* [ ] [Create Post-event Survey](
/label ~"mktg-status::wip" ~"Webcast - GitLab Hosted" ~"Channel Marketing"
What marketing services are available to our channel partners?
Channel partners have several programs and tools available to help them market and sell GitLab easily. The following are a few of the programs currently being offered; additional programs will be added periodically so bookmark this page to ensure you always have the latest information.
Partner Instant Marketing Campaigns - Weʼve developed a full suite of GitLab marketing assets for partners, including ebooks, infographics, videos, digital ads, social media posts, and more. They can select what they need, customize the piece with a logo, and deploy as they see fit. These assets are also available for partners through our Partner Microsite program. To get started, partners just login to the GitLab partner portal.