How to Request A SME

How to Request a SME on an opportunity to provide technical guidance and expertise

A system needs to be set up on how to request a SME for an opportunity. One of the responsibilities of a SME is to “Providing technical expertise to SAs during customer demos and presentations via a shared slack channel or joining customer calls.”

How to Request a SME (TBD)

To request a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for an opportunity, follow these steps:

  1. Submit a request form:

    • Use the designated SFDC request form or other approved system
    • Provide details about the opportunity and specific expertise needed
  2. Add the SA SME to the opportunity team in SFDC:

    • This ensures proper tracking and collaboration
  3. Reporting and attribution:

    • Include necessary information for accurate reporting and attribution purposes
  4. Approval process:

    • Requests should come from the account SA or SA leader to ensure proper vetting
  5. Engagement process:

    • Once approved, the SME will be notified and can join the appropriate Slack channel or customer calls
  6. Follow-up:

    • After the engagement, provide feedback on the SME’s contribution to help improve the process

Note: The specific details of the request form and approval process may vary based on organizational policies. Consult with your SA leader or SME program manager for the most up-to-date procedures.

SME Request Form

To request a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for an opportunity, please complete the following form:

  1. Opportunity Details:

    • Opportunity Name: [Enter opportunity name]
    • Opportunity ID: [Enter SFDC opportunity ID]
    • Account Name: [Enter account name]
    • Expected Close Date: [Enter expected close date]
  2. SME Expertise Required:

    • Area of Expertise: [Select from dropdown: AI, Security, Agile, Dedicated, Other]
    • If Other, please specify: [Enter specific area of expertise]
  3. Engagement Details:

    • Type of Engagement: [Select from: Customer Demo, Technical Presentation, Architecture Review, Other]
    • If Other, please specify: [Enter engagement type]
    • Proposed Date(s): [Enter proposed date(s) for SME engagement]
    • Expected Duration: [Enter expected duration of SME involvement]
  4. Technical Context:

    • Brief description of the technical challenge or opportunity: [Enter description]
    • Specific questions or areas where SME input is needed: [Enter questions/areas]
  5. Requestor Information:

    • Requestor Name: [Enter your name]
    • Requestor Role: [Enter your role: Account SA, SA Leader]
    • Email: [Enter your email]
    • Phone: [Enter your phone number]
  6. Additional Information:

    • Any relevant background information or documents: [Attach or provide links]

By submitting this form, you confirm that you are the account SA or SA leader for this opportunity. Once submitted, the request will be reviewed, and if approved, the SME will be added to the opportunity team in SFDC and notified to join the appropriate Slack channel or customer calls.

Please note: After the engagement, you will be asked to provide feedback on the SME’s contribution to help improve the process.

SME Request Approval Process

The SME Request Approval Process involves the following steps:

  1. Submission Review:

    • The SME program manager or designated approver reviews the submitted request form.
    • They verify that the request comes from an account SA or SA leader.
  2. Opportunity Validation:

    • The approver checks the opportunity details in SFDC to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  3. SME Availability Check:

    • The approver verifies the availability of appropriate SMEs for the requested dates.
  4. Approval Decision:

    • Based on the review, the approver either approves or declines the request.
    • If approved, the process moves forward.
    • If declined, the requestor is notified with an explanation.
  5. SME Assignment:

    • An available and suitable SME is assigned to the opportunity.
  6. SFDC Update:

    • The assigned SME is added to the opportunity team in SFDC.
  7. Notification:

    • The requestor is notified of the approval and SME assignment.
    • The assigned SME is informed about the engagement details.
  8. Slack Channel Invitation:

    • The SME is invited to the relevant Slack channel for the opportunity.
  9. Engagement Tracking:

    • The SME program manager updates the tracking system to record the engagement.
  10. Post-Engagement Follow-up:

    • After the engagement, the requestor is prompted to provide feedback on the SME’s contribution.

This process ensures proper vetting, efficient allocation of SME resources, and maintains accurate records for reporting and attribution purposes.

Last modified August 30, 2024: Added a new Page for SME operations (087b56ed)