GitLab Dedicated Logs

GitLab Dedicated Support - Working with logs

Working with logs

Support can access GitLab Dedicated tenant logs through our OpenSearch infrastructure. See Accessing logs to get started. OpenSearch can be used like Kibana but read about searching logs for information on the differences.

When working on a GitLab Dedicated ticket, prioritize asking for information that will help identify applicable log entries. It is best to start collecting this information as early in the ticket as possible. The specific kinds of information will vary depending on the problem you are trying to solve but username, project path, project ID, exact date and time with time zone, correlation ID and outgoing IP address are all good examples.

The logs in OpenSearch will all be presented in the UTC time zone, regardless of the customer’s time zone.

Log requests older than 7 days

If the customer requests logs for a period older than 7 days, a security issue should be created. Follow the same procedure as the Security - log request workflow.

Identifying tenants

Each customer has a dedicated set of credentials needed for examining logs in OpenSearch. The credentials and the URL for that customer’s OpenSearch instance are stored in the GitLab Dedicated - Support 1Password vault. Each customer is noted by a three word Internal reference in the vault, so you must refer to the <tenant name> to identify the proper credentials to use for a customer. This is used as part of the accessible URL, such as: opensearch.<tenant name> You should use Switchboard as the single source of truth for identifying the Internal reference for a tenant based on the GitLab Dedicated instance URL.

Accessing logs

To access the logs for a specific tenant find the credentials stored in the GitLab Dedicated - Support Vault, and access the corresponding tenant URL listed there. Once in the tenant’s OpenSearch site:

  1. Select “Global” tenant
  2. Choose “Discover” at the sidebar under OpenSearch Dashboards
  3. On the next screen, you should see logs. Make sure that index gitlab-* is selected.

It is recommended to start with the gitlab-* index because it has a timestamp field. It shows a useful skyline graph and allows for time-filtering. The git* index is less useful as it does not have a timestamp field defined/used. If you are unable to see the logs, try clearing cookies, local storage, and all session data for the site and repeat the steps above.

Logs are retained for 7 days in OpenSearch; retention is longer in S3, but these are not accessible to Support. If you’re working on a ticket where access to older logs would have been helpful, please flag it via the Support::SaaS::Log retention period reached macro (This is an internal macro for tracking purposes only). Copy and paste relevant log entries or screenshots of frequently occurring errors into an internal note in the ticket or a field note in order to preserve them beyond the retention period.

Sharing logs

Logs generated by the GitLab application can be shared directly with customers via a ticket. Logs that were not generated by the GitLab application can not be shared with customers. You can determine whether a log entry was generated by the GitLab application by checking:

  • Is the kubernetes.container_name one of the following?:
    • gitlab-shell
    • gitlab-workhorse
    • kas
    • registry
    • sidekiq
    • webservice

If yes: the log entry can be shared directly with the customer via the ticket.

  • Does the fluentd_tag have a value of

If yes: the log entry can be shared directly with the customer via the ticket.

If one of the criteria above are not met, the log entry should not be shared directly with the customer by default. If you think sharing the log entry would benefit the customer, please read Sharing internal logs, data & graphs.

GitLab Dedicated customers can request access to application logs.

When sharing log links with other GitLab team members, be sure to generate a Permalink. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Use filters to find the log entries you are interested in
  2. Click Share in the upper right corner
  3. Optional Slide the Short URL toggle
  4. Click Copy link

Share the link that is copied rather than the URL in your browser bar.

Log Identification

Not sure what to look for? Consider using a Self-Managed instance to replicate the bug/action you’re investigating. This will allow you to confirm whether or not an issue is specific to the specific GitLab Dedicated tenant, while also providing easily accessible logs to reference while searching through OpenSearch.

Support Engineers looking to configure a Self-Managed instance should review our Sandbox Cloud page for a list of company-provided hosting options.

Table vs JSON

Each entry in OpenSearch can be expanded to show more information by clicking the > icon. The Expanded document view has two tabs: Table and JSON. The Table will be shown by default. If you don’t see the information you are looking for when viewing Table, click JSON. In the JSON view, you’ll see a prettified version of the JSON content of the log entry. You can copy the JSON and parse it locally with tools like jq or jless.

Searching logs

Since GitLab Dedicated uses Cloud Native Hybrid reference architecture, searching logs on OpenSearch is a bit different from Kibana.

  • In OpenSearch, terms can be freely typed in the search bar.
    • By comparison, freely typing in the search bar is discouraged in Kibana.
  • Fields can also be used as filters, similarly to Kibana.

Fields and Filters

The fields and filters available in OpenSearch can help you to find log entries more easily.


General fields:

  • host: The GitLab host of the log. It can be <tenant name>-gitaly-* or <tenant name>-consul-2, etc.
  • referrer: holds the project path.
  • message: is the message that would be seen in the logs of a self-managed instance. - - [08/Jul/2020:13:24:43 +0000] "GET /assets/webpack/ HTTP/1.1" 200 9316 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.63 Safari/537.36" 1343 0.001 [default-gitlab-webservice-default-8181] [] 9309 0.000 200 fe130eac78314cwf352g3762397572cb
  • subcomponent: The values in this field correspond to entries in GitLab’s log system. Possible values include production_json, application_json, api_json, auth_json and graphql_json. You can use filters to collect all log entries associated with a specific subcomponent.

Gitaly related fields:

  • grpc.request.glProjectPath: The actual GitLab path project path.
  • grpc.request.repoPath: Project hash id path.

SAML related fields:

  • action:saml
  • path: /users/auth/saml/callback
  • controller: OmniauthCallbacksController
  • location:


Filters are a powerful way to identify the log entries you care about.

Creating a filter

You can create a filter in OpenSearch by following these steps after you browse to OpenSearch Dashboards > Discover:

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first in the Field drop-down
  3. Click the Field you want (scroll to it or type to find it faster)
  4. Select an Operator
  5. In the Value field, add the string you want to filter for

To start, use the is Operator. This will let you filter for all log entries where a Field like status is 418. There are some example useful filters that you can use to help craft a filter.

If you don’t get the results you expect and you are sure that your filter is correct: make sure that the date range is correct.

Useful filters
  • used to filter Kubernetes pods. nginx-ingress, webservice, etc.

  • correlation_id: used to find relevant log entries by correlation ID Use this OpenSearch filter to find logs related to the GitLab application:

  • kubernetes.labels.release: gitlab

Filter by HTTP response status code

These OpenSearch filters can be used to find logs by their HTTP response status codes.

To find logs where the HTTP response status code is 422:

  • Field: status
  • Operator: is
  • Value: 422

To find all logs where the HTTP response status code is in the 4xx client error class:

  • Field: status
  • Operator: is between
  • Start of the rage: 400
  • End of the range: 499


Filter by correlation ID

GitLab instances log a unique request tracking ID (known as the “correlation ID”) for most requests. An important part of troubleshooting problems in GitLab is finding relevant log entries with a correlation ID. Opensearch permits filtering by correlation ID. You may retrieve the correlation ID from information provided by the customer or from looking through Opensearch logs.

To show all log entries for a specific correlation ID, you can:

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose correlation_id
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value field, put the correlation ID

Identify a deleted group or project

Information about deleted groups and projects is available in the Audit Events. The customer should be able to review this information in the Admin Area. Provided the deletion occurred within the log retention window, additional information can be sought in OpenSearch. In order to identify more information about a deleted project or group in OpenSearch, you can use this information to guide the filters that you use.

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose meta.caller_id
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value, add GroupsController#destroy

You can look at the values in username, user_id (or meta.user_id) to get more information about the user that issued the deletion request.

Identify a created or deleted user

Information about a user being created or deleted is available in the Audit Events. The customer should be able to review this information in the Admin Area. Provided the user was created or deleted within the log retention window, information about these events can be sought in OpenSearch. In order to identify more information about a created or deleted user, you can use this information to guide the filters that you want to use. For these events, we are interested in RegistrationsController.

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose controller
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value box, add RegistrationsController
  6. Click Save

You will now have a list of user creation and deletion events. Use the action field to look for the kinds of events you are interested in.

Find information about a specific pipeline

Once you know the ID of a specific pipeline, you can get information from the logs about how that pipeline was processed. Given the role that Sidekiq plays in processing CI pipelines, let’s check the Sidekiq logs.

In this example, we’ll use two filters: one to get the logs from the sidekiq container and another to filter on the specific pipeline ID.

Add the first filter for all of the logs from the sidekiq container:

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose kubernetes.container_name
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In Value box, add sidekiq
  6. Click Save

Add the second filter so that you have all of the sidekiq logs about the specific pipeline:

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose meta.pipeline_id
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value box, add the pipeline ID for the pipeline that you care about
  6. Click Save

You can now read through the Sidekiq logs related to that specific pipeline.

Identify who viewed CI/CD Variables

While we do not specifically log changes made to CI/CD variables in our audit logs for group events, there is a way to use Kibana to see who may have viewed the variables page. Viewing the variables page is required to change the variables in question. While this does not necessarily indicate someone who has viewed the page in question has made changes to the variables, it should help to narrow down the list of potential users who could have done so. (If you’d like us to log these changes, we have an issue open here to collect your comments.)

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose controller
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value box, add Projects::VariablesController
  6. Click Save

You now have a list of logs to sort through. You can get a bit more information about the users involved by refining the query a bit further. In the Search field names box, type username. Click the + symbol to Add field as column. In the list of logs, you’ll now see the username associated with each log entry where the CI/CD variables were viewed.

Retrieve and inspect SAML Responses

When troubleshooting unexpected behavior in instance-wide SAML single sign on (SSO) for GitLab Dedicated customers, you can use OpenSearch to retrieve the SAML response.

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose controller
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value box, add OmniauthCallbacksController
  6. Click Save

As you adjust the date range appropriately, you should have a list of logs to look through. You can get a bit more information about these authentication attempts by refining the query a bit further. In the Search field names box, type action. Click the + symbol to Add field as column. In the list of logs, you’ll now see the action associated with each authentication attempt. The action field will indicate whether the authentication attempt resulted in a failure.

You may wish to inspect an individual SAML response. When you have identified the log entry that includes the SAML response you wish to inspect, click the right arrow to view the Expanded document.

  1. In the params section, you’ll see a JSON object that has a key called SAMLResponse (The data in the value is the base64-encoded SAML response.)
    • Sometimes this key is too large so the log will only contain the value truncated. In this case, you will need to ask the customer to capture the SAML response themselves and send it to you.
  2. Save the long string in the value field (it should end with =) to a file like response.txt
  3. Decode the base64-encoded value with base64 -d response.txt.
    • To make inspection easier, write the output of the base64 decode into an XML file, for example base64 -d response.txt > /tmp/samlresponse.xml.
    • This file can be directly opened in some browsers like Firefox and Google Chrome to make it more readable.

Read more about what to look for in the SAML response.

Debug a failed global search request

If a search request fails, it will likely throw an error in the UI with a status code. For such failures, you can find more logs with the following steps, using an example of an error 500:

  1. Select Add filter
  2. Click Select a field first
  3. Choose status
  4. In the Operator drop-down, select is
  5. In the Value box, add 500
  6. Add another filter for the failed search term. Choose uri
  7. In the Operator drop-down, select is and in Value box add /search?search=test
  8. Click Save

You can then filter by correlation_id only, to select the failed occurrence. Take note of the exact time at @timestamp to use in the next filter.

  1. Start a new search on a duplicated Opensearch tab.
  2. Noting the timestamp from above, copy the value of and filter for logs within that @timestamp frame.
  3. Fine-tune the results by adding more filters such as, Filter: message Operator: is one of Value: elasticsearch to see any logs with the term elasticsearch

Read more on troubleshooting Elasticsearch for potential next steps.