Red Team Rules of Engagement
This page outlines the general rules that apply to all work conducted by the Red Team. Individual operations may include additional rules defined during planning stages.
Please refer to our general handbook page to learn more about our team and what we do.
Systems in Scope
General Systems
Some systems require special approval from GitLab legal before accessing during any type of Red Team operation. GitLab team members can view that list here.
Third-party systems that are used by GitLab for official business purposes are also considered in scope, but these often require permission from the system owners. This permission will be obtained when necessary.
All other systems managed by GitLab are in scope for all types of Red Team operations.
Team members can request that a system be excluded from our scope by opening an issue here.
Company-Issued Laptops
By default, company-issued laptops are not in scope unless authorized by the team member who uses the laptop.
GitLab team members can opt-in to having their laptops included in the scope of future operations. We encourage participation in this program, as it allows us to emulate the most realistic threats and to propose improvements to prevent actual attacks from succeeding.
If an in-scope laptop is compromised, the Red Team may run additional commands on the laptop to establish persistence, extract company-related credentials, and move laterally through GitLab’s environment. We respect the privacy of our team members and will not attempt to access webcams/microphones, monitor home networks, or attempt to access personal information.
Everything the Red Team does on a compromised laptop will be logged and auditable.
We appreciate our opt-in participants and we know that breaches can happen to anyone. Our goal is to continuously improve our ability to prevent and detect security incidents, not to place any blame on individuals. A compromised opt-in laptop will not lead to any disciplinary measures or negatively impact a talent assessment.
If a laptop is compromised during an operation, the team member will be notified when the operation is complete. Their name will not appear in the operation’s final report, but they may be tagged in issues related to investigation and remediation of the compromise.
Team members can opt in to this program using this Google form. Those who change their minds can use the same form to opt back out. If a team member decides to opt out after their laptop has already been involved in an emulated compromise, the Red Team will delete any data that may have been extracted from their laptop. This is an unlikely scenario, but we want to take extra steps to ensure everyone’s privacy.
Please check with your manager to ensure they have no concerns with your participation prior to opting in.
Stealth Operations
Stealth Operations require careful planning. During the logistics phase, we propose objectives and outline the threats we’ll emulate, seeking approvals in this template.
The sections below contain general rules that apply to all stealth operations.
Prior Approval
- Approval is required from at least one layer of SIRT leadership. This starts at the SIRT managers and goes up to the CISO.
- Approval is required from the Senior Manager responsible for the Red Team.
- Approval is required from everyone defined as a “trusted participant” in the logistics phase.
- Approval is provided as part of the logistics phase of every stealth operation. The scope of the approval is included as part of the logistics issue where approval is recorded.
Requests for Disclosure
- Active stealth operations will have a dedicated Slack channel where all trusted participants are invited.
- The private
channel is always available for Security Directors and above to inquire about Red Team activities. - Managers and above can submit an issue using this template to request disclosure of Red Team activities. This template contains details on how these issues are handled.
- If team members ask whether a specific activity or IoC belongs to the Red Team outside of these designated channels, we will follow the process documented in “Is This The Red Team?”.
- If asked in one of the designated Slack channels, the following will happen:
- Any ongoing stealth activities will be paused until a definitive answer can be provided.
- If it was not the Red Team, the requestor can still ask that all activities remain paused until the issue is resolved.
- If it was the Red Team performing a stealth operation, there will be a documented plan (from the “logistics” phase) on what happens next. Some examples are:
- The operation continues in stealth, with the trusted participant helping to ensure any escalation is in-line with the operation goals.
- The operation is disclosed internally and continues in the open to further validate security controls and detection mechanisms. Incident response is discontinued for known Red Team activities.
- The entire operation is not disclosed internally, but the trusted participant informs the team that a specific activity or IoC belongs to the Red Team. The systems involved are considered “virtually contained” and the Red Team relinquishes any access to those systems.
- The operation ceases completely.
- We should always prioritize the security of the organization and the well-being of our team members. There may be times when we need to make a judgement call and answer these questions quickly, outside of the official channels.
Engaging with SIRT
At GitLab, our Red Team and Blue Team have a long history of working collaboratively towards a common goal. Despite playing roles that are adversarial in nature, we want to maintain a very high level of trust and respect between the teams.
We define some specific rules below, but in general we want to remember to always be kind and compassionate in our work. If something feels like it conflicts with GitLab’s values, we need to re-evaluate exactly what we are doing and why we are doing it.
- The Red Team will not intentionally distract or mislead SIRT using official company communication channels under the team’s legitimate user accounts.
- The Red Team will make an effort to avoid triggering on-call incidents outside of normal business hours. In general, this means not conducting attack techniques during hours when it is a weekend or holiday globally.
- SIRT will not proactively monitor specific Red Team resources. If any alerts or standard incident response procedures lead to these resources, of course they may be investigated by SIRT. The intent of this rule is to avoid prematurely uncovering a Red Team operation in an unrealistic manner. These resources include:
- Red Team members’ laptops
- Red Team’s group project inside Google Cloud
- Red Team’s private projects on
- Red Team’s private Slack channels and direct messages
General Safety Guidelines
The sections below outline general rules all Red Team operations.
Team Member Privacy
As security professionals, we aim to be ethical in every engagement while maintaining the spirit of mimicking real-world attacks. We respect the privacy of the employees at GitLab and follow the guidelines mentioned in the Employee Privacy Policy during our engagements.
Critical Vulnerabilities and Exploits
The Red Team may discover and exploit vulnerabilities during an engagement. These will not always be reported immediately to SIRT, as we want to provide a realistic opportunity to detect and respond to that exploitation.
If a vulnerability is exposed that meets the following criteria, we will document the issue and follow the process to engage SIRT immediately:
- Vulnerability is exposed publicly
- Vulnerability is realistically exploitable
- Exploitation of the vulnerability would impact business operations and/or expose sensitive data
Red Team operations are carefully planned to avoid impacting production systems and customer activities. However, accidents may occur and production systems may respond in an unpredictable manner.
If we ever suspect an impact to production, we will do the following:
- Suspend any activities related to the impact
- Immediately inform everyone defined as a “trusted participant” for the operation
- If a security incident is required, engage SIRT
- If an infrastructure incident is required, engage the on-call SRE
- Perform a proper root cause analysis following resolution of the incident
Common Techniques
This section describes techniques that are commonly used by the Red Team. These lists are not all inclusive, but are meant to provide team members reasonable expectations of things the Red Team may or may not do.
If any team members have questions or concerns about these operations, please contact us in the #g_security_redteam
Slack channel.
Opportunistic Attack Techniques
Techniques used in opportunistic attacks include:
- Port scanning.
- Web crawling and scraping.
- Manual or automated vulnerability scanning.
- Manual or automated exploit attempts on vulnerable software or infrastructure.
- Manual or automated attempts at abusing misconfigurations.
- Manually and programmatically querying the GitLab API.
- Accessing and cloning any public projects, issues, snippets, etc. on
- Accessing other data intended to be open to the public, such as logging platforms.
- Attempting to log in to any publicly-exposed administrative interface with common and default credentials.
- Attempting to validate credential data such as GCP service accounts, SSH keys, and API keys found in public locations.
- Gathering open-source intelligence (OSINT) from an any source, including those not managed by GitLab.
Stealth Operation Techniques
During a stealth operation, the Red Team may:
- Begin an operation assuming a breach has occurred, meaning the team will have some level of access to resources that are not exposed publicly.
- Attempt to gain access to team member accounts on any GitLab-managed platform (, Google, Slack, Zoom, etc).
- Attempt to gain access to in-scope laptops using techniques like drive-by attacks, spearphishing with attachments, and supply chain compromises.
- Search for credential data on any compromised system. This includes environment variables, configuration files, shell history, etc.
- Authenticate as any team member using credential data discovered on any GitLab-managed resource (passwords, access tokens, SSH keys, etc).
- Attempt to gain access to any resource in GitLab’s cloud environments, and use those resources to escalate privileges and move laterally in the cloud.
- Exploit vulnerabilities and abuse insecure configurations in any system owned and managed by GitLab.
- Conduct social engineering using techniques like:
- Creating fake identities and using them to engage with team members over GitLab-managed channels like email, Slack, Zoom, issues and merge requests, etc.
- Creating web sites that appear to be legitimate copies of items in our tech stack, sending the URLs to team members over those GitLab-managed channels, collecting credentials entered into those sites and attempting to re-use them in the legitimate application.
- Sending calendar invites and meeting requests over those GitLab-managed channels, and speaking over voice or video call with team members who join those meetings or call the provided numbers.
- Other forms of social engineering that impersonate GitLab team members, vendors, customers, partners, etc. and are directed towards GitLab owned or managed services such as email, authentication providers, job postings, etc. where the social engineering attempts do not directly target personal devices or services. Execute supply-chain related attack techniques like dependency confusion, pipeline injections, and malicious code commits.
If you are a team member at GitLab and suspect you have uncovered a stealth red team operation in the course of your daily work, please first report this to your manager and refer to the “Is This Red Team?” section.
At this time, the Red Team will not:
- Attempt to access resources inside a GitLab team member’s home (wireless networks, non-GitLab machines, etc).
- Attempt to access the camera or microphone on any device without explicit permission from its owner.
- Attempt to socially engineer team members via channels not managed by GitLab (such as social networks, personal email addresses, etc).
- Directly call or SMS team member’s personal phone numbers, except in the case where team members explicitly opt-in and actively provide their contact information on a volunteer basis.
- Attempt to access the web browsing history of any team member.
- Attempt to gain access to anything that is not strictly work-related and managed/owned by GitLab.
Auditing Red Team Attack Techniques
The Red Team maintains operator logs which include specific details on attack techniques we’ve conducted, timestamps, source IP addresses, etc. These are included in an operation’s final report, but will be redacted to not show specific names of accounts and laptops that may have been compromised.
If a team member’s account or laptop is compromised during an operation, the Red Team will share specific details of all related activity with that team member. This will include the operator logs. The Red Team will offer to meet with them synchronously to explain these logs, if the team member would like that.
Besides these manual logs, our activities can be audited using the same capabilities GitLab has to investigate actual malicious activity. For example, any commands we may execute on a “compromised” laptop should be captured and archived by our endpoint detection and response (EDR) software.