Proof Points
_The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication.*
Proof points with third-party validation are a key resource, whether from customers, analysts, industry awards, or peer reviews, and they are augmented here with GitLab’s own industry research.
Articulating value is a critical sales skill in achieving Command of the Message.
GitLab Proof Points
Customer References and Case Studies
Goldman Sachs
Problem: Needed to increase developer efficiency and software quality
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI/CD, VC&C)
Result: Improved from 1 build every two weeks to over a 1000/day, or releasing 6 times per day per developer, and an average cycle time from branch to merge is now 30 minutes; simplified workflow and simplified administration
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Differentiators: Single App
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C, Simplify DevOps
Vertical: Financial Services
Sopra Steria
Problem: Needed a solution to empower developers and accelerate software efficiency
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI/CD, SCM)
Result: One solution for over 10,000 Users, 6 minutes for a software build, Zero Developer time for CI/CD
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Differentiators: Single App, SCM, CI & CD
Usecase: CI, CD, SCM, Simplify DevOps
Vertical: Technology
Problem: Dispersed development groups faced mirroring issues in time management and security
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI/CD, SCM)
Result: Zero downtime, 51% user growth in 1 year and 99% uptime resulting in increased efficiency
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Differentiators: Single App, CI & CD
Usecase: CI, CD, SCM, Simplify DevOps
Vertical: Technology
Cook County Assessor’s Office
Problem: Cook County needed a data management platform for secure and accurate property assessments
Solution: GitLab Premium
Result: Over 1.8 million properties assessed with an estimated market value of $270 billion. There are 31 repositories, with over 1,400 commits
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Differentiators: Single App,SCM
Usecase: SCM
Vertical: Government
Problem: Legacy CD tool was slow to provide developer feedback and lacked security
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI/CD)
Result: Reduced change failure rate below 15%, and MTTR to less than 2 hours.
Value Drivers: Speed, Efficiency, Security
Differentiators: Single App, SCM & CI
Usecase: CI/CD
Vertical: Computer Software
Jaguar Land Rover
Problem: Slow delivery and release cycles, taking 4 to 6 weeks, leading to infrequent feedback for developers
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI)
Result: Increased delivery speed from 3-6 weeks to 30 minutes giving teams faster feedback
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Usecase: CI
Vertical: Automotive
Problem: Multiple tools and communication inefficiencies slowed application delivery
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (Agile, CI, CD, VC&C)
Result: Increased build speed by 59x, 14.4% improvement in cycle time
Value Drivers: Speed
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C, Agile
Vertical: Technology
European Space Agency
Problem: Geographic separation led to software deployment that used to take weeks
Solution: GitLab Free (VC&C, CI)
Result: Toolchain simplified and blooming culture of collaboration; code deployed in minutes when it used to take weeks
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C
Vertical: Technology
Problem: Needed to improve and enhance their developer tools
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI)
Result: Actively contributing to GitLab project with upstream commits
Differentiators: Open Source, Collaborative Customer Experience
Vertical: Industrial Manufacturing
Problem: Lack of large scale collaboration and visibility
Solution: GitLab Free (CI)
Result: Over 12,000 users collaborate on GitLab, running 120,000 CI jobs each month
Differentiators: VC&C & CI, Open Source
Usecase: CI, VC&C
Vertical: Science, Technology, and Education
Problem: Slow build process prevented innovation
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI)
Result: 15x faster - from over 2-hour builds to 8-minute builds; faster releases and better customer experiences with 5 star app reviews
Value Drivers: Speed
Differentiators: Single App, Kubernetes
Usecase: CI
Vertical: Applications Development
Ask Media Group
Problem: Managing the process of building and deploying microservices
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI)
Result: Developers can immediately begin to contribute a new service, that can be deployed to AWS as soon as they start
Differentiators: SW Anywhere
Video: Ask Media Group shares with GitLab how they accomplished Cloud Native Transformation with an architecture leveraging GitLab Runners, Kubernetes, and more.
Usecase: CI, Cloud Native
Vertical: IT Services
Problem: CI pipelines took up so much bandwidth, impacted ability to deliver new tools and features; spent inordinate amount of time on CI maintenance
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI)
Result: GitLab provided the stable CI that Fanatics was looking for, enabling the cloud team to focus on innovation instead of simply fighting fires
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Differentiators: Collaborative
Usecase: CI
Vertical: Retail
Verizon Connect
Problem: Needed to implement automation to increase deployment speed
Solution: GitLab Premium (CI, Agile)
Result: Reduced deploy process to under 8 hours
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C, GitOps, Agile
Vertical: Telematics
Problem: Legacy developer tools slowed software delivery frequency
Solution: GitLab Ultimate(CI, CD, Security, SCM)
Result: Software builds now 30 minutes from over 3 hours, able to release 9 times a day
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Differentiators: Single App, VC&C & CI, Security
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C, DevSecOps
Vertical: Technology
Problem: KnowBe4 was looking for a tool to keep code in-house and that offered the capabilities of several tools in one
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (CI, CD, Security, SCM) and AWS
Result: Over 5 times more production deploys daily and over 20 times more development environments deploy per day for any given application
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Security
Differentiators: Single App, SCM & CI, AWS, Security
Usecase: CI, CD, SCM, DevSecOps
Vertical: Technology
Problem: Slow release process taking over 40 minutes
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (CI, CD)
Result: Release process reduced to 6 minutes, 8 releases per day with built-in security, and a full deployment pipeline to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Risk
Differentiators: Security, SW Anywhere, Kubernetes
Usecase: CI, CD, GitOps
Vertical: Applications Development
Problem: Slow builds, expensive both in cost and maintenance due to multiple tools
Solution: GitLab Premium (VC&C, CI)
Result: Build time reduced from 6 hours to 20 minutes, reduced toolchain complexity, and lightweight maintenance
Usecase: CI, VC&C
Vertical: Education
Problem: Long cycle times and hard to collaborate between developers
Solution: GitLab Community Edition (VC&C, CI)
Result: From 2 weeks to set up a new project to just minutes, 120x increase in code reviews
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Risk
Usecase: CI, VC&C
Vertical: Financial Services
Paessler AG
Problem: Unstable and fragile developer tools resulted in slow QA cycles and infrequent releases
Solution: GitLab Premium (VC&C, CI, CD)
Result: 120x faster QA, 4x more frequent releases
Value Drivers: Speed, Risk
Differentiators: VC&C & CI
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C
Vertical: Network Software
Extra Hop Networks
Problem: Legacy developer tools prevented collaboration and faster delivery
Solution: GitLab
Result: Unified developers on a common platform, reduced the total number of tools, and eased the transition to CI/CD
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C
Vertical: IT Management
BI Worldwide
Problem: Legacy systems and a lack of security lead to deployment cycles of 18 months
Solution: GitLab Ultimate
Result: Daily releases and increased collaboration in single tool
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Security
Usecase: CI, CD, DevSecOps, GitOps Simplify DevOps
Vertical: Consulting
Problem: Hotjar, a growing all-remote company, was looking for an enhanced CI/CD tool to replace Jenkins
Solution: GitLab Premium
Result: Daily deploys increased from 2 to 15, 30% decrease in time to build GitLab CI vs Jenkins, and 50% deployment time saved
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Usecase: SCM, CI, CD, Kubernetes, All Remote
Vertical: Technology
Problem: Remote wanted to get up and running quickly without spending time and money on a multi-toolchain
Solution: GitLab Premium
Result: 100% of deadline met, 100% focus on product and 3795 code pushed in a 3 month period
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Usecase: SCM, CI, CD, All Remote
Vertical: Technology
Problem: As was getting established, they wanted to create an efficient build process
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (SCM, CI, DevSecOps)
Result: 6 week production cycles reduced to 1 week, over 100 builds per day. During a recent audit for SOC2 compliance, the auditors said that Chorus had the fastest auditing process they have seen and most of that is due to the capabilities of GitLab
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Security
Usecase: SCM, CI, CD, Security
Vertical: Technology
Jasper Solutions
Problem: Jasper Solutions needed a platform that offers security, code management, and consistent pipelines in order to create its dynamic tactical edge “DevSecOps in a box
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (SCM, CI, CD)
Result: 30% reduction in cycle time, 25% increase in deployment frequency and 90-95% of projects are on time and on budget
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Security
Usecase: SCM, CI, CD, Security
Vertical: Technology
Problem: SVA was looking for a platform to improve central code management and workflow CI
Solution: GitLab CE
Result: SVA has over 500 active GitLab users, 110 groups and over 1571 projects
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Differentiators: SCM & CI, Kubernetes
Usecase: SCM, CI, CD
Vertical: Technology Partner
Problem: Slow software development and delivery due to expensive and complex developer tool stack
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (Security, Agile, CI, CD, VC&C)
Result: Teams over 2x more efficient, completing 50 days of work in 21 days; 8x faster deploys, from 4 hours to under 30 min; built-in security scanning making audit process easier
Value Drivers: Risk
Differentiators: VC&C & CI, Security
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C, DevSecOps, Simplify DevOps, Agile
Vertical: Technology
Problem: Complex and fragile developer tools hindered productivity
Solution: GitLab Premium (VC&C, CI, CD)
Result: Regular deploys, collaboration, and stable and reliable CI/CD pipelines
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C
Vertical: Not-for-Profit / Roadside Assistance
Problem: Enabling global open source collaboration
Solution: GitLab
Result: Easier to use platform that improves productivity
Usecase: Agile
Vertical: Computer Software
Problem: Hard to collaborate across silos and with customers on cloud projects
Solution: GitLab Free (CI)
Result: GitLab and its integrated CI helps seamlessly and securely manage deployments across many AWS accounts
Differentiators: SW Anywhere
Usecase: CI
Vertical: IT Services
Problem: Jenkins and GH proved to be a complicated, expensive, and inefficient toolchain
Solution: GitLab Ultimate (VC&C, CI, CD)
Result: CI runtimes cut in half for 50% improvements over Jenkins
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Usecase: CI, CD, VC&C, Agile
Vertical: Applications Development
Industry Awards
_The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication.*
GitLab Recognized by 451 Research as a ‘451 Firestarter’
The complete DevOps platform delivered as a single application recognized by leading analyst firm for innovation and vision in the technology industry
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Rapid Dev, Simply Dev Ops
DevOps Dozen 2019 Winners Annoucement
The DevOps Dozen award for the Best DevOps Solution Provider for 2019 goes to GitLab
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Rapid Dev, Single App
IDC Innovators: Tools Supporting Open (Unopinionated) Developer Platforms
demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology or both
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Rapid Dev
Axo Soft - Top 20 Dev Tools for 2019
GitLab is one of the most popular developer tools.
Differentiators: Open Source
Use case VC&C, Agile
IDC Innovators: Agile Code Development Technologies
demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology or both
Use case Agile
Google Cloud Partner Awards
Innovative Solution in Developer Ecosystem for the tight integration with GKE
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Use case Cloud Native
[GitLab voted as G2 Crowd Leader]
Over 170 public reviews with a 4.4 rating, including: “Powerful team collaboration tool for managing software development projects,” “Great self-managed, open source, source control system,” “Efficient, can trace back, easy to collaborate,” and “Perfect solution for cloud and on-premise DevOps tool”
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Rapid Dev, Visibility
Use case VC&C, CI, CD
CNCF - The 30 Highest Velocity Open Source Projects
developer velocity can help illuminate promising areas in which to get involved, and what is likely to be the successful platforms over the next several years
Differentiators: Open Source, Rapid Dev
Use case GitOps, Cloud Native
Analyst Reports and Studies
_The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online here, while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication.*
Forrester Total Economic Impact Study Commissioned By GitLab, June 2020
GitLab commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study examining the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by using GitLab.
GitLab customers were interviewed and related data was collected independently by Forrester Consulting in this process. The data collected, resulting model, and study itself was reviewed independently by Forrester Research analysts. GitLab stakeholders were also interviewed as part of the data gathering and review process. This study looked at the cost savings and business benefits of enterprises using GitLab for Version Control & Collaboration (VC&C)/SCM, Continuous Integration (CI), and Continuous Delivery (CD).
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Use case SCM, CI, CD, Simplify DevOps
The Forrester Wave™: Continuous Delivery And Release Automation, Q2 2020, June 2020
Forrester cite GitLab as a Strong Performer in Wave for CDRA
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Use case SCM, CI, CD, Simplify DevOps
Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”: Application Release Orchestration, March 2020
GitLab is named a Customers’ Choice in the March 2020 Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer” - Application Release Orchestration
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Differentiators: Visibility
Use case SCM, CI, CD, Simplify DevOps
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Agile Planning Tools, April 2020
Gartner Cites GitLab as a Visionary in MQ for EAPT
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Differentiators: Visibility
Use case SCM, CI, CD, Simplify DevOps, Agile
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing, April 2020
Gartner Cites GitLab as a Niche Player in MQ for AST
Value Drivers: Risk
Use case DevSecOps
Gartner Market Guide for Software Composition Analysis, August 2020
Gartner mentions GitLab in the context of the broader shift in the market toward developers as buyers of tools
Value Drivers: Risk
Use case DevSecOps
Forrester: Manage Your Toolchain Before it Manages You
Multiple tools and toolchains create visibility, security, and productivity challenges for development and operations teams. “Out-of-the-box” toolchain solutions are seen as a solution, increasing security, revenue, and quality.
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Visibility
Use case VC&C, CI, CD, Simplify DevOps
Forrester: Software Composition Analysis - Challenger
Software composition analysis tools evaluate applications to uncover vulnerabilities in 3rd party and open source components.
Use case DevSecOps
Forrester: Continuous Delivery and Release Automation - Contender
Release automation tools enable faster, higher-quality, more automated software delivery through modeling applications, infrastructure, middleware, and their supporting installation processes and dependencies. “GitLab’s release automation is ideal for cloud-native, Kubernetes-centric organizations.”
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed
Use case CD
Forrester: Value Stream Management - Strong Performer
Value stream management provides visibility into project planning, health indicators, and analytics to remove waste and focus on customer value.
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Differentiators: Visibility
Use case Simplify DevOps
Forrester: Continuous Integration Wave - Leader
Continuous Integration streamlines and accelerates building and testing developer code, shortening delivery to minutes rather than weeks and months. Continuous Integration also automates compliance tasks and improves auditability.
Value Drivers: Efficiency, Speed, Risk
Use case CI
2017 Peer Reviews
_The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication.*
“Powerful team collaboration tool for managing software development projects” — Information Technologist, Enterprise from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: VC&C
“Perfect solution for cloud and on-premise DevOps tool” — Lead Developer, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: DevOps, Cloud Native
“Great self-managed, open source source control system” — Administrator, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: VC&C
“Efficient, can trace back, easy to collaborate” — Industry Analyst / Tech Writer, SMB from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: VC&C
GitLab Reports and Studies
2020 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps
Findings Included: A majority of developer respondents, 66%, said their organization does make it possible for them to avoid hacks.
DevSecOps = changing roles: Security can be found on cross-functional teams and working closely in collaboration with developers, both of which represent significant change from the past.
Customer Value: Building security into the DevOps pipeline improves overall security.
Value Drivers: Risk
Use case DevSecOps
2020 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps
Findings Included: DevOps = faster releases: If you’re a developer, DevOps just works. Nearly 83% of them report they’re releasing code more quickly.
About 35% report code is released twice as rapidly, while nearly 25% said it’s now being released 10 times faster.
Customer Value: Automated testing in the CI pipeline accelerates delivery, finding defects earlier.
Value Drivers: Speed
Use case DevSecOps
2020 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps
Findings Included: CD is real: Nearly 60% deploy multiple times a day, once a day, or once every few days. That’s up from 45% last year. And 74% of organizations report they have shifted testing left, meaning they’ve moved it earlier into the development process.
Customer Value: Visibility and transparency into future work leads to more efficient planning and execution.
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use case Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery**
Older GitLab Reports and Studies (2019 and beyond)
2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps
Findings Included: 50% of developers agree that security vulnerabilities are mostly discovered by the security team after code is merged and in a test environment.
Customer Value: Building security into the DevOps pipeline improves overall security.
Value Drivers: Risk
Use case DevSecOps
2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps
Findings Included: 49% of respondents encounter the most delays during the testing stage of the development lifecycle.
Customer Value: Automated testing in the CI pipeline accelerates delivery, finding defects earlier.
Value Drivers: Speed
Use case CI, CD, SCM, Simplify DevOps
2019 Peer Reviews
_The original and internal-to-GitLab proof points Google Doc is online, here while some parts of this handbook page are being approved for publication.*
“Powerful team collaboration tool for managing software development projects” — Information Technologist, Enterprise from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: SCM
Differentiator: SCM&CI, Single Application
Vertical: Education
2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps
Findings Included: Ops teams are 1.8x more likely to believe they get sufficient notice to support the developer side when their DevOps practice is very good.
Customer Value: Visibility and transparency into future work leads to more efficient planning and execution.
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: DevOps, Cloud Native
Differentiator: Single Application, Rapid Innovation, K8s, Software Anywhere
Vertical: Technology
“Great self-managed, open source source control system” — Administrator, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: SCM
Differentiator: Software Anywhere, SCM&CI
Vertical: Education
“Efficient, can trace back, easy to collaborate” — Industry Analyst / Tech Writer, SMB from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: SCM
Differentiator: Single Application
Vertical: Market Research
“GitLab has helped me master Git, CI/CD pipelines, and software development in general through the many resources it offers. - System Administrator, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Drivers: Efficiency
Use Case: CI, CD
Differentiator: Single Application, Open Source, SCM&CI, Collaborative
Vertical: Technology
“For me, the most impressive part of their toolchain would have to be the CI/CD Platform, the ease of use and it’s flexibility is wonderful. Building CI/CD pipelines never felt easier. - Software Engineer, Mid-Market from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Driver: Efficiency
Use Case: CI, CD
Differentiator: Single Application, SCM&CI
Vertical: Digital Marketing
“The UI is better and CI/CD is way more robust. GitLab has also got a great working culture (“remote is the future of work” for sure!) and a very strong brand, and good communication and presence on various platforms. - Marton Nagy, SMB from [G2 Crowd Leader]
Value Driver: Efficiency
Use Case: SCM, CI, CD
Differentiator: SCM&CI, End-to-End Insight
Vertical: Technology