Compliance Security Policies Relationship


This documents the full relationship between Compliance Frameworks and Security Policies.

  • Security Policy Project can be linked with either Project or Namespace (the record in security_orchestration_policy_configurations table is then created, with security_policy_management_project_id used to store information about selected Security Policy Project),
  • Policies are defined in the Security Policy Project in the policy.yml file, and they are also represented in the security_policies table,
  • A single policy can be scoped to multiple Compliance Frameworks (through the compliance_framework_security_policies join table), although you can leave the policy unscoped or scoped to a selected group or project; when the policy is unscoped, it affects all projects/namespaces linked to associated Security Policy Project.
  • For a given Compliance Framework, you can define many Requirements (represented in the compliance_requirements table),
  • A single Requirement can be associated with multiple Security Policies (through the security_policy_requirements join table), and a single Security Policy can be associated with multiple Requirements as well; the link between Requirement and Security Policy allows user to use selected Security Policy as the enforcement mechanism for selected Requirement

Entity relationship diagram

projectsintidPKstringnamestringpathsecurity_orchestration_policy_configurationsintidPKintproject_idFKconfiguration can be linked either to project_idintnamespace_idFKor namespace_id, but not bothintsecurity_policy_management_project_idFKdefines project where we keep policy.yml filenamespacesintidPKstringnamestringpathsecurity_policiesintidPKstringnamestringdescriptionintsecurity_orchestration_policy_configuration_idFKcompliance_framework_security_policiesintidPKintcompliance_management_framework_idFKintsecurity_policy_idFKcompliance_management_frameworksintidPKstringnamestringdescriptioncompliance_requirementsintidPKintcompliance_management_framework_idFKstringdescriptionsecurity_policy_requirementsintidPKintsecurity_policy_idFKintcompliance_requirement_idFKlinks withlinks withstores policies incontainslinks throughscopes todefinesassociates withassociates with