Security Risk Management Section

The Security Risk Management Section is composed of development teams working to enable appsec and development teams to efficiently release secure modern applications while maintaining rapid delivery and reducing risk across the software development lifecycle. Support the needs and leverage the capabilities of the entire GitLab security and compliance portfolio to accomplish this end.


Security Infrastructure

EM: Ryan WellsRyan Wells

Name Role
Mehmet Emin InacMehmet Emin Inac Staff Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure
Schmil MondererSchmil Monderer Staff Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure
Bala Kumar SubramaniBala Kumar Subramani Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure
Gregory HavengaGregory Havenga Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure
Michał ZającMichał Zając Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure
Rushik SubbaRushik Subba Intermediate Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure
Adrien NarinesinghAdrien Narinesingh Associate Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Infrastructure

Security Insights

EM: Neil McCorrisonNeil McCorrison

Name Role
Brian WilliamsBrian Williams Staff Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Savas VedovaSavas Vedova Staff Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Charlie KroonCharlie Kroon Fullstack Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Dave PisekDave Pisek Senior Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Lorenz van HerwaardenLorenz van Herwaarden Senior Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Michael BeckerMichael Becker Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Samantha MingSamantha Ming Senior Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights
Subashis ChakrabortySubashis Chakraborty Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Insights

Security Platform Management

PM: Sara MeadzingerSara Meadzinger

EM: Or GalOr Gal

Name Role
Dheeraj JoshiDheeraj Joshi Staff Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management
Miki AmosMiki Amos Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management
Ross FuhrmanRoss Fuhrman Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management
Senior Backend EngineerSenior Backend Engineer Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management
Chen CharnolevskyChen Charnolevsky Senior Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management
Gal KatzGal Katz Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management
Miranda FluhartyMiranda Fluharty Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Platform Management

Security Policies

PM: Grant HickmanGrant Hickman

EM: Alan (Maciej) ParuszewskiAlan (Maciej) Paruszewski

Name Role
Alexander TurinskeAlexander Turinske Staff Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies
Sashi Kumar KumaresanSashi Kumar Kumaresan Staff Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies
Martin CavojMartin Cavoj Senior Fullstack Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies
Andy SchoenenAndy Schoenen Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies
Dominic BauerDominic Bauer Senior Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies
Artur FedorovArtur Fedorov Senior Frontend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies
Marcos RochaMarcos Rocha Backend Engineer, Security Risk Management:Security Policies

Security Infrastructure
Provide the required infrastructure and database resources to meet enterprise customer demand and required functionalities as a competitive application security platform.
Security Risk Management Planning

How we do planning

Our milestone planning is handled asynchronously as much as possible. Planning discussions are fluid and ongoing, in general they do not follow a predefined monthly schedule.

Planning Breakdown

Top priority features from upcoming release milestones go through Planning Breakdown with Product Managers (PMs), Product Designers (UX), Engineering Managers (EMs) & Engineers from the respective groups. Weekly group-level synchronous meetings facilitate this discussion. The list of issues to be discussed is provided by the PM at least 1 day prior to the meeting. The expectation is that all attendees have reviewed the issues prior to the start of the meeting. Attendees should add the carrot 🥕 emoji to signify that an issue has been reviewed in advance.

Security Risk Management, Security Insights
The Security Insights group at GitLab is charged with developing solutions to enable customers to manage their security risks effectively and efficiently.