Okta Group Rule Nomenclature


Okta Groups Rules need to follow standardized naming conventions for better discovery, management, and auditing.


When appropriate, a group rule name should be the same as the group it manages membership to.

See Okta Group Nomenclature for more information about naming syntax.


  • Group Rule: app.google_worskpace.employees
    • conditions: user.userType=="Employee"
    • groups: app.google_workspace.employees

When a group rule manages membership for multiple groups, the group rule name should descriptively and succinctly describe the group rule’s purpose.


  • Group Rules: Corporate Security Department
    • conditions: user.department=="Corporate Security"
    • groups: dept.corporate_security,div.security,app.gitlab.corporate_security
Last modified December 13, 2024: Remove trailing spaces (a4c83fb3)