Product Leadership Team Resources


This section of the handbook collects all the resources related to the Product Leadership Team (PLT), or the team including the Chief Product Officer (CProdO) and the CProdO direct reports.

CPO Shadow Program

Principles - Processes - Categories - GitLab the Product - Being a PM - Leadership


The CPO Shadow Program is an initiative where team members of the Product division take turns shadowing the Chief Product Officer (CPO) for a specified period of time ranging from 1 to 2 weeks. The team member, in the role of a CPO shadow, will attend all customer-facing meetings with the CPO. This provides an opportunity for the CPO Shadow to gain deeper insight into customer conversations, understand how to present the company’s broader strategy and vision, and gain a better understanding of the CPO’s role in supporting existing and future customers as an Executive Sponsor.

People Group for Product Management

Product-Specific “People” Processes

Generally, the entire organization will be applied to the product function with some adjustments related to specific timing. This page will provide a SSOT for the Product organization and PBP relations.

Other related infromation to People Processes include:

For any questions or updates, please assign gl-product-leadership.

Hiring and budget discussions

In the event that there are changes to the R&D Hiring Annual Plan, these changes must be documented in the R&D Headcount Project Issue Tracker. If you have been asked to consider moving a headcount earlier into the year, open an issue and tag the Finance Business Partner and CProdO for consideration. Upon approval, that issue can be updated to the new headcount template.

Product Leadership

Principles - Processes - Categories - GitLab the Product - Being a PM - Leadership

General Product Organizational Structure

The GitLab Product team includes team members at various levels of Product Management job titles across our organizational levels with scope at various points in our product hierarchy. As a result there can be instances where peers across layers don’t have the same title. We will always abide by GitLab’s layer structure.

Level Job Families Hierarchy Scopes
IC Product Manager Group, Stage
Manager Group Manager Product, Director of Product Section
Senior Leader VP All Sections
Executive Chief Product Officer Entire Function

Product Leaders

All Directors and above in the Product function are considered Product Leaders. They can be referenced using the @gl-product-leadership handle. This document describes important leadership concepts specific to the product management team. See also our page on general GitLab leadership guidance.

Last modified November 1, 2024: Remove trailing spaces (6f6d0996)