Buyer Experience Repository

Learn more about the Buyer Experience repository.


Technical Architecture

  1. Nuxt.js: A vue.js static site generator
  2. Slippers Design System: SSoT for the marketing site’s design system
  3. Focus Resources: Devoted to two repositories


  1. Move 80 marketing webpage to the Buyer Experience repository.
    1. Pricing
    2. Homepage
    3. Free Trial
    4. Sales
    5. Demo
    6. Install
    7. Features (Landing and single)
    8. Topics (Landing and single)
    9. Solutions (Landing and single)
    10. Enterprise
    11. SMB
    12. Partners (Landing and single)
    13. Comparison Pages

See the Marketing Site Information Architecture Refresh epic for single source of truth of pages being migrated to this repository.

Requesting Help when the Information Architecture Refresh Impacts your Work

Other keywords that may help folks find this section when searching the handbook:

  • Missing content on the marketing website
  • My changes in the website get overwritten
  • Can’t find my files anymore
  • Files were moved
  • Information architecture migrated my content

In order to meet the goals of the information architecture refresh and serve the business, the Digital Experience team will need to move existing content, and in some cases, remove existing content.

We will do our best to find a solution that meets the business goals of the migration, and keeps your existing processes intact. We apologize in advance for any inconveniences incurred by this work. We will be doing our best to communicate with stakeholders in advance, but due to the scope of the migration, we may miss appropriate channels from time to time.

If we have moved or removed your content and it’s causing problems for you, your team, customers, or other stakeholders, here are steps you can take to escalate these issues to us:

  1. First, check the Buyer Experience repository and see if you can find corresponding YAML files for your content. The Web IDE editing experience will be the same as it was in the www-gitlab-com repository.
  2. If you are unable to find or edit your content, or have additional concerns, please start by opening an issue in the Buyer Experience issues board.
  3. For urgent requests, you can find our team in the #digital-experience-team Slack channel.

Content Editing Experience

Where Content Exists

All content is stored in the /content directory and can be accessed via the Nuxt content module

How to Edit Content

  1. Edit content directly in the browser using GitLab Web Editor.
  2. Alternatively, set up a local development environment and use the Nuxt content editing tools on your machine. Then commit your changes and make a merge request in GitLab.

How to Add a New Webpage

  1. Check if the new page is part of our Site Architecture Plan. These are the only pages that will exist in the Buyer Experience repository. For all other pages, please create an issue with the Digital Experience team to add your page to the old static site.
  2. If your page is part of an existing neighbourhood (i.e. /solutions/, /partners/, /topics/) the components will already be built for you. If it is a completely new page, please request support from the Digital Experience Team via this issue template.
  3. Add the content of your page into the /content folder in a .yml file. Please follow existing indentation and convention.
  4. Create an MR, and tag both an Engineer and a Designer on the Digital Experience Team as a Reviewer. Only the Digital Experience Team will be able to merge.

Will there be a content management system?

Probably not. As we reduce the size and scope of the marketing site, we will be raising the bar for the quality of our page design. Content management systems present significant challenges in quality control.

In order to keep the Buyer Experience looking as good as possible, we have decided not to allow for markdown or rich text editing experiences. Instead, all data will continue to be rendered with the aforementioned Nuxt Content Module. Most data should live in YAML files as structured blocks of strings. There may be call for some numerical data from time to time. We will not allow or support markdown or other rich text strings, with the notable exception that some text elements may need inline links, which we can store as single p tags with anchors in them, and render with Vue.js v-html attributes.

By making this decision, we will be simplifying and streamlining our architecture, and making changes to the website more predictable and manageable. The cost is that some content editors may need to wait longer for engineers to implement their changes. Fortunately, in 2022, we only saw about 2-3 requests per month that required this kind of work across the Buyer Experience repository and www-gitlab-com repository.

If, in any particular quarter, we spend more than two weeks doing content updates implemented by engineering, we should revisit the need for a content management system.

Developer Experience

Where Developer Documentation Exists

The at the repository root and our /docs directory.

How It Works with www-gitlab-com

See /docs/

Changelog File and Semantic Versioning

The is a file that contains the information of the changes made to the repository on every new version release. In our case, we are releasing a new version per iteration running a job at the end of it.

Every new release will create a tag in the repository’s tag list and it is named using Semantic Versioning.

Why is it useful?

There are two main advantages of having this process in the project.

The first one is having versioning tags, sometimes it is necessary to make a rollback to a previous version due to a critical bug or an unexpected error. Each of these tags has a pipeline that can be run to deploy any version needed.

The second advantage is that having a Changelog file, there is a single source of truth and a history of every MAJOR, MINOR and PATCH version, making it easier to find any change without having to go back and search the project’s board of past iterations.

How it works?

In order to accomplish the changelog automated updates, tag creation and version management, we are using semantic-release, which is a package that helps automate the whole process and has great community of developers behind it. The specific configuration and technical details can be found in the docs.

A manual/scheduled pipeline job will be run at the end of each iteration cycle, in order for semantic-release to detect correctly how to increase the release version, it needs Merge commits to follow the guidelines from conventional commits.

Here is the list of types that can be used in the commit message:

  • build: Changes that affect the build system
  • chore: Changes to external dependencies (gulp, npm)
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (gitlab-ci)
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests

Here are some commit message examples and how they affect the version increase:

Message Version increase (v1.0.0)
fix(Homepage): Fix broken link v1.0.1
feat(Homepage): Add new section v1.1.0
feat(Services)!: Replace services module v2.0.0
style(Homepage): Change button colors No version increase

After running the job, a new tag is created, the changelog file is updated and the package.json version is increased.


Content Management

We implemented a localization solution for Buyer Experience using the Nuxt i18n module. This module provides a user-friendly platform for contributors to translate pages into their preferred language.

With the Nuxt i18n module, we can easily manage translations, create language-specific pages, and ensure a smooth and seamless user experience for our contributors. Anyone can now contribute to the localization efforts, making the Buyer Experience more accessible to a wider audience and improving the overall user experience.


When a first-time user visits any page on the site, the system reads the preferred language from their browser. If their language preference matches one of the available languages on the site, the page will load in that language. Users will also be able to see a Language Selector on the site to change their preferred language if necessary.

If the user’s preferred language cannot be detected, the page will load in the default language, and the Language Selector will still be visible, allowing users to switch to their preferred language. This ensures that all users can access the site’s content in their desired language, regardless of whether their browser settings are supported or not.

Some pages on the site may not be available in all languages. In these cases, if a user navigates to a non-localized page, the page will appear in the default language.

To ensure a seamless user experience, site redirections are managed through a combination of Nuxt i18n module routing configuration and a custom routing configuration in the Digital Experience Navigation Repository. This dynamic redirection system automatically directs users to their preferred language page if it exists, or to the default language page if a localized version is not available.

We are committed to improving the site’s localization efforts and providing users with the best possible experience on our site.

Learn More

For more technical details, please check Language selector initial implementation


No-index pages

In the common/no-index URLs file, we have a list of our no-index URLs to prevent hreflang from appearing on these pages. Please do not remove any pages from this file unless you’re changing them to indexable URLs.

Core Web Vitals (CWV) Testing Documentation


Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of metrics that Google considers essential for a healthy website. These metrics measure key aspects of user experience, including loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. CWV is critical as it directly impacts SEO rankings and overall user satisfaction.

Key Metrics in CWV

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance. To provide a good user experience, LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Measures interactivity. To provide a good user experience, pages should have an FID of less than 100 milliseconds.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures visual stability. To provide a good user experience, pages should maintain a CLS of less than 0.1.

CWV Testing Procedure

When you makes changes that might affect CWV, it is crucial to perform before and after tests to measure the impact of those changes. Here’s the process:

  1. Contact Point:

    • If you implement changes that could influence CWV metrics, contact Miracle or Hanif within the merge request (MR).
    • Clearly describe the nature of the change and why it might affect CWV.
  2. Before and After Testing:

    • Miracle or Hanif will create a set of before and after tests to evaluate the impact of the changes on CWV.
    • Testing will be conducted on 3 URLs that are representative of the site’s overall content and structure.
    • The tests will be carried out using DebugBear, a reliable tool for monitoring CWV. Lighthouse in DevTools should not be used as it is known for discrepancies and may not provide consistent or accurate results.
    • The goal is to compare the CWV metrics of these URLs before and after the change.
  3. Monitoring in Google Search Console:

    • For significant changes, it may take approximately one week after the change is merged for Google Search Console to reflect the impact on CWV based on real user data.
    • Monitoring these metrics in Google Search Console helps to confirm whether the changes have had the desired effect on actual site users.

Reporting and Follow-Up

  • After the testing is completed, results will be documented and shared with the team.
  • Any necessary adjustments or further optimizations based on the test results will be discussed and implemented accordingly.

Best Practices

  • Always initiate CWV testing for any changes that could impact loading performance, interactivity, or visual stability.
  • Utilize DebugBear for reliable monitoring, avoiding the use of Lighthouse in DevTools due to its inconsistencies.
  • Regularly monitor Google Search Console for any unexpected changes in CWV metrics.

By following these guidelines, we ensure that any changes made to the website are thoroughly tested for their impact on user experience, maintaining a high standard for CWV across all pages.

Last modified September 19, 2024: Create DEX engineering subfolder (fb1fed75)