Compliance Frameworks Scalability Review
In we are delivering a new experience where customer can configure their own compliance requirements through compliance frameworks and then report and enforce those requirements through the adherence report and security policies.
To accommodate large-scale implementation of compliance frameworks (1000+ projects), we must prioritize scalability and ensure the feature remains performant even under heavy workloads.
Due to the configurability and importance of these features it is critical to ensure a smooth experience and adaptability of the features.
- Review and test the current DB ERD and review how the DB queries will scale for large groups (1000+ projects)
- Review the current ADRs and technical review.
- Review the effort it would take to add new controls
Feature Overview
- A Compliance Framework belongs to a Namespace
- A Framework belongs to many Projects within a Namespace
- A Framework has many Requirements
- A Requirement is composed of a Type (internal or external) and Control Expression
- A Control Expression defines the relevant setting or configuration to be checked
- A Requirement is composed of a Type (internal or external) and Control Expression
See Design Details for detailed ERD
Compliance evaluation flow
Given a namespace with two frameworks, from a high-level evaluation of a framework is performed using the following steps:
- A namespace setting is modified (worst case cascading and applicable to all Ultimate projects within said namespace)
- Given FrameworkA, we must evaluate all projects associated to FrameworkA within the namespace
- IDs of all associated projects are fetched and enqueued as batched background jobs to check each project’s compliance status against FrameworkA’s controls
- Given ProjectA, within the background Sidekiq worker we fetch the project and associate data by ID.
- We iterate over FrameworkA’s requirements to evaluate controls
- Entries within
are upserted with the results of the control evaluation
- Given FrameworkB, we must evaluate all projects associated to FrameworkB within the namespace
- IDs of all associated projects are fetched and enqueued as batched background jobs to check each project’s compliance status against FrameworkB’s controls
- Given ProjectA, within the background Sidekiq worker we fetch the project and associate data by ID.
- We iterate over FrameworkB’s requirements to evaluate controls
- Entries within
are upserted with the results of the control evaluation
- Given ProjectB, within the background Sidekiq worker we fetch the project and associate data by ID.
- We iterate over FrameworkB’s requirements to evaluate controls
- Entries within
are upserted with the results of the control evaluation
Query plan validation
On modification of a project setting, using feature branch.
1. Retrieval of frameworks that have compliance requirements
frameworks = ComplianceManagementFramework.joins(:compliance_requirements).distinct.order(:id)
click to expand query plan
INNER JOIN "compliance_requirements" ON "compliance_requirements"."framework_id" = "compliance_management_frameworks"."id"
"compliance_management_frameworks"."id" ASC
2. Retrieval of project ID batches by associated framework
frameworks.each do |framework|
framework.projects.each_batch(of: 100) do |project|
ProjectComplianceEvaluatorWorker.perform_async(, project.pluck_primary_key)
click to expand query plan
join project_compliance_framework_settings on project_compliance_framework_settings.project_id =
project_compliance_framework_settings.framework_id = 1019907 OFFSET 100
3. Retrieval of projects and associated tables via background worker
Within a batch background worker we must fetch a batch of projects for a given framework. We also preload all relevant associations to perform evaluations against the framework’s controls.
This requires a larger initial set of queries that may include attributes we are not utilizing but prevents fan-out of redundant queries within evaluation of each Requirement’s Controls.
).where(id: project_ids)
Fetching projects by ID
"projects"."id" IN (13083, 13764, 14022, 14288, 14289, 16648, 19776, 20085, 20086, 20699, 23081, 27470, 27726, 29286, 36743, 72724, 74823, 83282, 98024, 116212, 140724, 143237, 145205, 150440, 227582, 250324, 250833, 278964, 280425, 375711, 387896, 413007, 430285, 443787, 444821, 455030, 480929, 554859, 593728, 629054, 629060, 684698, 730448, 734943, 747741, 766015, 818896, 876090, 887372, 928825, 931715, 998792, 1075790, 1120019, 1209837, 1265999, 1329047, 1379171, 1441932, 1470839, 1533158, 1777822, 1794617, 1911766, 1990920, 2009901, 2127625, 2317465, 2337675, 2347063, 2383700, 2651596, 2670515, 2694799, 2725567, 2890326, 2953390, 3010986, 3010998, 3094319, 3101096, 3305972, 3466815, 3588247, 3605985, 3631141, 3651684, 3662568, 3662668, 3674569, 3698388, 3871132, 3871556, 3885956, 3885980, 3933206, 3933372, 3991945, 4108541, 4121724)
Fetching project_ci_cd_settings by project ID
SELECT "project_ci_cd_settings".* FROM "project_ci_cd_settings" WHERE "project_ci_cd_settings"."project_id" IN (13083, 13764, 14022, 14288, 14289, 16648, 19776, 20085, 20086, 20699, 23081, 27470, 27726, 29286, 36743, 72724, 74823, 83282, 98024, 116212, 140724, 143237, 145205, 150440, 227582, 250324, 250833, 278964, 280425, 375711, 387896, 413007, 430285, 443787, 444821, 455030, 480929, 554859, 593728, 629054, 629060, 684698, 730448, 734943, 747741, 766015, 818896, 876090, 887372, 928825, 931715, 998792, 1075790, 1120019, 1209837, 1265999, 1329047, 1379171, 1441932, 1470839, 1533158, 1777822, 1794617, 1911766, 1990920, 2009901, 2127625, 2317465, 2337675, 2347063, 2383700, 2651596, 2670515, 2694799, 2725567, 2890326, 2953390, 3010986, 3010998, 3094319, 3101096, 3305972, 3466815, 3588247, 3605985, 3631141, 3651684, 3662568, 3662668, 3674569, 3698388, 3871132, 3871556, 3885956, 3885980, 3933206, 3933372, 3991945, 4108541, 4121724)
Fetching project_features by project ID
SELECT "project_features".* FROM "project_features" WHERE "project_features"."project_id" IN (13083, 13764, 14022, 14288, 14289, 16648, 19776, 20085, 20086, 20699, 23081, 27470, 27726, 29286, 36743, 72724, 74823, 83282, 98024, 116212, 140724, 143237, 145205, 150440, 227582, 250324, 250833, 278964, 280425, 375711, 387896, 413007, 430285, 443787, 444821, 455030, 480929, 554859, 593728, 629054, 629060, 684698, 730448, 734943, 747741, 766015, 818896, 876090, 887372, 928825, 931715, 998792, 1075790, 1120019, 1209837, 1265999, 1329047, 1379171, 1441932, 1470839, 1533158, 1777822, 1794617, 1911766, 1990920, 2009901, 2127625, 2317465, 2337675, 2347063, 2383700, 2651596, 2670515, 2694799, 2725567, 2890326, 2953390, 3010986, 3010998, 3094319, 3101096, 3305972, 3466815, 3588247, 3605985, 3631141, 3651684, 3662568, 3662668, 3674569, 3698388, 3871132, 3871556, 3885956, 3885980, 3933206, 3933372, 3991945, 4108541, 4121724)
Fetching project_security_settings by project ID
SELECT "project_security_settings".* FROM "project_security_settings" WHERE "project_security_settings"."project_id" IN (13083, 13764, 14022, 14288, 14289, 16648, 19776, 20085, 20086, 20699, 23081, 27470, 27726, 29286, 36743, 72724, 74823, 83282, 98024, 116212, 140724, 143237, 145205, 150440, 227582, 250324, 250833, 278964, 280425, 375711, 387896, 413007, 430285, 443787, 444821, 455030, 480929, 554859, 593728, 629054, 629060, 684698, 730448, 734943, 747741, 766015, 818896, 876090, 887372, 928825, 931715, 998792, 1075790, 1120019, 1209837, 1265999, 1329047, 1379171, 1441932, 1470839, 1533158, 1777822, 1794617, 1911766, 1990920, 2009901, 2127625, 2317465, 2337675, 2347063, 2383700, 2651596, 2670515, 2694799, 2725567, 2890326, 2953390, 3010986, 3010998, 3094319, 3101096, 3305972, 3466815, 3588247, 3605985, 3631141, 3651684, 3662568, 3662668, 3674569, 3698388, 3871132, 3871556, 3885956, 3885980, 3933206, 3933372, 3991945, 4108541, 4121724)
Fetching project_settings by project ID
EXPLAIN SELECT "project_settings"."project_id", "project_settings"."created_at", "project_settings"."updated_at", "project_settings"."push_rule_id", "project_settings"."show_default_award_emojis", "project_settings"."allow_merge_on_skipped_pipeline", "project_settings"."squash_option", "project_settings"."has_confluence", "project_settings"."has_vulnerabilities", "project_settings"."prevent_merge_without_jira_issue", "project_settings"."cve_id_request_enabled", "project_settings"."mr_default_target_self", "project_settings"."previous_default_branch", "project_settings"."warn_about_potentially_unwanted_characters", "project_settings"."merge_commit_template", "project_settings"."has_shimo", "project_settings"."squash_commit_template", "project_settings"."legacy_open_source_license_available", "project_settings"."target_platforms", "project_settings"."enforce_auth_checks_on_uploads", "project_settings"."selective_code_owner_removals", "project_settings"."show_diff_preview_in_email", "project_settings"."suggested_reviewers_enabled", "project_settings"."only_allow_merge_if_all_status_checks_passed", "project_settings"."issue_branch_template", "project_settings"."mirror_branch_regex", "project_settings"."allow_pipeline_trigger_approve_deployment", "project_settings"."emails_enabled", "project_settings"."pages_unique_domain_enabled", "project_settings"."pages_unique_domain", "project_settings"."runner_registration_enabled", "project_settings"."product_analytics_instrumentation_key", "project_settings"."product_analytics_data_collector_host", "project_settings"."cube_api_base_url", "project_settings"."encrypted_cube_api_key", "project_settings"."encrypted_cube_api_key_iv", "project_settings"."encrypted_product_analytics_configurator_connection_string", "project_settings"."encrypted_product_analytics_configurator_connection_string_iv", "project_settings"."pages_multiple_versions_enabled", "project_settings"."allow_merge_without_pipeline", "project_settings"."duo_features_enabled", "project_settings"."require_reauthentication_to_approve", "project_settings"."observability_alerts_enabled", "project_settings"."spp_repository_pipeline_access" FROM "project_settings" WHERE "project_settings"."project_id" IN (13083, 13764, 14022, 14288, 14289, 16648, 19776, 20085, 20086, 20699, 23081, 27470, 27726, 29286, 36743, 72724, 74823, 83282, 98024, 116212, 140724, 143237, 145205, 150440, 227582, 250324, 250833, 278964, 280425, 375711, 387896, 413007, 430285, 443787, 444821, 455030, 480929, 554859, 593728, 629054, 629060, 684698, 730448, 734943, 747741, 766015, 818896, 876090, 887372, 928825, 931715, 998792, 1075790, 1120019, 1209837, 1265999, 1329047, 1379171, 1441932, 1470839, 1533158, 1777822, 1794617, 1911766, 1990920, 2009901, 2127625, 2317465, 2337675, 2347063, 2383700, 2651596, 2670515, 2694799, 2725567, 2890326, 2953390, 3010986, 3010998, 3094319, 3101096, 3305972, 3466815, 3588247, 3605985, 3631141, 3651684, 3662568, 3662668, 3674569, 3698388, 3871132, 3871556, 3885956, 3885980, 3933206, 3933372, 3991945, 4108541, 4121724)
Fetching approval_rules by project_id
For at_least_two_approvals
or any other control related to approval rule
"approval_project_rules"."project_id" = 1
Fetching protected_branches by project_id
"protected_branches"."project_id" = 1) protected_branches
Fetching namespace by namespace_id
"namespaces"."type" = 'Group'
AND "namespaces"."id" = 22
4. Retrieval of Compliance Requirements for given framework
click to expand query plan
"compliance_requirements"."framework_id" = 1020460
5. For each requirement, evaluate control_expressions against project
Given all required associations are preloaded initially, all control expression evaluation happens in-memory requiring no lookups
projects.each do |project|
framework.compliance_requirements.each do |req|, project).evaluate
Query plan: none
6. Persistence of project compliance status
After evaluating the control_expression to true/false we can insert the result in project_compliance_configuration_status
which produces the following SQL
click to expand query plan
INSERT INTO "project_compliance_configuration_status" ("created_at", "updated_at", "project_id", "namespace_id", "compliance_requirement_id", "status")
VALUES ('2024-09-27 20:28:14.097687', '2024-09-27 20:28:14.097687', 20, 31, 15, 1)
7. Rendering of Project Compliance Configuration Status dashboard
We need to fetch the rows from project_compliance_configuration_status table to display on the dashboard, these queries would be very similar to the existing query for fetching records from project_compliance_standards_adherence.
click to expand query plan
Trigger conditions
There are two paths by which a framework evaluation could be enqueued: via setting modification or via time.
When a namespace setting is modified, for example, jobs may be enqueued to re-evaluate the namespace’s frameworks against their applicable projects. Similarly, when a project setting is modified, a job is enqueued to re-evaluate the project against its applicable frameworks.
The main disadvantage with an event-based trigger is that we have to maintain an extensive map of possible trigger points. This can be difficult to scale, requires special code for any newly-added controls, and prone to breakage or inadvertent removal.
Additionally, some controls may be impossible to tie to event-based reconciliation. In such cases, a control expression must be evaluated on a recurring cadence; i.e. checking to ensure vulnerabilities are triaged within an anticipated SLO. In these cases the framework must trigger a re-evaluation frequently.
For this reason, the decision was made to use a cron-based approach to perform recurring project compliance evaluations while triggering one-time executions when frameworks are first applied to projects.
See ADR 004 for more on this decision.
Implementation of new controls
Custom controls are composed of two components which must both be implemented to add new controls:
- Condition Name for use within control expressions
- Condition Evaluator
To implement new controls we must define a condition name that generally maps to a GitLab-native entity (i.e. a specific project setting). This control must be defined within the compliance_requirement_expression
JSON schema as a valid expression enumeration.
To implement a condition evaluator, code must be added to the query evaluator for determining whether a project is compliant with the condition. This requires a custom implementation per control category to perform a boolean evaluation of a specific compliance requirement.
Control category
New control additions must consider the required data to perform an evaluation. There is number of prerequisite tables that are automatically loaded for evalution (see example in Retrieval of projects and associated tables via background worker) that generally correspond to base requirements for each group of query evaluators. When requiring a new control against security_settings
, for example, such a base class as ComplianceManagement::SecuritySettingConditionEvaluator
can be extended to ensure all data is loaded and evaluated uniformally.
Example addition of an additional project settings
field with a new condition schema and evaluator
diff --git a/ee/app/validators/json_schemas/compliance_requirement_expression.json b/ee/app/validators/json_schemas/compliance_requirement_expression.json
index 2716c9e702b2..f8f454368a76 100644
--- a/ee/app/validators/json_schemas/compliance_requirement_expression.json
+++ b/ee/app/validators/json_schemas/compliance_requirement_expression.json
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
+ "project_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request",
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@
"enum": [
+ "project_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request",
diff --git a/ee/lib/compliance_management/compliance_requirement/query_evaluator.rb b/ee/lib/compliance_management/compliance_requirement/query_evaluator.rb
index 669565880e93..393563dead8a 100644
--- a/ee/lib/compliance_management/compliance_requirement/query_evaluator.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/compliance_management/compliance_requirement/query_evaluator.rb
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ def get_field_value(field)
when 'remove_approvals_when_new_commits_are_added'
+ when 'project_disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request'
+ @project.disable_overriding_approvers_per_merge_request
when 'minimum_approvals_required'
@project.approval_rules.pick("SUM(approvals_required)") || 0
Consideration | Constraint |
Project applicability | Ultimate projects with associated Framework |
Limit on frameworks per project | 20 |
Limit on total requirements per framework | 50 |
Limit on total controls per requirement | 5 |
Limit on total fields per control expression | 5 |
Allowed fields belonging to control expressions | Bounded allowlist tied to applicable schema |
Control expressions query complexity | Files is non-user modifiable outside of configuration UI and subject to schema validation |
Compliance validation frequency | 12hrs |