Identity Counterparts

Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a shared responsibility across several teams at GitLab. This page has a directory of all of our stable counterparts.

Identity v3 Program DRI

Please tag @jeffersonmartin for any architecture, decisions, discussions, guidance, or other questions.

Identity Counterparts and Stakeholders Directory

- it_analyst: team_name: 'IT End User Services (aka Analysts / Helpdesk)' responsibilities: - TODO manager: mbeltran counterparts: - jwong gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/it/end-user-services' slack_channel: '#it_help' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: null - it_compliance: team_name: 'IT Compliance' responsibilities: - TODO manager: disla counterparts: - disla gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/it/compliance' slack_channel: '#it_help' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - it_ops_leader: team_name: 'IT Ops Leadership' responsibilities: - TODO manager: rrea counterparts: - rrea gitlab_saas_tag: '@rrea1' slack_channel: '#it_help' handbook_page: null issue_tracker: null - it_seceng: team_name: 'IT Security and Engineering' responsibilities: - TODO manager: erubin counterparts: - erubin - mwhitaker - malkobaisy gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/it/security @gitlab-com/it/engops' slack_channel: '#it_security_help' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_platforms_leader: team_name: 'Infrastructure SaaS Platforms Leadership' responsibilities: - TODO manager: marin counterparts: - marin gitlab_saas_group_tag: '@marin' slack_channel: '#s_platforms' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_foundations: team_name: 'Production Engineering Foundations' responsibilities: - TODO manager: sabrams counterparts: - sabrams gitlab_saas_tag: '@sabrams' slack_channel: '#g_foundations' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_ops: team_name: 'Production Engineering Ops' responsibilities: - TODO manager: glopezfernandez counterparts: - glopezfernandez gitlab_saas_tag: '@glopezfernandez' slack_channel: 'g_infra_general' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_scalability_leader: team_name: 'Scalability Leadership' responsibilities: - TODO manager: rnienaber counterparts: - rnienaber gitlab_saas_tag: '@rnienaber' slack_channel: '#g_scalability' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_observability: team_name: 'Scalability Observability' responsibilities: - TODO manager: 'lmcandrew' counterpart: 'lmcandrew' gitlab_saas_tag: '@lmcandrew' slack_channel: '#g_scalability' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_practices: team_name: 'Scalability Practices' responsibilities: - TODO manager: kwanyangu counterparts: - kwanyangu gitlab_saas_tag: '@kwanyangu' slack_channel: '#g_scalability' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_deployment: team_name: 'Delivery Deployment System' responsibilities: - TODO manager: dsmith counterparts: - dsmith gitlab_saas_tag: '@dawsmith' slack_channel: '#g_delivery' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_orchestration: team_name: 'Delivery Release Orchestration' responsibilities: - TODO manager: mbursi counterpart: - mbursi gitlab_saas_tag: '@mbursi' slack_channel: '#g_delivery' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_dedicated_general: team_name: 'Dedicated Leadership' responsibilities: - TODO manager: aphillips counterpart: - aphillips gitlab_saas_tag: '@aphillips' slack_channel: '#g_dedicated-team' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_dedicated_env_automation: team_name: 'Dedicated Environment Automation' responsibilities: - TODO manager: olluch counterparts: - olluch gitlab_saas_tag: '@o-lluch @gitlab-dedicated/environment-automation' slack_channel: '#g_dedicated-team' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_dedicated_switchboard: team_name: 'Dedicated Switchboard' responsibilities: - TODO manager: ashiel counterpart: - ashiel gitlab_saas_tag: '@ashiel' slack_channel: '#g_dedicated-switchboard-team' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - infra_dedicated_switchboard: team_name: 'Dedicated US Public Sector Services' responsibilities: - TODO manager: sdumesnil counterpart: sdumesnil gitlab_saas_tag: '@sdumesnil' slack_channel: '#g_dedicated-us-pubsec' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - people_ops_technology: team_name: 'People Ops Technology and Tools' responsibilities: - TODO manager: achan counterpart: aromaniello gitlab_saas_tag: '@ajrom' slack_channel: '#people-connect|#peopleops-eng' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - sec_compliance_commercial: team_name: 'Security Compliance (Commercial)' responsibilities: - Access Management Policy - Quarterly and Annual Audits - User Access Reviews managers: - jburrows - lcoleman counterparts: - afrank - deckhardt - bboots - mlake gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/gl-security/security-assurance/team-commercial-compliance' slack_channel: '#sec-assurance' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - sec_identity_eng: team_name: 'Identity Engineering (Architecture and Platform)' responsibilities: - Architect next-generation IAM and access management standards - Build automation and integration between systems that provides data consistency, reliability, strong security, and audibility. - Consolidate and refactor legacy data, processes, and tech debt. - Design and document processes with automation mindset to improve back office operations. - Efficiency optimization is our North Star. - Factor in cost, security, compatibility, maintainability and user experience when making decisions. manager: smanzuik counterparts: - jmartin gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/gl-security/identity/eng' slack_channel: '#security-identity-eng' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - sec_identity_infra: team_name: 'Identity Infrastructure' responsibilities: - Administrative control plane architecture - AWS and GCP infrastructure organization-level management Cloud infrastructure organizational management and least privilege security - Infrastructure service accounts - Infrastructure user access requests manager: smanzuik counterparts: - vstoianovici gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/gl-security/identity/infra' slack_channel: '#security-identity-ops' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - sec_identity_ops: team_name: 'Identity Operations' responsibilities: - Administrative access (BLACK accounts) and control plane change management - Company-wide RBAC group and role management - Escalation requests from counterpart teams - Provisioning user access requests for administrative systems - Role-based access control with just-in-time elevated access manager: smanzuik counterparts: - jmartin - vstoianovici gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/gl-security/identity/ops' slack_channel: '#security-identity-ops' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - sec_infra: team_name: 'Infrastructure Security (aka InfraSec)' responsibilities: - AWS and GCP infrastructure organization-level policy enforcement - Infrastructure vulnerability management - Infrastructure configuration and best practices policies - Production readiness reviews manager: juliedavila counterparts: - djain - mmorrison - pmartins - ugovindia gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/infrastructure-security' slack_channel: '#security-infrasec' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '' - sec_sirt: team_name: 'Security Incident Response Team (SIRT)' responsibilities: - TODO managers: - mcoons - schoudhary - vmairet counterparts: - ballam - dperic - hsharma - mjozenazemian - sgillespie gitlab_saas_tag: '@gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/sirt' slack_channel: '#security-division' handbook_page: '' issue_tracker: '/security'