
UserGems is a job changes tracking tool which captures and combines signals to help our teams identify the best buyers, have compelling reasons to reach out, and act on those insights with automation

Ways to access UserGems data

UserGems data lives inside SFDC, all users are able to visualize it on the lead and contact objects as well as on the custom UserGems object. To view the UserGems Leads go to the App Launcher in Salesforce Ligthning and select UserGems. Once there, you’ll be able to reference List Views for All UserGems / My UserGems.

You can know if a lead is created by UserGems by referencing it’s Initial Source. UserGems creates leads with two slighly different initial sources based on the two ways of tracking: Contact Tracking / Target Account Tracking.

The two initial sources you’ll see on UserGems created leads are the following:

  • UserGems Contact Tracking
  • UserGems - New Hires & Promotions

UserGems Contact Tracking

UserGems helps Gitlab track up to 50K matched contacts from different, carefully selected cohorts, as follows:

UserGems Target Account Tracking

In a separate motion to the contact tracking, UserGems also helps Gitlab identify New Hires & Promotions into our target accounts.

The current list of target accounts UserGems is tracking for GitLab can be viewed using this Salesforce Report.

What happens when UserGems detects a job change?

When job changes (or new hires/promotions into the target accounts) are detected for the contact cohorts tracked above, UserGems will:

  • create a net new lead with the recent account/company info;
  • mark the existing contact as No Longer at Company using the UG - No Longer at Company checkbox field;
  • update the status to Disqualified
  • set the Disqualified Reasons to No Longer at Company.

UserGems Contact Tracking New Lead Creation Frequency

UserGems splits the 50K contacts tracked into two tier buckets:

  • Tier 1 Contacts (1,000 contact records) from the top cohort (CW Opp Associated Contacts withing Large Segment) - The job changes for these contacts are tracked and if detected, net new leads are created in our SFDC on a weekly basis on Tuesdays.
  • Tier 2 Contacts (49,000 contact records) from the remaining contact records listed in the UserGems Contact Tracking section. The job changes for these contacts are tracked and, if detected, net new leads are created in our SFDC on a monthly basis on Tuesdays.

UserGems Available Fields

Either through reporting or on the lead/contact/UserGems objects, you’ll be able to reference a few fields that will be populated by UserGems. Some of the most important ones are:

  • [UG] Company Country; - As the field name says, this represents the current company country;
  • [UG] Person Country; - As the field name says, this represents the current person country;
  • [UG] Company State; - As the field name says, this represents the current company state;
  • [UG] Person State; - As the field name says, this represents the current person state;
  • [UG] Person LinkedIn URL; - This is the current LinkedIn URL of the individual;
  • [UG] - Is Target Company; - This checkbox will be checked if the account is found in the list of target accounts tracked by UG;
  • [UG] - No Longer At Company; - This checkbox will be checked on the contact object if UserGems identifies a job change for the respective contact;
  • UG - Is Customer Company; - This checkbox will be checked if the account is found on the list of customer accounts shared with UG;
  • UG - Job Started Date; - This field will be updated on the lead record and will contain the job started date;
  • UG - Past Account; - This field will be updated on the net new leads created by UG and will link to the account found on the associated contact;
  • UG - Past Contact; - This field will be updated on the net new leads created by UG and will link to the previous contact for which the job change was identified;
  • UG - Past Title; - This field will be updated on the net new leads created by UG with the title the contact had prior to the job change;

UserGems <> GitLab Launch Timeline

The timeline for launching UserGems within GitLab is as follows:

  • Sales Enablement Training - 09/19/2024 - (Training dedicated to BDRs/SDRs minus the ones for the APJ region. The SDRs/BDRs for APJ region, along with AEs globally will review the recording async);
  • Retro-Active Leads Push #1 - 09/22/2024 (These are leads that are going to be created initially for both motions, job changes tracking along with new hire & promotions, based on the contacts/accounts that are being tracked);
  • Go Live Date - 09/23/2024;
  • Retro-Active Leads Push #2 - 09/29/2024 (These are New Hires & Promotion leads that are going to be created, based on the target accounts that are being tracked);
  • Retro-Active Leads Push #3 - 10/06/2024 (These are New Hires & Promotion leads that are going to be created, based on the target accounts that are being tracked).

Retro-Active Leads

Based on the initial batch of contacts & accounts tracked, UserGems already identified a list of approximately 2K job changes & 27K New Hires & Promotions, which are all going to be pushed to SFDC as follows:

  • 2K job changes leads will be created in SFDC on Sunday, 22nd of September, ahead of launch;
  • 9K New Hires & Promotions will be created in SFDC on Sunday, 22nd of September, ahead of launch;
  • 9K New Hires & Promotions will be created in SFDC, the following Sunday on the 29th of September;
  • 9K New Hires & Promotions will be created in SFDC, the following Sunday after that, on the 6th of October;

Lead Routing & Notifications

Traction Complete will be used to route the leads created by UserGems as well as for notifying the BDRs/SDRs/AEs using either email or slack or both.

Sales Enablement

A training for SDRs/BDRs will be held on 09/19/2024 and the recording will be added here as soon as it’s available. For any questions regarding UserGems feel free to reach out to either Marketing Operations or Sales Development.

Sales Dev Playbooks

To get more information regarding the different plays for the UserGems created leads, please visit the Sales Development Handbook UserGems entry. (Link is WIP)

Last modified September 16, 2024: MktgOps 20240916 - 20240929 (dc438dd4)