Developer Relations Program Management

The Developer Relations team works from issues and issue boards. If you need our assistance with any project, please open an issue and use one of the main program labels anywhere within the GitLab repo.

Developer Relations handbook updates

Merged updates to the handbook are posted to the #community-relations-fyi Slack channel.

MRs must be tagged with the Developer Relations labeled before being merged in order to be posted to Slack. When you create a new MR, be sure to add the label upon creation so this step isn’t forgotten. If you are assigned to merge an MR, ensure the label is added prior to merging.

Developer Relations Roadmap

The Developer Relations team conducts project and content planning via the Roadmap in the Developer Relations Group.


Work items that fit into our team strategy, including events and content plans, are tracked in the roadmap by using Epics and Child Epics.

Please use this template when creating Epics for activities that should appear in the Developer Relations team roadmap:

<!-- Epic Title Formatting Guide: Dates should be using ISO dates, see Event: Event Name, Location, Date Content: Title, Date Others: Title, Date Reminder: Start and due dates are required in order for this Epic to display correctly in the team roadmap. --> ## Activity Summary ## Goal or expected outcome ## Team or Individual DRIs <!-- Please add team label to epic --> ## Relevant Issues, Epics or resources <!-- Example /label ~"Community::Events" ~"Region::AMER" ~"FY24-Q1" Note: These are samples for guidance, please add relevant labels for activity region, type, quarter or any other labels relevant to your team/program. Please include additional relevant labels here. --> <!--Link to parent epic where necessary --> /parent_epic URL <!-- Link to Child epic where necessary --> /child_epic URL <!-- Mention team members that should be aware of the epic --> /cc

Developer Relations issue boards

Board Program Usage Notes
OKRs Team Quarterly OKR status tracking
Community Team Content Team Blog content the team is working on Top level group board
Community Team, by assignee Team Issue workload per team member Top level group board
Evangelist Program Evangelists Work related to the Evangelist Program
Meetups Evangelists Meetup tracking and organization
Code Contributor Program Code contributors Work related to the Code Contributor Program
Education Program Education Work related to the Education Program
Developer Evangslism Developer Evangelism Developer Evangelism issues across the entire gitlab-com group
Consortium Memberships Open Source Track all activities related to GitLab’s consortium memberships
Open Source Partners Support (Internal) Open Source Contains sensitive partner requests and therefore confidential.
Community Sponsorship Requests Community Ops Requests from the community for event and other types of sponsorship

Developer Relations labels

  • We track the workflow with the Marketing Status labels.
  • Some programs use scoped labels in addition.
  • Main program labels are defined either at the top gitlab-com or the gitlab-com/marketing group level to facilitate cross-collaboration and visibility across issue boards
Label Program Usage Notes
Developer Relations Developer Relations Main team label gitlab-com group label. Merge requests with this label generate automatic notifications for the Community team via the Slack channel #community-relations when they are merged
Open Source Program Open Source Main program label gitlab-com group label
Open Source Open Source gitlab-org group label
Open Source Partners::Backlog Open Source Internal support issues members of the GitLab Open Source Partners program have filed
Open Source Partners::Assigned Open Source Internal issues someone has been assigned to address on behalf of GitLab Open Source Partners program members
Open Source Partners::Working Open Source Internal issues we’re working on behalf of GitLab Open Source Partners program members
Open Source Partners::Complete Open Source Internal issues we’ve resolved for members of the GitLab Open Source Partners program
movingtogitlab Open Source Track open source migrations
Evangelist Program Evangelists Main program label: Tech meetups, tech speakers, and community-driven evangelism
Meetups Evangelists GitLab Meetups planning and tracking
Heroes Evangelists Heroes applications, content, speaking engagements, and other Heroes program issues
Speaker Needed Evangelists Events or meetups that need a speaker
become-a-speaker Evangelists Support for community members who want to become tech speakers Developer Relations group label
heroes-content Evangelists For issues related to a blog, video, or other content generated by a GitLab Hero Project label
heroes-talk Evangelists For issues related to a CFP submission or tech talk given by a GitLab Hero Project label
request-for-heroes Evangelists Share speaking, blogging, and other contribution opportunities with GitLab Heroes Project label
Code contributor program Code contributors Main program label: for general issues related to the program
1st contribution Code contributors Automatic contribution label gitlab-com group label
1st contribution Code contributors Automatic contribution label gitlab-org group label
Community contribution Code contributors Automatic contribution label gitlab-com group label
Community contribution Code contributors Automatic contribution label gitlab-org group label
Hackathon Code contributors Community contribution during GitLab Hackathon events gitlab-org group label
GitLab Hackathon Code contributors Community contribution during GitLab Hackathon events gitlab-com group label
OKRs Team Quarterly team OKRs
Community Team Content Team Track the status of content created by the team. Generally blog posts Top-level group label
education program Education Main program label: for general issues related to the program
dev-evangelism Developer Evangelism Any issue in the gitlab-com group where the developer evangelism team is involved