PathFactory Analytics
PathFactory Analytics
All roles and permissions have access to reporting functionality in PathFactory. Feel free to peruse Path Analytics
or view insights in the content library and content tracks. If you would like a scheduled report or have a different PathFactory data request, create an issue in the Marketing Operations project. All of the below links lead to PathFactory’s knowledgebase, The Nook. The Nook requires a separate password from PathFactory but you should use the same email address used to login to PathFactory.
Using Safari
If you are using Safari as your preferred browser, ensure Prevent cross-site tracking
is disabled in your privacy settings. Path Analytics uses Looker which requires external cookies. If this option is enabled, you will not be able to view Path Analytics using Safari.
Target Track Analytics
Recommend Track Analytics
Explore Page Analytics
ABM Analytics
Website Promoter Analytics
Defining Visitor Activities
Path Analytics
- Introducing: Path Analytics
- Path Analytics: Overview Dashboard
- Path Analytics: Visitors
- Path Analytics: Accounts
- Path Analytics: Content
- Path Analytics FAQ
- Using and Sharing Path Analytics Reports
- Types of Path Analytics Reports
- Path Analytics Reports FAQ
Using Account-Based Analytics
Google Analytics
PathFactory is integrated with our Google Analytics instance via Google Tag Manager script in PathFactory’s External Code Configuartion
menu. The integration sends page view data to Google Analytics after the user consents to cookies.
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