PDI Dashboards, Analysis, & Insights

This page aggregates dashboards, analysis, and insights generated or owned by the Product Data Insights team.


Here is a list of Tableau dashboards owned by the Product Data Insights team. Note:

  • Viewing dashboards in the SAFE project require additional steps to obtain SAFE Dashboard access (if you do not already have SAFE access in Tableau)
  • This list includes dashboards in draft. Dashboards carrying the Draft tag should not be used for reporting.
Dashboard Name Description Date Location SAFE Access Required?
Product Data Insights Collection This is a Tableau Collection containing analytics resources that are broadly useful to the Product Org. Ongoing Product/General & Product/SAFE Y & N
PDI: AI Collection This is a Tableau Collection containing PDI-owned resources related to AI feature adoption and usage. It contains both general and SAFE workbooks. Ongoing Product/General & Product/SAFE Y & N
PD: Cloud Licensing Adoption Dashboard This dashboard provides insights on adoption of Cloud Licensing FY24 Q1 Ad-hoc/Product/SAFE Y
PD: Centralized Product Usage Metrics Monthly reporting metrics and trends for product performance indicators FY24 Q4 Ad-hoc/Product/General N
PD: Firmographic Product Metric Usage Segment metric usage by company size, industry, and seat count. FY24 Q4 Development/Product/SAFE Y
PD: Code Suggestions Code Suggestions usage (ex: User Count), quality (ex: Acceptance Rate), and performance (ex: Load Time) metrics over time by delivery, language, etc. FY24 Q4 Ad-hoc/Product/General N
PDI: Growth Section Collection Contains workbooks and views that are relevant to the Growth Section Ongoing Product/General & Product/SAFE Y & N
PDI: Core & SaaS Platforms Sections Collection Contains workbooks and views that are relevant to Platforms Sections Ongoing Product/General & Product/SAFE Y & N

If you have any questions about using and/or interpreting the insights from these dashboards, please reach out to the dashboard owner or tag @product-analysts in the #data channel on Slack.

Analysis & Insights

Analysis Description Date
Groups per Organization Metric Exploration Establishes usage benchmarks (days used per month and consecutive months used) for group event usage. FY24 Q1
Release AMAU Decline Investigation What caused the decline of Release AMAU from November 2022? FY24 Q1
Average Environments for Namespaces and Projects This analysis covers what the average number of environments and environment variables projects and namespaces on GitLab.com use FY24 Q1
Payments declined due to lack of 3D Secure Authentication This analysis gives us insights on how many payments are declined because we lack 3D Secure functionality FY24 Q1
Understanding user accounts with invalid zip/city combination This analysis gives us insights on the impact of how many customers can not purchase a subscription if they have an invalid zip/city combination FY24 Q1
SaaS Team Activation Metric 2022 Covers the development of a Growth and Marketing metric used to identify team actions performed in the 1st 14 days that are predictive of paid conversion and retention. FY23 Q4
Secrets Management Usage Spike What caused a spike in Secrets Management Usage in August 2022? FY23 Q3
Investigation How Remote:Include Timeouts on GitLab.com This analysis investigates why there was a large spike in HTTP 503 errors when running pipelines FY23 Q4
Verify Benchmark Analysis This analysis was done to get an understanding of what typical test environments look like for Verify users FY23 Q4
Delayed Value Analysis Studies key feature usage among Trial-to-Paid conversions and presents how trial feature adoption expedites paid feature adoption. FY23 Q4
CI Runner Usage for Accounts with 1000+ Seats Study of the CI Runner Usage of large accounts with more than 1000+ FY23 Q4
Analysis of User Caps feature usage and account growth This analysis gives us insights on correlation between ‘User Cap’ feature usage and growth metrics FY23 Q4
Analysis on behavior of Change Linked Namespace flow This analysis gives us insights on how many SaaS subscriptions change their assigned Namespace FY23 Q4
Characterize CI -> SAST Funnel among Free Projects Analysis to understand how SAST usage churns over time, and how much of this churn is due to dormant projects (that aren’t using CI) vs. active projects that disable SAST. FY23 Q3
Relationship between Sec Section Features & Ultimate Customer’s Purchase Decisions Dissection of post purchase survey data to identify how important Sec features were in motivating Ultimate plan purchases. FY23 Q3
Free vs. Paid. vs OSS/EDU Subscriptions: Engagement Comparison Comparison of similar metrics (SpO, user-stage engagement, Service Ping Opt-In rate, version adoption rate, etc) based on subscription type (Paid, Free, OSS/EDU) FY23 Q3
Verify Usage Patterns for Legitimate users & Malicious Users Study of initial concurrent pipeline & job usage among free accounts to determine benchmarks between legitimate and malicious users FY23 Q3
Valuable Signup Metric 2022 Covers the development of a Growth and Marketing metric used to narrow down to a subset of the GitLab.com user population with a higher likelihood of converting to paid. FY23 Q3
Understand User Adoption of Truncating Container Registry Image Name A deep dive into the usage of truncating registry image names to determine rollout to all users FY23 Q3
SaaS & Self-Managed Purchase Funnel Analysis Overview Deep dive analysis with multiple insights for SaaS & Self-Managed purchase funnel FY23 Q2
FY23-Q2 xMAU Estimation Exploration Exploration into viability of different Self-Managed estimation methodologies using data models available in July 2022 FY23 Q2
Release Stage Retention: SaaS vs Self-Managed What is causing the large discrepancy between Release retention on SaaS vs Release retention on Self-Managed? FY23 Q2
Projects and Namespaces that use GitLab.com Terraform State A deep dive into the percentage of projects and namespaces use the GitLab.com Terraform state. FY23 Q2
User Impact of Turning Off Certificate-Based Clusters How many users (internal and external) will be affected by turning off certificate-based clusters? FY23 Q1
SaaS Trial Firmographic Analysis FY22 Q4
FY22-Q3 xMAU Estimation Exploration Exploration into viability of different Self-Managed estimation methodologies using data models available in August 2021 FY22 Q3
Paid SpO Trends among Retained and Churned Namespaces What stage adoption trends are present when looking at churning namespaces vs.retained namespaces? FY22 Q3
SSO Login Deep Dive Analysis Takes a deep look into registrations that are created through SSO and what their subsequent product usage looks like FY22 Q2
Secure Free-to-Paid Funnel and Feature Adoption Analysis Which Secure features are the most adopted during trials and which features have the highest correlation with Ultimate plan paid conversion? FY22 Q2
Stage Adoption Patterns: SCM <> Code Review <> CI How do organizations go from using SCM to Verify, and is Code Review used between or after these stages? FY22 Q1