Architecture Design Documents

Design documents are the primary artifact that the architecture design workflow revolves around. A design document describes a technical vision and a set of principles that will guide feature implementation, as we move forward. It acts as guardrails to keep team aligned.

They are version controlled documents that are constantly updated with new insights and knowledge, after every iteration, to become even more useful with time.


At GitLab, everyone can contribute, including to our design documents. If you would like to contribute to any of these documents, feel free to:

  1. Go to the source files in the repository and select the design document you wish to contribute to.
  2. Create a merge request.
  3. @ message both an author and a coach assigned to the design document, as listed below.
Status Title Authors Coach Owning Stage Created
proposed Replace mail_room email ingestion with scheduled Sidekiq jobs msaleiko stanhu devops plan 2023-06-05
Last modified July 2, 2024: Adds design documents list page (53511e81)