Command of the Message

GitLab has adopted Force Management’s Command of the Message customer value-based sales messaging framework and methodology


GitLab has adopted and operationalized Force Management’s Command of the Message value-based sales messaging methodology. Due to IP constraints, we have migrated content from this page to GitLab’s internal Handbook. GitLab team members may access additional content and resources on the Command of the Message Internal GitLab Handbook page (note: if you are a GitLab team member and cannot access the internal Handbook, please sign into the GitLab Internal Handbook app via Okta).

Customer Value Drivers

Value drivers describe what organizations are likely proactively looking for or needing and are top-of-mind customer topics that exist even if GitLab doesn’t. Value drivers may cause buyers to re-allocate discretionary funds, and they support a value-based customer conversation. Organizations adopt and implement GitLab for the following value drivers:

  1. Increase Operational Efficiencies - Simplify the software development toolchain to reduce total cost of ownership
  2. Deliver Better Products Faster - Accelerate the software delivery process to meet business objectives
  3. Reduce Security and Compliance Risk - Simplify processes to comply with internal processes, controls and industry regulations without compromising speed
  4. Accelerate Cloud Adoption & Transformation - Standardize cloud processes to accelerate business outcomes

GitLab Differentiators

GitLab Differentiator Description
Single Application for Entire DevOps Lifecycle - Complete DevSecOps platform delivered as a single application
- One interface, one user-model, one data model
- A software “factory” that supports the entire DevOps lifecycle
- Deeply integrated, making developers happier and more efficient
- Centralized collaboration for a wide variety of roles (collaborate without waiting)
AI-powered workflows across the SDLC - AI-powered workflows through the entire SDLC, not just code, to create software faster, remove inefficiencies, & iterate rapidly
Leading SCM and CI / CD in One Application - The backbone of a DevOps toolchain in one application
- Streamlines code review and collaboration
- Start with SCM or CI (or both)
- One interface, one user-model, one data model
- Interoperable with other tools (continue using tools you love!)
- Proven enterprise scale
Built In Security and Compliance - Security features out-of-the-box (code scanning, dependency scanning, secrets detection, etc.)
- Automated security testing and audit controls to facilitate policy compliance
- Shift left: move security testing earlier in the development lifecycle; security testing at the point of code commit
- Developers get immediate feedback about new vulnerabilities they introduce
- Enables better collaboration between development and security teams
- One interface, one user-model, one data model for DevSecOps
Built to Scale - GitLab allows for horizontal scaling to 50k+ users using documented reference architectures
- GitLab’s single DevSecOps platform allows organizations to know how their costs will increase as they grow
- GitLab gives the ability to plan across the entire organization
Deploy Your Software Anywhere - Deploy to any environment, any cloud
- Support for GCP, AWS, Azure, OpenShift, VMWare, On Prem, Bare Metal, etc.
- Workflow portability: one deployment workflow regardless of destination
Optimized for Kubernetes - Enables adoption of modern cloud-native development patterns such as microservices and serverless
- Minimizes the Kubernetes learning curve by enabling setup and use of clusters from the GitLab user interface
- View and manage Kubernetes deployment pod details and logs from the GitLab user interface
- Automatic monitoring of every Kubernetes deployed application and the clusters they are deployed to
- Built-in canary and incremental deployment strategies with automatic canary metric collection and display
- Active contributor to the future of cloud native technologies (through the Cloud Native Computing Foundation)
End-to-End Insight and Built-In Value Stream Management - Common data model uniquely allows for insights across the entire DevSecOps lifecycle
- Configurable insights dashboard that shows status of work items over time
- Cycle analytics data helps identify areas of improvement of cycle times
- Security insights provide a roll-up of vulnerabilities
- Program level insights help keep projects on-track
Flexible GitLab Hosting Options - Use in the cloud or install in your own environment (cloud or on-prem)
- Feature parity between and self-managed
- Migrate from one hosting option to another when needs change
- Implement hybrid hosting models to support scaling (like CI Runners in the cloud)
- Easy to upgrade and maintain in any environment
Rapid Innovation - Releases every month, for 100+ months running
- A constant stream of new features –> GitLab gets more valuable over time
- Uniquely transparent product development process; customers, partners and community can contribute
Open Source; Everyone Can Contribute - Open core development model allows anyone to contribute to the functionality of the product
- Uniquely transparent product development process engaging customers, partners and the community
- Strong and growing community (100K+ organizations and millions of users)
- Harness open source innovations within the product experience (e.g. Prometheus)
Collaborative and Transparent Customer Experience - We operationalize our core values into how we develop our product and engage with our community and customers
- Extreme transparency around roadmaps, issues, company meetings and processes
- We use GitLab for collaborating with customers in a transparent way, for both issue resolution and roadmap iteration
- GitLab provides an evolving case study of DevSecOps and agile practices at scale, accessible through the public handbook

Command Plan
The Command Plan is how GitLab has operationalized a customer value-driven sales methodology with strategic opportunity management into the opportunity management process
Demystifying the Metrics Conversation
Practical tips for sales reps to demystify the Metrics component of the Command of the Message customer conversation framework
Opportunity Consults
Opportunity consults are deal reviews that focus on helping a sales team member maximize the likelihood of winning and securing the customer's business
Proof Points
GitLab proof points including customer references, case studies, industry awards, analyst reports and studies, GitLab reports and studies, and peer reviews
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)