Cells: Diagrams

Diagrams used in Cells are created with draw.io.

Edit existing diagrams

Load the .drawio.png or .drawio.svg file directly into draw.io, which you can use in several ways:

Create a diagram

To create a diagram from a file:

  1. Copy existing file and rename it. Ensure that the extension is .drawio.png or .drawio.svg.
  2. Edit the diagram.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Optimize images with pngquant -f --ext .png *.drawio.png to reduce their size by 2-3x.

To create a diagram from scratch using draw.io desktop:

  1. In File > New > Create new diagram, select Blank diagram.
  2. In File > Save As, select Editable Bitmap .png, and save with .drawio.png extension.
  3. To improve image quality, in File > Properties, set Zoom to 200%.
  4. To save the file with the new zoom setting, select File > Save.
  5. Optimize images with pngquant -f --ext .png *.drawio.png to reduce their size by 2-3x.

DO NOT use the File > Export function. The diagram should be embedded into .png for easy editing.

Last modified August 23, 2024: Ensure frontmatter is consistent (e47101dc)