Compliance Frameworks

This page contains information related to upcoming products, features, and functionality. It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only. Please do not rely on this information for purchasing or planning purposes. The development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality may be subject to change or delay and remain at the sole discretion of GitLab Inc.
Status Authors Coach DRIs Owning Stage Created
ongoing nrosandich huzaifaiftikhar1 theoretick govern compliance 2024-07-08


This blueprint serves as living documentation of the technical considerations in the implementation of Compliance Frameworks. This includes functionality in Compliance Frameworks, the Compliance Center and the relationship with Security Policies.


Outline how compliance enforcement and visibility will be handled through Compliance Frameworks as an evolution from Compliance Standards Adherence.


There are three main parts to compliance posture of a customer Enforcement, Visibility, and Audit History.


Enforcement within GitLab is currently done through Security Policies and Compliance Pipelines. This gives users two very different ways of implementing the same functionality, which has been described as confusing for users. Compliance pipelines also have some inherent technical limitation, see epic.


Currently the Standards are hard coded in the Adherence report (renamed to Status report) and separate from Compliance Frameworks. This makes the system inflexible as we look to:

  1. Use Compliance Frameworks to include certain projects in the Adherence Report and distinguish which requirements those projects are complaint with.
  2. Add a Requirements level to the Adherence report
  3. Add more Standards and Controls
  4. Allow users to customise Standards
  5. Allow users to create their own Standards
  6. Allow users to create customisable Controls

Audit History

This is currently achieved through compliance events (Audit events and Violations within MRs).


Deprecate compliance pipelines

We deprecated compliance pipelines in favour of pipeline execution policy in GitLab 17.3. This decision was taken to align with the future state of enforcing compliance through security policies.

Scope policies through compliance frameworks

We introduced the capability of scoping security policies allowing us to enforce policies against a specific set of projects or against projects applied a given set of compliance frameworks. This helped us move towards the goal of enforcing compliance through frameworks.

Multiple compliance frameworks

Before GitLab 17.3 it was not possible to apply more than one compliance framework to a project. To work towards the future state of allowing users to customise the adherence dashboard, we created the ability to apply multiple compliance frameworks in GitLab 17.3.


  1. Provide support need for multiple frameworks
  2. Incongruence with compliance pipelines and security policies
  3. Use Compliance Frameworks to include certain projects in the Adherence Report and distinguish which requirements those projects are complaint with.
  4. Add a Requirements level to the Adherence report
  5. Add more Standards and Controls
  6. Allow users to customise Standards
  7. Allow users to create their own Standards


  1. Compliance events
    1. Audit events
  2. Security Policies
    1. This document does not intend to outline how Security Policies work or how Policies use Compliance Frameworks to scope projects
    2. For more information on Security Policies refer this document


  1. Framework
    1. A Compliance Framework is a user-modifiable capability within GitLab to identify projects that have certain compliance requirements or need additional oversight. Compliance Frameworks generally align with established industry compliance frameworks such as SOC2 or ISO 27001.
  2. Standard - deprecated in favor of framework
    1. A standard groups together compliance checks in the Adherence report. Compliance standards align with established compliance frameworks/standards such as SOC2 or ISO 27001
  3. Adherence
    1. Reports the percentage of a projects compliance posture against a compliance framework. For example if Project A is 50% complaint towards Framework A.
  4. Policy
  5. Requirement
    1. A particular requirement from an industry standard compliance frameworks/standards such as SOC2 or ISO 27001. Usually a statement of intent for a particular part of the compliance framework. These are broken down into specific Controls.
  6. Check
    1. A Check is a review of a project’s settings, to confirm that it is in a particular position. Checks compose a percentage of a project’s compliance posture against a Control.
  7. Control
    1. A control is a specific compliance rule that needs to be met to meet a compliance requirement. Enforcement of this is achieved in GitLab through settings, Security Policies or Compliance Pipelines.
  8. Violation
    1. A record of an event that when triggered was compared against a Control and found to contravene that control.

Design Details

We will use Sidekiq workers to create controls and store the adherence configuration in the database as relational data.

See Scalability review document for further details.

Customizable Controls

NOTE: For a more detailed overview, see ADR 003: Custom Controls

We want the ability to create custom requirements so that users don’t need to rely only on the exhaustive list of controls that GitLab supports or would support in the future.

Requirements are composed of a combination of both out-of-the-box and user-defined controls. By building a normalized and composable data model we avoid special handling for individual controls and can scale both compliance and violation evaluations uniformally within our relational datastore.


To allow users to create controls on their own as per their requirements we need to have the following types of requirements:

  1. Internal requirements: Enable users to create logical expressions from an enumerated list of project and namespace computed properties
  2. External requirements: Enable users to create requirements that rely on their external services like HTTP servers.
Internal requirements

We will allow users to create logical expressions with all the available project settings. These expressions form the controls against which the projects are be evaluated. We store these as a structured JSON in the compliance_requirements table with ‘internal’ as the requirement_type.

We will use schema validators for validating the input and store these in the expression column of the compliance_requirements database table.

The UI will provide dropdowns to choose the field, operator and values. This is created so that the users don’t have to write complex JSON expressions on their own.

Each expression is evaluated to a boolean true or false.

External requirements

Users need to be able to create controls where they can configure them to check the state of an external service, as their requirements might not match what GitLab offers by default.

The external HTTP/HTTPS URLs for the user’s external services are stored in the compliance_requirements_controls table with ’external’ as the control_type(enum). The same table will also store the shared HMAC secret in the encrypted_secret_token and encrypted_secret_token_iv columns.

We POST the latest project settings to these external services and expect a HTTP 2xx status as the response.

We provide an API endpoint that can be used to update the status of an external requirement, this would be similar to setting the status of external status checks.

The shared HMAC secret must be used to sign the request and is also used to check the responses. This ensures we do not need to use API tokens and complicate role management, while still ensuring proper authorization.

Since we are only sending project settings for external requirement controls initially, we expect users to query from our catalog of GitLab APIs to get any additional information they need to implement the control on their external service. We can look to expand on the information we send as we receive feature requests for it.

  1. When evaluating control of a requirement, we send a request to the external service if it has an external_url defined and is of control_type external.
  2. After posting we set the corresponding project_control_compliance_statuses entry to state pending and allow for a timeout of 30 mins.
  3. There will be a separate worker, run with a delay equal to the timeout, checking each control if it timed out and is still in state pending, these entries will be defaulted to a fail state. (This adds an additional state to what’s been mentioned in ADR001))
  4. When the external service reports back, we set the status in table project_control_compliance_statuses to store the results of the control as the external service indicated. [‘fail’, ‘pass’]. The external service may update the status of the control at any time.

Audit events need to be created for the following events in this workflow:

  1. Triggering of messages to external service.
  2. Non HTTP 2xx statuses encountered when attempting to message external service.
  3. Storing replies from external service.
  4. Defaulting to a failed state when timeout is reached.
  5. Edits done to control (external_url, secret_token, etc.)
Application Programmer Interfaces (APIs)

For the external service to be able to post the requirement control results, we need to provide APIs to do so. This allows external systems to report and query the compliance status of specific project requirements.

API implementations could be implemented along this suggestion.

Update status of control ID: 123 for project ID: 123 with state: pass

timestamp=$(date +%s)
nonce=$(openssl rand -hex 16)

# Create signature string

# Generate HMAC signature (sha256)
signature=$(echo -n "$sign_payload" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "your_shared_secret" -hex | cut -d' ' -f2)

curl -x PUT \
 "" \
 -H "x-gitlab-timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
 -H "x-gitlab-nonce: ${nonce}" \
 -H "x-gitlab-hmac-sha256: ${signature}" \
 -H 'content-type: application/json'

List all controls

Note: Since each control with external_url has it’s own shared secret, listing all external controls requires use of a GitLab personal access token (glpat/PAT).

curl -x GET \
 "" \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer glpat-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json'



type ProjectsComplianceControlStatus {
  id: ID!
  status: ComplianceControlState!
  projectId: ID!
  namespaceId: ID!
  complianceRequirementId: ID!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  updatedAt: DateTime!

enum ComplianceControlState {


Note: With personal access token.

query GetProjectsComplianceControlStatus($id: ID!) {
  complianceStatus(id: $id) {


Note: With appropriate HMAC headers.

mutation UpdateProjectsComplianceControlStatus(
  $id: ID!
  $status: ComplianceState!
) {
    input: {
      id: $id
      status: $status
  ) {
    complianceStatus {

Database Schema

It was decided to store control expressions in a separate database table compliance_requirements_controls.

The compliance requirements would be stored in a separate table with the following schema:

    class namespaces {
        id: bigint
        name: text
        path: text
        ...(more columns)
    class projects {
        id: bigint,
        name: text
        path: text
        description: text
        ...(more columns)
    class compliance_management_frameworks {
        id: bigint,
        name: text,
        description: text,
        ...(more columns)

    class compliance_requirements {
        id: bigint
        created_at: timestamp
        updated_at: timestamp
        namespace_id: bigint
        framework_id: bigint
        name: text
        description: text

    class compliance_requirements_controls {
        id: bigint
        created_at: timestamp
        updated_at: timestamp
        namespace_id: bigint
        requirement_id: bigint
        name: text
        control_type: smallint
        external_url: text
        expression: text
        encrypted_secret_token: bytea
        encrypted_secret_token_iv: bytea

    class project_control_compliance_statuses {
        id: bigint
        created_at: timestamp
        updated_at: timestamp
        project_id: bigint
        namespace_id: bigint
        compliance_requirement_id: bigint
        compliance_requirements_control_id: bigint
        status: smallint

    class project_compliance_violations {
        id: bigint
        created_at: timestamp
        updated_at: timestamp
        project_id: bigint
        namespace_id: bigint
        compliance_requirement_id: bigint
        compliance_requirement_expression: jsonb
        audit_event_id: bigint

    class security_policy_requirements {
        id: bigint
        created_at: timestamp
        updated_at: timestamp
        compliance_framework_security_policy_id: bigint
        compliance_requirement_id: bigint
        namespace_id: bigint

    compliance_management_frameworks --> compliance_requirements : has_many
    compliance_management_frameworks <--> projects : many_to_many
    compliance_requirements <--> security_policy_requirements : has_and_belongs_to_many
    compliance_requirements --> compliance_requirements_controls : has_many
    projects <-- namespaces : has_many
    namespaces --> compliance_management_frameworks : has_many
    projects --> project_control_compliance_statuses : has_many
    projects --> project_compliance_violations : has_many
    compliance_requirements_controls --> project_control_compliance_statuses : has_many
    compliance_requirements <--> project_compliance_violations : has_and_belongs_to_many

We created a new table project_control_compliance_statuses for storing the results of compliance requirements and plan on dropping the existing project_compliance_standards_adherence table. We no longer have a standard column as we don’t want to associate requirements directly with a standard, allowing the users to customise and group requirements as per their need.

Unlike the current implementation we would only store results for the projects that have compliance requirements configured. Instead of an enum we would store the compliance_requirement_id in the project_control_compliance_statuses table and would display these results at the compliance dashboard.

In the next iteration we would also allow importing and exporting the compliance requirement configurations.

Violations records are stored in the new table project_compliance_violations. These violation records are immutable and only new records inserted, unlike the project_control_compliance_statuses table which is updated on status changes. This creates an immutable history of violations against a requirement for a project.


Feature should be designed with application limits to mitigate abuse, leading to query timeouts and poor user experience.

  1. Limit maximum number of compliance frameworks per project: 20 to be increased as needed
  2. Limit maximum number of requirements per framework: 50 to be increased as needed
  3. Limit maximum number of checks a control expression can have: 5 to be increased as needed
  4. Allowlist of project settings and associations that could be used for creating expressions

Compliance framework workflow diagrams

Compliance framework definition

This workflow diagram shows the creation of Compliance Frameworks, Requirements and Controls, and how security policies are associated with Requirments.

flowchart TD
    A[User creates Compliance Framework] --> B[User adds Requirements to Framework]
    B --> C[User adds Controls in each Requirement]
    C --> D[User chooses one or more Policies for the Requirement]
    D --> F[User applies Framework to Project]

    A -- insert --> compliance_management_frameworks@{ shape: cyl }
    B -- insert --> compliance_requirements@{ shape: cyl }
    C -- update --> compliance_requirements@{ shape: cyl }
    D -- insert --> security_policy_requirements@{ shape: cyl }

Recurring Configuration Status Checks execution flow

This workflow diagram shows the how Compliance Frameworks trigger a configuration status check against a Project.

flowchart TD
    F[User applies Framework to Project] --> G[Schedule recurring Configuration check sync job]
    G --> H[Get all Controls in Framework applied to Project]
    H --> I[Loop through Controls]

    I --> TYPE{Control Type?}
    TYPE -- Internal --> J{Control has enforcement mechanism?}
    TYPE -- External & has external_url --> EXT[Post message to external service]

    EXT --> PEND[Set control to pending state]
    PEND --> WAIT{Wait max 30 minutes}
    WAIT -->|No reply| FAIL[Default to failed]
    WAIT -->|Got reply| REPLY[Use reply status]

    FAIL --> Q
    REPLY --> Q

    J -- Yes --> K{Associated Policy exists?}
    K -- Yes --> L[Skip Check: Result is Pass]
    K -- No --> M[Check Setting/Policy configured correctly]
    J -- No --> N[Evaluate Control compliance]

    M --> O[Result: Pass/Fail]
    N --> O
    O --> Q[Upsert result in DB: project_control_compliance_statuses]
    L --> Q
    N -- Fail --> S[Insert violation in DB: project_compliance_violations]@{ shape: cyl }

    Q --> T[Async Configuration check job repeats every 12 hours]
    T --> G

Violation triggers execution flow

This workflow diagram shows how violation status checks are triggered and stored.

flowchart TD
    %% Event-Triggered Violation Check
    F[User applies Framework to Project] --> U[Async Violation check job triggered by audit event]
    U --> V[Get all Controls in Framework applied to Project]
    V --> W[Loop through Controls]
    W --> X{Audit Event violates a Control?}
    X -- Yes --> Y[Insert violation in DB: project_compliance_violations]@{ shape: cyl }
    X -- No --> Z[No action needed]
    Y --> AA[Audit Event occurs]
    Z --> AA
    AA --> U

For certain controls defined in GitLab there will be a event trigger point. When this event is triggered for a project the violation engine will check whether the project has a compliance framework configured with that requirement controls. If the project does have this configured then the event will be logged as a violation.

For example when a Merge Request is merged the system will trigger a potential violation event. The violations engine will check if there is a control defined for the project which states all Merge Requests requiring 2 approvers, if the Merge Request has less then 2 then a violation is created from the event.

All GitLab defined controls will have an audit event type configured as its trigger point. We will update the audit event type yml file to include a new parameter that will indicate which control it is associated. One audit event may have multiple controls associated with it, such as when an MR is merged.

Audit history

In the above workflows there will be audit events triggered throughout to give a full history of a projects compliance posture. For example audit events will be logged when a project is evalutated against a control and the result of that evaluation. User can then see when the configuration status changed from one state to another in the past. User can then use the audit event reports or streaming audit events to trigger other workflows.

Audit events will be logged when:

  • user takes an action
  • configuration check result
  • violation check result
