Sublime Text


Best for: entry level developers, editing markdown.


  • simple interface
  • cross-platform
  • many extensions, including one for integration with GitLab (GitlabIntegrate).
  • powerful visual git-client integrated (sublime-merge)

A powerful text editor, sublime text is an excellent choice for editing plain text documents, but scales up to full code-editing. Installing extensions is simple.


Putting the following in Preferences.sublime-settings - User will among other things ensure that if you open the www-gitlab-com website you’re not opening the output files by accident:

{ "font_size": 18, "spell_check": true, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, "folder_exclude_patterns": ["public"] }
Last modified August 2, 2023: Fix markdown lint errors (78cb7eda)