Marketing Strategy & Platforms

Learn more about the Marketing Strategy & Platforms.

Marketing Strategy, Operations, and Analytics Team Charter

Mission & Objectives

Our mission is to enable efficient operations and actionable analytics insights, working across all Marketing teams.

1. Actionable Insights 2. Continuous Optimization 3. Experience Integration
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- Strategy & Analytics

- Marketing Operations

- Globalization
Guided Journey

Resource Allocation

Balance Short Term Focus & Long Term Goals. We will be disciplined yet stay nimble in resource allocation & prioritization.

Core: ~ 70%

  • Deliver conversion lift & pipeline goals across segments & sales motions
  • Provide clear visibility and insights to marketing performance KPIs
  • Improve operational efficiency
  • Enhance security and privacy posture

Strategic: ~ 25%

  • Build a strong foundation for global expansion
  • Design a seamless in-product, e-commerce, and web navigation experience

Venture: ~ 5%

  • Leverage embedded analytics to drive acquisition and expansion

Roles & Responsibilities

Marketing Technologists


Performance Assessment

Four Funnels

Self-Serve Sales-Assisted Bottom-Up Top Down
Sales Motion No Touch Transactional Land & Expand Outbound, ABM
Persona / Segment SMB core user, Community user Mid-Market core-user, SMB buyer Large Mid-Market, Enterprise Enterprise
Kain Goal of the PLG Motion Self-Serve Revenue Pipeline Generation Expansion Revenue Sales Enablement
Main Funnel Goal Self-Serve ARR Expansion ARR on top of Self-Serve ARR Pipeline generation on top of new teams Pipeline generation on key accounts
Funnel PLG Funnel 01 PLG Funnel 02 PLG Funnel 03 PLG Funnel 04

Communication Norms

Develop habits & make incremental progress

  • 1.01 ^ 365 = 37.78
  • 0.99 ^ 365 = 0.026

Collaborate with & learn from diverse sources

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Ground Rules

  • We learn from each other by fostering group intelligence
  • We lean towards innovation and collaborative decision-making by being bold, but not bully, and being thoughtful, but not lazy
  • We cultivate growth mindset by having the courage to try new things and fail better
  • We’re stronger as a team by sharing the workload, and not minding who gets the credit

“The most important function of the leader is to encourage everyone to see him- or herself as a member of the larger system, pursuing a common vision, holding common values, and cooperating with each other in an environment of mutual support and respect.”


Within Marketing

Team Interdependencies
Product Marketing - Messaging & Content
Integrated Marketing - Campaign Strategy & Execution Plan
- Field & Partner Rules of Engagement
Brand - Brand Design

Other Functions

Team Interdependencies
Finance & Business Technology - Financial Planning & Budget
- Data Engineering
Field Sales & Operations - Segment & Global Expansion Priority
- Sales Process, Rules of Engagement & Salesforce Data Quality
Product & Engineering - E-commerce Product Roadmap
- Engineering Resource
Legal - Regulations & Compliance Related to User Analytics
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)