Printing ticket thread without internal notes

How to print a ticket thread without the internal notes.

Printing a clean ticket thread

Zendesk does not have the ability to print ticket threads without the internal notes. Even if you filter by only public conversations and click the Print ticket action, the generated output will still contain internal comments.

Sometimes there is a need to print ticket threads to share the content with the customers or for documentation purposes.

An easy way of cleaning up the HTML DOM output is by using a javascript bookmarklet to do it.

  1. Click on your bookmark bar in your browser and select Add page...
  2. Give it a name of Remove Zendesk Internal Notes
  3. Paste the following code snippet into the URL input box
javascript:(function(){null!==document.getElementById("ccs")&&document.getElementById("ccs").remove(),null!==document.getElementById("fields")&&document.getElementById("fields").remove(),null!==document.getElementById("custom_fields")&&document.getElementById("custom_fields").remove();const list=document.querySelectorAll("#comments > .comment");for(let item of list){let e=item.children,l=[],e=>[],"mast"))[0],t=l.children,s=[],e=>[],"internal_note"))[0];void 0!==s&&item.remove()}})();

To use the bookmarklet, go to any ticket and click Print ticket. That will bring you to a new page with the print dialog opened. Cancel the print dialog and click the Remove Zendesk Internal Notes bookmark to remove the internal notes. Please verify that the content you want removed has been actually removed. You can then print to paper or save as a PDF

Formatted bookmarklet with comments

javascript:(function(){ // Remove the cc if (document.getElementById('ccs') !== null) { document.getElementById('ccs').remove(); } // Remove the fields section if (document.getElementById('fields') !== null) { document.getElementById('fields').remove(); } // Remove the custom fields section if (document.getElementById('custom_fields') !== null) { document.getElementById('custom_fields').remove(); } // Select all comments const list = document.querySelectorAll('#comments > .comment'); for (let item of list) { // Select the children elements of the comments const commentChildren = item.children; // Pull out the mast element specifically const mastElement = [] commentChildren, element => [], 'mast') )[0]; // Select the children elements of the mast element const mastChildren = mastElement.children; // Pull out the internal_note element const internalNoteElement = [] mastChildren, element => [], 'internal_note') )[0]; // If the internal note element exists, we remove the main comment if (typeof internalNoteElement !== 'undefined') { item.remove(); } } })();