Working with Issues
Creating, updating and escalating GitLab issues correctly is an important part of providing quick and accurate customer support. The support team uses the processes and escalation points described on this page when dealing with GitLab issues.
Issue Prioritization
In general, the Product team will prioritize all issues (not just customer requests) based on types of issues and the direction of the product.
The Support Team plays a role in communicating the impact to customers of issues and feature requests. By using appropriate templates, adding labels, and adding relevant information in descriptions and comments, the team can communicate which issues affect customers along with their priority and severity. By participating in the scheduling effort for each release, the Support Team represents an additional voice of the customer in product development.
Additional Context and Notes
Having the Product team comment in the issues directly follows our core value of being transparent and will help customers understand the context around why / when their issues are being resolved, and it provides direct feedback from customers to the Development and Product teams.
Working this way, it is possible that a customer reported issue is not picked up for a while (scheduling first, then time to work on a fix, then schedule for release, etc.). However, the idea is that this is OK because most truly urgent issues will in fact be regressions that don’t have this scheduling problem. If a bug isn’t a regression, that means it has existed for more than a month when the customer notes it, and thus we’ve gone at least a full month without someone reporting the issue as urgent.
Issues are not scheduled for a particular release unless Product adds them to a release milestone and they are assigned to a developer. We aim to be realistic about scheduled deliverables and will avoid scheduling issues that cannot be delivered in a given release.
Searching for Issues
Before creating an issue or commenting on an existing issue you’ll need to search for any existing or related issues.
Here are some tips:
- Search using an external search engine, like Google.
- Issues are created in a number of projects in addition to the main GitLab Rails project, of which a handful of the most common are:
- The Omnibus project is where issues relating to packaged GitLab and Docker are created.
- If an error arises during
gitlab-ctl reconfigure
this is probably the best place for an issue to go, unless it relates to a database migration which usually should be in the Rails project issue tracker.
- If an error arises during
- Issues relating to deploying GitLab with Helm go in the GitLab Chart project.
- Look in the Gitaly project for issues relating to Gitaly and Gitaly cluster.
- The Omnibus project is where issues relating to packaged GitLab and Docker are created.
- It’s often worth searching across the whole
group, particularly if you’re not sure which project issues might have been raised in. - Advanced search tips:
- Combined with searching across the whole group, advanced search has the advantage of also searching Epics.
- Once you have results, you can filter out closed issues. This is often useful if you’re just checking for outstanding bugs or feature requests.
- If you’re searching for an error or for other text generated by the product, this will also search all our code repositories as well.
- If you’re looking for a particular error or string, put it in
"double quotes"
. - See other available syntax options from the Advanced Search Docs
- Searching in the issue view is usually more efficient if you can filter the results:
- If you are looking for a change that was implemented in a particular GitLab release, filter on Milestone.
- We create a milestone for each monthly GitLab release.
- Consider also searching merge requests by milestone as well. If you think something changed in a particular release, this will identify actual code changes in that release. The issue might be closed against a later milestone when the whole feature was finally delivered.
- If you know which product area is responsible for a feature, filter on the
label.- The features by group page is good for finding out the correct group.
- Alternatively, look at the labels used on related issues and MRs you may have found already.
- If you are looking for a change that was implemented in a particular GitLab release, filter on Milestone.
- Sort order: If you get a lot of results in the issue view, look at the options for sorting. For example:
Created date
might be more relevant if you suspect a recent regression in the product. - You are likely to spend some time searching for issues you’ve read before.
- Consider adding a reaction on all issues that you come across, and any you raise. For example use
,reminder ribbon
, or pick something really unusual! You can then filter onMy-Reaction
and search within those results. - Try searching your browser’s history.
- For quickly finding things based on your own comments, consider setting up the User Contribution Search tool. It indexes all your contributions and gives you a fulltext search interface.
- Consider adding a reaction on all issues that you come across, and any you raise. For example use
- Read more about searching in GitLab in the product documentation.
Adding Comments on Existing Issues
Regardless of the type of issue, please include any relevant information along with a link. Also check that the correct labels have been applied.
Please see the product handbook to see what information product wants us to provide for feature requests
Search for Zendesk tickets based on the GitLab Issues
custom field. Copy and add the link to the search query as a comment to the issue, specifying that it’s an internal link to a ZenDesk search of related tickets. This will give the PM more insight into how many customers have encountered an open bug, or have requested a certain feature.
Note: To obtain the field ID for the GitLab Issues
field, you can reference this repository file.
Adding Labels
Using the appropriate labels is critical to ensuring visibility of issues and to get them on relevant PM’s radar.
- Group: Unsure of which? Check out documentation metadata, label descriptions, DevOps Stages, features list by stage or similar existing issue.
- Type Labels should be added by the template, but add them if any are missing.
(if a ZenDesk link is added, the bot will add this automatically if you forget)~regression ##.x
if applicable; for high-impact ones, add~"Next Patch Release"
and ping the relevant lead and subject area experts
For ~customer
+ any label that allows severity (most commonly ~"type::bug"
) labeled issues, a Severity estimate is required. If it is missing, please add them to attract PM attention to the issue:
- Severity: Follow the definitions to the best of your ability when assigning severity. If it’s an
, mention the PM and consider posting in the appropriate Slack channel as well. As Support often has a better idea of the impact on the customer(s), please explain the impact in a comment when you assign the Severity label. Feel free to have the customer add a comment as well, adding any other context they feel might be important.
Optional, but highly recommended:
- Stage
~Reproduced on
if applicable
For L&R related issues, please see the specific guidance on Fulfillment issues.
Escalate New and Existing Issues
The Support team can directly ping the PM on the issue or in the #product Slack channel (see DevOps Stages) in case this may help with communication. Comments might include asking for an update on behalf of the customer, or discussing the severity or priority especially if it needs to be increased.
Creating Issues
Whenever possible, reproduce the issue and file a public issue with a reference to the ZD link as an additional example.
When reporting a problem, use the Bug
template, then fill out as much of the information as possible. Ensure you add labels.
When writing issues, consider adding questions as a comment after creating the issue. For example: “@PM please provide feedback on this issue. Are we interested in fixing/implementing this? How critical do you think it is?”
Avoid Re-opening Closed Issues
If you find an existing closed issue that is the same or similar to the customer problem at hand, you probably should not re-open the closed issue. The closed issue may actually be unrelated. Or maybe the closed issue describes the same problem you see now, but has a different root cause. Even if it’s the same identical problem, you probably should not re-open the issue because that issue might have a previous milestone and so now the re-opened issue would have an invalid milestone in the past.
Instead, consider creating a new issue, and mention/link the existing closed issue to it. Let the Product and Engineering teams triage the new issue further and don’t worry about creating duplicates.
Maintain confidentiality
If an image, log output, etc. is required for the issue, try to produce your own test image. If you are unable to reproduce the issue and you wish to use the image/information provided by the customer make sure you obtain permission from the customer since the image/information may (inadvertently) include sensitive information like names, group names, user names, or code.
Public issues are always preferred, but if customer logs or other information needs to be included and the customer is willing to share it internally, but not publicly then make the issue confidential.
Information gathering
For the Application and environment information section of issue templates, use:
- Omnibus:
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check
- Source:
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production SANITIZE=true
- Omnibus:
sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info
- Source:
sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production
Creating Feature Proposals
As per our Statement of Support, the Support Team will generally ask the customer to create feature requests. Feature requests with direct feedback from customers are valuable as customers are often best equipped to explain their use case, requirements, and needs. Ask customers to create the feature request issue and share the link with us. Once an issue link is available, add labels and relevant details in the comments, and link the source.
If you create a feature proposal on behalf of a customer, please follow the same process as Creating Issues by using the Feature Proposal
template. After the issue is created, share the link in a reply encouraging the customer to follow and contribute to the issue.
Note: GitLab has limited development resources. Additionally, we must think about how widely applicable a feature may be to other users. Requests that are very specific to one company’s workflow are likely to be rejected. Even if a feature seems widely applicable, we may leave the feature proposal dormant for some time and see if other users and customers chime in that they are also interested. Features that garner interest from multiple organizations will be considered more rapidly. Of course, there are always exceptions to these ‘rules’. This note is meant to set the expectation that feature proposals may not be implemented quickly.
Functional escalation points
Service/Product | Escalation Types | Escalation Point | Assignment |
GitLab | Bug reports or Feature proposals | Bug or Feature proposal | |
Omnibus GitLab | Bug reports, Feature proposals | | Omnibus GitLab specialist |
GitLab Runner | Bug reports, Feature proposals | | GitLab CI specialist |
GitLab Workhorse | Bug reports, Feature proposals | | Maintainer of gitlab-workhorse |
See the GitLab team page for assignments
Operational escalation points
Service/Product | Escalation Type | Escalation Point | Assignment |
GitLab Infrastructure | Anything related to the running of, performance, something breaks | | Production Lead/Senior Production Engineer |
Support Engineers with console access | Anything related to the use of, operations that can’t be performed with admin access | See Console escalation requests | Use ~" Console Escalation" label |
GitLab Support | Any and all questions in relation to providing customer service for GitLab users and customers. | | Support Team Lead/Senior Support Engineer |
See the GitLab team page for assignments
Omnibus GitLab
- Related to Omnibus GitLab packaging only.
- GitLab omnibus release packages
GitLab Runner
- Information on GitLab Runner
- Runner documentation
GitLab Workhorse
- Information on GitLab Workhorse
- Description “GitLab-workhorse is a smart reverse proxy for GitLab. It handles “large” HTTP requests such as file downloads, file uploads, Git push/pull and Git archive downloads.”
GitLab Infrastructure
- Reach the infra team on Slack
- Old blog post on infrastructure
General Product Feedback
In the case where general product feedback is received and it is not clear whether it is related to or belongs in an issue, feel free to convey the feedback to the product team as outlined in our Product Feedback section.