GitLab Dedicated Architecture

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The architecture of GitLab Dedicated is maintained in GitLab Dedicated Architecture


From Dedicated to Cells: A Technical Analysis


This document is intended to be a high-level summary describing how the existing GitLab Dedicated architecture could be used as a foundation for deployment and operating large numbers of GitLab Cell instances.

Additionally, it explains certain decisions in the Dedicated architecture, and why these are beneficial to both GitLab Dedicated and GitLab Cells, and how they differ from other approaches, such as’s IaC, or GET.

Note to readers: Please keep in mind that this is not a critique of’s approach, nor GET’s. It is an explanation of how and why Dedicated differs from these other approaches, and offers some insight into how different requirements led to different design choices.

Last modified January 7, 2025: Move eng images to static folder (be4d32f4)