SaaS trial eligibility system

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Status Authors Coach DRIs Owning Stage Created
ongoing dstull p_cordero courtmeddaugh dstull qzhaogitlab devops growth 2025-01-24


This design document outlines the planned implementation of a new trial eligibility system for GitLab SaaS. The system aims to improve trial management by ensuring users can only start a trial on a namespace according to various internal business conditions, preventing abuse of the trial system, and implementing efficient caching mechanisms for trial eligibility checks from the GitLab side. GitLab will utilize the trial eligibility system in many scenarios:

  • CTAs throughout the UI.
  • Listing namespaces that a user owns that are eligible for a trial in the UI.
  • Applying for a trial on a namespace from the UI.


Currently, GitLab checks trial eligibility using GitLab database level queries. A recent business added eligibility qualification that triggered this was solved in the short term with However, these queries are becoming more complex and are merely a duplication of logic that is already defined in CustomersDot. That issue highlighted the growing need to rely on CustomersDot for the SSOT for namespace trial eligibility. CustomersDot already defines the eligibility conditions, and we’d like to move towards using that as the SSOT. This also allows us to implement a solution that builds this SSOT mechanism and convert GitLab to use it in order to allow longer term expansion of business needs in the trial eligibility space and rely on CustomersDot to be that SSOT.

reference epic:


  • Implement a robust and accurate system for checking trial eligibility from GitLab.
  • Enable easy extension of the trial eligibility rules.

Out of Scope

  • Self-managed solution.


The new trial eligibility system will consist of the following components:

  1. CustomersDot API Endpoint: A new endpoint in the Customer Dot system to check namespace trial eligibility.
  2. Caching Mechanism: Implement caching in GitLab to store trial eligibility information for a namespace.
  3. Trial Application Process: Update the existing processes to use the new eligibility criteria.
  4. Cache Invalidation: Implement a mechanism to invalidate the cache when necessary.

Design and implementation details

1. CustomersDot API Endpoint

Create a new API endpoint in CDOT to check namespace trial history.

  1. The endpoint should accept a list of namespace IDs as input.
  2. For each request, the endpoint should return:
    • trial_type with the namespace id’s that are eligible for that type.
  3. The response should be in a standardized format (e.g., JSON) for easy parsing by GitLab.
  "namespaces": {
    "1": ["ultimate_with_gitlab_duo_enterprise","ultimate_on_premium_with_gitlab_duo_enterprise"],
    "2": ["ultimate_with_gitlab_duo_enterprise","ultimate_on_premium_with_gitlab_duo_enterprise"],
    "3": ["ultimate_with_gitlab_duo_enterprise"]
  "success": true

2. Caching Mechanism

  • Implement a caching system in GitLab to store trial eligibility information for a namespace after a call to CustomersDot for that information.
  • Use Redis as the caching backend for consistency with existing GitLab architecture.
  • Cache trial eligibility information with a TTL to balance performance and data freshness.
    • Default GitLab setting of 8 hours should be fine here.

3. Trial Application Process

  • Update the trial application process to check the new eligibility criteria.
  • Integrate the CustomersDot API call and caching mechanism into the process.

4. Cache Invalidation

  • Implement a cache invalidation mechanism to ensure data consistency.
  • Invalidate the cache when relevant namespace data changes, such as after a plan update or after applying for a new trial.

Performance Considerations

  • The caching mechanism should significantly reduce the load on the CustomersDot API.
  • With caching, the GUI response time should not noticeably increase compared to the current solution that queries data from the GitLab database.
  • Optimize cache TTL and invalidation strategies to balance data freshness and system performance.

Scalability Considerations

  • The caching system should be designed to handle scale for this added use.


  • Increased complexity in the trial eligibility checking process.
  • Potential for inconsistencies if cache invalidation is not handled properly.
  • May slightly increase the time taken to troubleshoot trial eligibility issues from the GitLab side due to the CustomersDot API calls and checks.
  • Testing the trial flow in development may require more setup to test areas where we would call the CustomersDot API. Today we merely create the data in the database. Perhaps we can do the same by populating Redis(our cache).

Alternative Solutions

  • Do nothing and use the current GitLab database queries.
    • Rejected due to increasing complexity in the trial eligibility rules and duplication in these rules between CustomersDot and GitLab.
  • Storing trial history directly in GitLab instead of CustomersDot
    • Rejected due to the need for consistency with existing systems and potential data duplication.
  • Not implementing caching.
    • Rejected due to potential performance issues with frequent API calls to CustomersDot.