Licensing & Renewals Workflows

Automation Request
This workflow covers the steps to request an automation for any L&R related tasks.
AWS Marketplace license
How to handle license purchased via AWS Marketplace
Billing, invoice and payments requests
Some billing and invoicing requests require action from our Billing/Accounts Receivable team.
Communicating Licensing & Renewals Workflow Changes
The Support process to communicate workflow changes to team members
Handling L&R Internal Requests
Describes how to service internal requests for licensing & renewals.
Managing Product Issues
The collaborative process between Support and Fulfillment for managing product issues
Merging or splitting license/subscription requests
This is a guide on how to handle requests to merge or split licenses or subscription(s).
Quarterly Subscription Reconciliations (QSR)
Workflow for QSR dispute, pausing QSR, resolving max seats, and triggering reconciliation.
Requests for documents or signatures from GitLab
How to get GitLab documents or signature for customers.
Self Managed
Software as a Service
Subscription and billing issues
Refer to this page when a user has questions/issues related to transactions, licensing or billing for self-managed or
Supporting GitLab Community Programs
Instructions for redirecting community programs subscription inquiries
Troubleshoot Errors While Making Purchases on
Troubleshooting guide for purchase errors on
Updating customer organization name
This page is about steps to updating customer's organization name.
Workflow for handling Plan/License Ticket Attention Requests
How to manage plan/license Support Ticket Attention Requests
Working with reseller related requests
This is a guide on how to handle requests involving Reseller.
Working with Sales
This page is about working with sales.
Zendesk L&R Ticket Form
This page is about Zendesk workflows for the L&R form.
Last modified August 2, 2023: Fix support indexes (47f46c35)