Data Team CI Jobs

GitLab Data Team CI Jobs

This page documents the CI jobs used by the data team in Merge Requests in both the Data Tests and Analytics projects.

What to do if a pipeline fails

  • If a weekend has passed re-run any CLONE steps which were performed prior, every Sunday (5:00AMUTC) all old pipeline databases are dropped from SnowFlake older than 14 days. ci-db-deletion-schema.png
  • Merge master branch. Due to how dbt handles packages pipelines can fail due to package failures which should always be handled in the latest branch.
  • Confirm model selection syntax. In general, it is easiest to simply use the file names of the models you are changing.
  • If still uncertain or facing any issues, request assistance in the #data Slack channel

Variable Name not found in the CI Pipeline job

This kind of error pops up in the pipeline like KeyError: ‘GITLAB_COM_CI_DB_USER’. It means the variable is not defined in the variable section of CI/CD Settings. To resolve this, add the variable name to CI/CD setting i.e. settings –> ci_cd –> variable, also provide the variable value. Notes:- Turn off the Flags, so the variable is accessible from the CI pipeline. The same applies to the variable value; if it is incorrect in the job, we can update it in the above link.

Analytics pipelines


CI jobs are grouped by stages.

❄️ Snowflake

These jobs are defined in .gitlab-ci.yml. All Snowflake objects created by a CI clone job will exist until dropped, either manually or by the weekly clean up of Snowflake objects.


Run this if you need a clone of any schema available in the prep database. Specify which schema to clone with the SCHEMA_NAME variable. If the clone already exists, this will do nothing.


Run this if you need a clone of any schema available in the prod database. Specify which schema to clone with the SCHEMA_NAME variable. If the clone already exists, this will do nothing.


Runs automatically when the MR opens to be able to run any dbt jobs. Subsequent runs of this job will be fast as it only verifies if the clone exists. This is an empty clone of the prod and prep databases.


Run this if you need to do a real clone of the prod and prep databases. This is a full clone both databases.


Run this if you need to run extract, freshness, or snapshot jobs. Subsequent runs of this job will be fast as it only verifies if the clone exists.


Run this if you only need a clone of the raw tap_postgres schema in order to test changes to postgres pipeline or a manifest file. If the raw clone already exists, this will do nothing.


Run this if you only need a clone of the raw sheetload schema in order to test changes or additions to sheetload. If the raw clone already exists, this will do nothing.


Run this if you need a clone of any other raw schema in order to test changes or additions. Specify which raw schema to clone with the SCHEMA_NAME variable. If the raw clone already exists, this will do nothing.


Clones the entire RAW DB, created due to timeout issues when trying to clone the DB using SF commands.

NB Due to the size of the DB created by running, only run this when you absolutely have to run through complete platform tests. Likely only applicable for infrastructure upgrades.


Run this if you want to force refresh raw, prod, and prep. This does a full clone of raw, but a shallow clone of prep and prod.

🚂 Extract

These jobs are defined in extract-ci.yml


Run this if you want to test a new boneyard sheetload load. This requires the real prod and prep clones to be available.


Run this if you want to test a new sheetload load. This jobs runs against the clone of RAW. Requires the clone_raw_specific_schema (parameter SCHEMA_NAME=SHEETLOAD) job to have been run.

🛢 gitlab_saas_pgp_test

This pipeline needs to be executed when doing changes to any of the below manifest files present in path analytics/extract/gitlab_saas_postgres_pipeline/manifests:

  1. el_saas_customers_scd_db_manifest.yaml
  2. el_gitlab_dotcom_db_manifest.yaml.
  3. el_gitlab_dotcom_scd_db_manifest.yaml

This pipeline requires following actions:

  1. Clone of TAP_POSTGRES schema (Mandatory): The TAP_POSTGRES schema can be cloned by using CI JOB clone_raw_postgres_pipeline which is part of ❄️ Snowflake.
  2. Variable MANIFEST_NAME (Mandatory): The value is manifest yaml filename except postfix _db_manifest.yaml, For example if modified file is el_gitlab_dotcom_db_manifest.yaml the variable passed will be MANIFEST_NAME=el_gitlab_dotcom.
  3. Variable DATABASE_TYPE (Mandatory): The value of the database type(ci ,main, customers). For example if the target table for modification is from ci database, the variable passed will be DATABASE_TYPE=ci.
  4. Variable TASK_INSTANCE (Optional): This do not apply to any of the incremental table. It is only required to be passed for table listed in the SCD manifest file for who has advanced_metadata flag value set to true. For example for table bulk_import_entities in manifest file el_gitlab_dotcom_scd_db_manifest.yaml. We need to pass this variable TASK_INSTANCE. For testing purpose this can be any unique identifiable value.


This pipeline needs to be executed when doing changes to any of the below manifest files present in path analytics/extract/gitlab_saas_postgres_pipeline/manifests.

  1. el_saas_gitlab_ops_db_manifest.yaml
  2. el_saas_gitlab_ops_scd_db_manifest.yaml

This is separate from the pgp_test job because it requires a CloudSQL Proxy to be running in order to connect to the gitlab-ops database.

This pipeline requires.

  1. Clone of TAP_POSTGRES schema(Mandatory): The TAP_POSTGRES schema can be cloned by using CI JOB clone_raw_postgres_pipeline which is part of ❄️ Snowflake.
  2. Variable MANIFEST_NAME(Mandatory): The value is manifest yaml filename except postfix _db_manifest.yaml, For example if modified file is el_saas_gitlab_ops_db_manifest.yaml the variable passed will be MANIFEST_NAME=el_saas_gitlab_ops.
  3. Variable TASK_INSTANCE(Optional): This do not apply to any of the incremental table. It is only required to be passed for table listed in the SCD manifest file for who has advanced_metadata flag value set to true. For example for table ci_builds in manifest file el_saas_gitlab_ops_scd_db_manifest.yaml. We need to pass this variable TASK_INSTANCE. For testing purpose this can be any unique identifiable value.

⚙️ dbt Run

These jobs are defined in snowflake-dbt-ci.yml

As part of a DBT Model Change MR, you need to trigger a pipeline job to test that your changes won’t break anything in production. To trigger these jobs, go to the “Pipelines” tab at the bottom of this MR and click on the appropriate stage (dbt_run or dbt_misc).

These jobs are scoped to the ci target. This target selects a subset of data for the snowplow and version datasets.

Note that job artifacts are available for all dbt run jobs. These include the compiled code and the run results.

These jobs run against the primary RAW database.

Most dbt run jobs can be parameterized with a variable specifying dbt model that requires testing.

The variable SELECTION is a stand-in for any of the examples in the dbt documentation on model selection syntax.

If you are testing changes to tests in the data-tests project, you can pass in DATA_TEST_BRANCH to the manual jobs along with the branch name. This will update the branch in the packages.yml for the data-tests package. This works for any job running dbt test.

You can also add --fail-fast to the end of the model selection to quickly end the dbt call at the first failure. Read the dbt docs for more information.

Available selectors can be found in the selector.yml file. The dbt build command will run all seeds, snapshots, models, and tests that are part of the selection. This is useful for the following scenarios:

  • Testing of new selectors for Airflow DAGs
  • Testing version upgrades to the dbt environment

DBT CI Job size

If you want to run a dbt job via the 🏗️🏭build_changes or 🎛️custom_invocation, you have the possibility to choose the size of the Snowflake warehouse you want to use in the CI job. Starting with XS, followed by L and last you can select XL size warehouse. This can be done by setting the WAREHOUSE variable when starting the CI job:

  • Setting WAREHOUSE to DEV_XS is will use an XS warehouse.
  • Setting WAREHOUSE to DEV_L is will use a L warehouse.
  • Setting WAREHOUSE to DEV_XL is will use an XL warehouse.

Using a bigger warehouse will result in shorter run time (and prevents timing out of large models), but also results in bigger costs for GitLab if the warehouse is running for less than a minute. Reference your local development run times and model selection to aid in identifying what warehouse should be used. If you are unsure or are unable to have a reasonable estimation of the run time start with a L warehouse. Also its important to find parity between testing a model and how the model is executed in Production. Of course there can be a good reason to use a bigger warehouse, if there are complex transformations or lots of data to be processed more power is required. But always also please check your model. Maybe the model can be adjusted to run more efficiently. Running your test on a bigger warehouse will not only trigger increased costs for this CI Job, but it also could run inefficiently in production and could have a much bigger impact for the long run.


This job is designed to work with most dbt changes without user configuration. It will clone, run, and test all new and changed models, as well as any models that are between the changed models in the lineage. It references the live databases (PROD, PREP, and RAW) for any tables not included in the selection, in accordance with the most recent version of the dbt documentation. If the job fails it should represent an issue within the code itself and should be addressed by the developer making the changes.

Should the changes made fall outside the default selection of this job, it can be configured in the following ways:

  • WAREHOUSE: Defaults to DEV_XL but will accept DEV_XS and DEV_L as well.
  • CONTIGUOUS: Defaults to True but will accept False to run only the models that have changed. When contiguous is True, other configurations are ignored, such as DOWNSTREAM and EXCLUDE.
  • SELECTION: Defaults to a list of any changed SQL or CSV files but accepts any valid dbt selection statement. It overrides any other model selection.
  • DOWNSTREAM: Defaults to None but will accept the plus and n-plus operators. DOWNSTREAM is bypassed if CONTIGUOUS is True (which it is by default). As a result, you must manually set CONTIGUOUS to False if you want to use DOWNSTREAM. DOWNSTREAM has no impact when overriding the SELECTION. See the documentation for the graph operators for details on what each will do.
  • FAIL_FAST: Defaults to True but accepts False to continue running even if a test fails or a model can not build. See the documentation for additional details.
  • EXCLUDE: Defaults to None but will accept any dbt node selection. EXCLUDE is bypassed if CONTIGUOUS is True. See the documentation for additional details.
  • FULL_REFRESH: Defaults to False but accepts True to re-clone and rebuild any tables that would otherwise run in an incremental state. See the documentation for additional details.
  • VARS: Defaults to None but will accept a comma separated list of quoted key value pairs. e.g. "key1":"value1","key2":"value2".
  • RAW_DB: Defaults to Live but will accept Dev. Selecting Dev will have the job use the branch specific version of the live RAW database, only the data that is explicitly loaded will be present. This is needed when testing models build on extracts that are new in the same branch.
Change Examples Previous CI Process New CI Process
Add column to small table or view
  1. 🏗️🔆run_changed_️clone_model_dbt_select
  2. 🏗🛺️run_changed_models_sql
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
Update column description
  1. 📚✏️generate_dbt_docs
  1. 📚✏️generate_dbt_docs
Update or create a small dbt snapshot
  1. 🥩clone_raw_full
  2. 🐭🥩specify_raw_model
    • DBT_MODELS : snapshot_name
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
Add or update a seed
  1. 🌱specify_csv_seed
    • DBT_MODELS : seed_name
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • FULL_REFRESH : True
Update a model and test downstream impact
  1. 🏗️🔆run_changed_️clone_model_dbt_select
  2. 🏗🛺️run_changed_models_sql
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • DOWNSTREAM : +
Update a model and test specific models
  1. 🔆⚡️clone_model_dbt_select
    • DBT_MODELS : 1+specific_models+1
  2. 🐭specify_model
    • DBT_MODELS : specific_models+1
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • SELECTION : specific_models+1
Make a chance to an incremental model without full refresh
  1. 🏗️🔆run_changed_️clone_model_dbt_select
  2. 🏗️🛺🐘run_changed_models_sql_xl
    • REFRESH : ’ ’
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
Make a chance to an incremental model with full refresh
  1. 🏗️🔆run_changed_️clone_model_dbt_select
  2. 🏗️🛺🐘run_changed_models_sql_xl
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • FULL_REFRESH : True
Update a model and test downstream impact. skipping specific model
  1. 🏗️🔆run_changed_️clone_model_dbt_select
  2. 🐘specify_xl_model
    • DBT_MODELS : specific_model+ –exclude other_model
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • EXCLUDE : other_model
    • DOWNSTREAM : +
Change a model that needs vars NA
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • VARS : “key1”:“value1”,“key2”:“value2”
Make a change and see all errors
  1. 🏗️🔆run_changed_️clone_model_dbt_select
  2. 🏗🛺️run_changed_models_sql
  1. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • FAIL_FAST : False
Make a changes to or useing a Selector
  1. ➕🐘🏭⛏specify_selector_build_xl
    • DBT_SELECTOR : customers_source_models
  1. 🎛️custom_invocation
    • STATEMENT : build –selector customers_source_models
Add a model built on a new Sheetload in the same MR
  1. ❄️ Snowflake: clone_raw_sheetload
  2. Extract: sheetload
  3. specify_raw_model
    • DBT_MODELS : sheetload_file_name_source
  1. ❄️ Snowflake: clone_raw_sheetload
  2. Extract: sheetload
  3. 🏗️🏭build_changes
    • RAW_DB : Dev


This job is designed to be a way to resolve edge cases not fulfilled by other pre-configured jobs. The job will process the provided dbt command using the selected warehouse. For defer commands the reference manifest.json can referenced at using --state reference_state.

This job can be configured in the following ways:

  • WAREHOUSE: No default, a value of DEV_XL, DEV_L, or DEV_XS must be provided.
  • STATEMENT: No default, a complete dbt statement must be provided. e.g. run --select +dim_date.
  • RAW_DB: Defaults to Live but will accept Dev. Selecting Dev will have the job use the branch specific version of the live RAW database, only the data that is explicitly loaded will be present. This is needed when testing models build on extracts that are new in the same branch.


You should run this pipeline manually when either *.md or .yml files are changed under transform/snowflake-dbt/ folder. The motivation for this pipeline is to check and validate changes in the dbt documentation as there is no check on how the documentation was created - errors are allowed and not validated, by default. There are no parameters for this pipeline.

🛠 dbt Misc

These jobs are defined in snowflake-dbt-ci.yml


Runs all the tests

  • Note: it is not necessary to run this job if you’ve run any of the dbt_run stage jobs as tests are included.


Runs only data tests


This CI job runs automatically whenever SQL files in the dbt project are updated. It checks if any modified models are tied to Data Science exposures and, if so, fails the job while notifying the user. It is then the MR creator’s responsibility to inform the Data Science team, ensuring they have the opportunity to review any potential impact.

By catching these updates early, the job helps maintain smooth Data Science workflows and prevents unintended disruptions from dbt model changes.


This job runs automatically and only appears when .sql files are changed. In its simplest form, the job will check to see if any of the currently changed models are directly connected to tableau views, tableau data-extracts and/or tableau flows. If they are, the job will fail with a notification to check the relevant dependency. If it is not queried, the job will succeed.

Current caveats with the job are:

  • It will not tell you which tableau workbook to check
  • It will not tell indirectly connected downstream dependencies. This feature will be a part of upcoming iteration to this job.
  • It does not find dependencies for tables that use a dbt alias. We discourage the use of aliases in models, but there are legacy tables that use aliases, so caution should be exercised when working with aliased tables. Downstream dependencies can be checked manually in MonteCarlo using the alias.
  • If there are any changes in Tableau, like adding or removing dependencies to a dashboard, it can take up to 8 days for Monte Carlo to reflect that change in lineage

This section explains how the tableau_direct_dependencies_query works.

git diff origin/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME...HEAD --name-only | grep -iEo "(.*)\.sql" | sed -E 's/\.sql//' | awk -F '/' '{print tolower($NF)}' | sort | uniq

This gets the list of files that have changed from the master branch (i.e. target branch) to the current commit (HEAD). It then finds (grep) only the sql files and substitutes (sed) the .sql with an empty string. Using awk, it then prints the lower-case of the last column of each line in a file (represented by $NF - which is the number of fields), using a slash (/) as a field separator. Since the output is directory/directory/filename and we make the assumption that most dbt models will write to a table named after its file name, this works as expected. It then sorts the results, gets the unique set and is then used by our script to check the downstream dependencies.


We leverage Monte Carlo to detect downstream dependencies which is also our data obeservability tool. Using Monte carlo API we detect directly connected downstream nodes of type tableau-view, tableau-published-datasource-live, tableau-published-datasource-extract using the GetTableLineage GraphQL endpoint.

If no dependencies are found for the model, then you would get an output in the CI jobs logs - INFO:root:No dependencies returned for model <model_name> and the job will be marked as successful.

And if dependencies were found for the model, then the job would fail with the value error ValueError: Check these models before proceeding!. The job logs will contain number of direct dependencies found for a given model, type of tableau object, tableau resource name and monte carlo asset link, in the below format:

Found <number of tableau dependencies> downstream dependencies in Tableau for the model <model name> INFO:root: <tableau resource type> : <name of tableau resource> - : <monte_carlo_connection_asset_url> ValueError: Check these models before proceeding! ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1

More implementation details can be found in the issue here.


Runs the SQLFluff linter on all changed sql files within the transform/snowflake-dbt/models directory. This is currently executed manually and is allowed to fail, but we encourage anyone developing dbt models to view the output and format according to the linters specifications as this format will become the standard.


In order to ensure that all SAFE data is being stored in appropriate schemas all models that are downstream of source models with MNPI data must either have an exception tag or be in a restricted schema in PROD. This CI Job checks for compliance with this state.

This video provides an overview of the SAFE Data Program implementation on Snowflake.

how `safe_model_script` works - under the hood

The CI job is set-up in snowflake-dbt-ci.yml and these are the pertinent lines:

- dbt --quiet ls $CI_PROFILE_TARGET --models tag:mnpi+ --exclude tag:mnpi_exception config.schema:restricted_safe_common_mapping config.schema:some_other_restricted_schema_etc ... --output json > safe_models.json - python3

The above has two parts, the dbt ls command (the main part), and the python script.

Thedbt ls does the following:

  • It first returns all models tagged with mnpi and all downstream models.
  • Then, in the --exclude argument, we exclude any valid models. Models from the above step are excluded if they meet one of these conditions:
    • tagged with mnpi_exception
    • within a restricted schema
  • Any models that are left need to be fixed by either being placed in a restricted schema, or tagged with ‘mnpi_exception’

In the 2nd part, the python script reads in the output from the above ‘dbt ls’ command. If the output is NOT empty, an exception is raised with a list of failing models.

How to handle script failure

A failure indicates one of two things:

  • your model has MNPI data (either directly or as a downstream model)
    • Fix: move your model to a restricted schema
  • your model does NOT have MNPI data, but is downstream of a model that does have MNPI data
    • Fix: add mnpi_exception tag to the model
How to decide when to use the mnpi_exception tag

The MNPI exception tag mnpi_exception can be added to the model if it does not contain MNPI data. MNPI data would be columns containing information like Paid Licensed Users, ARR, Net_ARR, Revenue, Net Retention, Expenses etc. Essentially Financial Data that would allow a person to understand GitLab’s publicly disclosed financial metrics on a trending basis and result in providing information that would be material to investment decisions. Once we financial data is surfaced in a data model, we take a conservative approach and put the model into the restricted schema and no tag is required in that case since it is in the restricted schema.


Automatically runs when making changes in the snowflake-dbt/macros folder and checks if the newly created macros match the correct name format.


Runs only schema tests


Runs snapshots. This jobs runs against the clone of RAW. Requires the clone_raw_full job to have been run.


Runs specified model tests with the variable DBT_MODELS


Runs a full seed operation. For use to confirm results when working on changes to the dbt seeds themselves.


Run this if you’d like to grant access to the copies or clones of prep and prod for your branch to your role or a role of a business partner. Specify the snowflake roles (see roles.yml) you’d like to grant access to using the GRANT_TO_ROLES CI variable. You can pass in a single role, or multiple separated by a space as in role1 role2. This job checks the git commit for the changed models and verifies that the submitted roles have adequate access in PREP and PROD to grant access in the clone. It does not create any future grants and so all relevant objects must be built in the clone before you run this job if you want to ensure adequate object grants.

Note: The run_grants job can be run multiple times during the development process. If new models are created after the initial run, you can re-run the job to ensure that grants are applied to these new objects as well.

🐍 Python

These jobs are defined in .gitlab-ci.yml.

There are several jobs that only appear when .py files have changed. All of them will run automatically on each new commit where .py files are present.

Pipelines running automatically are:


We handle python code formatting using the black library. The pipeline checks the entire /analytics repo (all *.py files).


We use the mypy library to check code correctness. The pipeline checks the entire /analytics repo (all *.py files).


We use the pylint library and check code linting for Python files. The pipeline checks only changed Python files (*.py) in /analytics repo.


We use the flake8 library and check code linting for Python files. The pipeline checks only changed Python files (*.py) in /analytics repo.


We use the vulture library and check unused for Python files. Vulture finds unused classes, functions and variables in your code. This helps you cleanup and find errors in your programs. The pipeline checks only changed Python files (*.py) in /analytics repo.


We use the xenon library and check code complexity for Python files. The pipeline checks the entire /analytics repo (all *.py files).


We ensure code quality by running the pytest library and test cases in /analytics repo. The pipeline all test files in the entire /analytics repo (all *.py files contains pytest library).

Manually running pipelines are:


Manual job to do a dry run of Permifrost.

🧊 permifrost_spec_test

Must be run at least once before any changes to permissions/snowflake/roles.yml are merged. Takes around 30 minutes to complete.

Runs the spec-test cli of Permifrost to verify changes have been correctly configured in the database.

📁 yaml_validation

Triggered when there is a change to permissions/snowflake/roles.yml. Validates that the YAML is correctly formatted.


This job adds/removes specified users and roles directly in Snowflake based on changes to snowflake_users.yml.

Quick Summary
  • To add new users/roles in Snowflake, add the new username(s) to snowflake_users.yml.
  • To create a development database for new users, add the CI variable IS_DEV_DB: True.
Further Explanation
Further Explanation

Under the hood, this CI job is calling the python script orchestration/snowflake_provisioning_automation/provision_users/

These are the full list of CI job arguments, all are OPTIONAL:

    • Defaults to False, but accepts True.
    • If True, will only print the GRANT sql statements, but will not run them.
  2. IS_DEV_DB:
    • Defaults to False, but accepts True.
    • If True, will create development databases for each username in usernames_to_add.

Note: USERS_TO_ADD/USERS_TO_REMOVE optional arguments are not available for this job to minimize security risks.


This job updates roles.yml automatically based on changes to snowflake_users.yml.

Quick Summary
Further Explanation
Further explanation

Under the hood, this CI job is calling the python script orchestration/snowflake_provisioning_automation/update_roles_yaml/

These are the full list of CI job arguments, all are OPTIONAL:

    • Defaults to False, but accepts True.
    • If True, will only print what values will be added to roles.yml
    • Defaults to the usernames added to snowflake_users.yml within the MR.
    • To override, pass in a string value like so USERS_TO_ADD: username_to_add1 username_to_add2
    • Defaults to the usernames removed from snowflake_users.yml within the MR.
    • To override, pass in a string value like so USERS_TO_REMOVE: username_to_remove1 username_to_remove2
    • Defaults to ‘SNOWFLAKE_ANALYST’ role and ‘DEV_XS’ warehouse, but accepts any JSON string, see this ‘Roles’ handbook section for more details/examples.
    • Defaults to the standard user entry, see ‘Users’ handbook section for more details/examples. This value can be overriden with any JSON string, but should not be necessary.

Note: USERS_TO_REMOVE argument is not available because all deactivated users will be removed in Snowflake via separate airflow job.


The pipeline runs only when the file usage_ping_namespace_queries.json is changed to ensure all rules are satisfied. The pipeline runs automatically.

🛑 Snowflake Stop

These jobs are defined in .gitlab-ci.yml.


Runs automatically when MR is merged or closed. Do not run manually.

Data Test Pipelines

All the below run against the Prod DB using the changes provided in the repo. No cloning is needed to run the below.

🧠 all_tests_prod

Runs through all tests in the analytics & data tests repo.

💾 data_tests_prod

Runs through all the data tests in the analytics & data tests repo’s.


Runs through all the schema tests in the analytics & data tests repo’s.


Runs specified model tests with the variable DBT_MODELS

Last modified March 10, 2025: Move run_grants to dbt Misc stage (5e61a1e6)