Senior Support Leadership Sync

Weekly Senior Support Leadership Sync meetings


Senior Support leadership (VP, Directors, and Senior Managers) participate in cross-regional meetings weekly.

The purpose of these meetings is to:

  • build relationships, trust and context amongst senior leaders
  • raise and identify DRIs for operational and strategic items
  • explain context for issues and explore creative ideas in real time
  • refine the problem statement of each raised issue by clarifying intent

The purpose of these meetings is not to:

  • figure out the priority of issues
  • gather feedback that can be given asynchronously on related issues
  • refine solutions or merge requests related to issues
  • make decisions

Note: It is worth reiterating that these meetings are not for making decisions or discussing things that could just as effectively be discussed within issues.

Organization of Senior Support Leadership Meetings


  1. As a smaller team of leaders, we have a single meeting slot that does not rotate.
  2. The meetings are available in the GitLab Support calendar.
  3. As we may flow in and out of confidential and non-confidential information, meetings are not recorded. However, the agenda is available to all GitLab Team Members and includes notes.


  1. The agenda and notes are in a Google Doc: Senior Support Manager Sync (internal only) - also attached to the meeting invite.
  2. Please follow the below guidelines when adding agenda items:
    1. FYI: Prepend any agenda items with FYI that don’t need discussion, but are important to know about
    2. Confidential Item: Please note in the agenda that you have a confidential item to discuss and put it in the confidential doc. Use this document for discussion surrounding a specific individual’s promotion, performance or individual situation, discussion about sensitive or confidential issues and processes.
  3. All participants should be familiar with the Video Calls Section of the Communication page in the Handbook.

Standing Items

  • Metrics and KPIs


  • Upcoming promotions
  • Underperformance
  • Discretionary Bonuses


  • Team building budget
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)