FY20-Q4 OKRs
View GitLabs Objective-Key Results for FY20 Q4. Learn more here!
This fiscal quarter will run from November 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020.
- CRO: Build strong FY21 pipeline.
- CRO KR: FY21-Q1 pipeline at 2X target (stage 3+)
- CRO KR: FY21-Q2 pipeline at 1.2X target (stage 3+)
- VP, Field Ops: Instrument systems and programs to intended targets.
- VP Field Ops KR: Factor pipeine targets to relevant tools.
- Sr Director of Sales Operations: Assess solution for pipeline targets.
- Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Implement targets into Clari (or SFDC). => We did not make progress on this KR, and will carry over into Q1FY21
- Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Measure effectiveness to 90% accuracy. => We did not make progress on this KR, and will carry over into Q1FY21
- Sr Manager of Sales Strategy: Measure and report on iACV forecast accuracy and take action to improve
- Sr Manager of Sales Strategy KR: Assess Clari abilities to trend or track in Periscope, assess rep/mgr level forecast accuracy to 100% throughout the QTR and identify actions for sales managers => In Progress.
- Sr Director of Sales Operations: Assess solution for pipeline targets.
- VP Field Ops KR: Target 90%+ completion of certification programs.
- Director of Sales Enablement: Develop certification ROE and processes.
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Target 90%+ completion of certification programs starting with initial Command of the Message certification for Sales and CS team members => 100% completion
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Verify manager engagement and support => 100% sales manager engagement and support
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Defined certification strategy heading into FY21 => Meeting with CRO on Jan 27 to review proposed sales certification strategy for FY21+
- Director of Sales Enablement: Improve operational excellence around Command of the Message and strategic opportunity management with MEDDPICC.
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Successfully execute strategic opportunity consult engagement with Force Management => 7 of 8 opportunity consults (8th decided to push to Q1)
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Effectively deliver 2-day CoM & MEDDPICC workshop to sales team members who did not participate in the Aug training => Done. Delivered 2-day CoM & MEDDPICC workshop on Jan 16-17 to ~80 sales team members who did not participate in the Aug training
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Improve the consumability of CoM and Command Plan supporting resources in the Sales Handbook => Updated the look and feel of Command of the Message Handbook Page.
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: 95%+ sales participant completion of currently-running Fast Start program => Done. 100% completion of 13-week Fast Start reinforcement & sustainment program (see scorecard).
- Director of Sales Enablement: Reduce rep ramp time and optimize onboarding.
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Identify key measurements and reporting cadence => In progress. Key measurements and reporting cadence identified but not delivered by Data Analytics team due to competing priorities (issue has now been open for 5 months).
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Ensure Sales Onboarding process (to include issue creation) is consistent and timely => In progress. Implementing enhanced Google Classroom SQS/onboarding reporting starting in FY21. Sales onboarding process and content documented in the Handbook.
- Director of Sales Enablement: Ensure FY20 Sales Kick Off effectively supports to FY21 sales strategy.
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Effective, collaborative SKO planning and communication leading up to the early Feb 2020 event => In progress. On track to deliver against these results in early Q1.
- Director of Sales Enablement KR: Development of interactive, role-based training sessions to support FY21 pipeline development and acceleration => In progress. On track to deliver against these results in early Q1.
- Director of Sales Enablement: Develop certification ROE and processes.
- VP Field Ops KR: Factor pipeine targets to relevant tools.
- VP Alliances: Broaden addressable user base through user personas (OPS and Security).
- VP Alliances KR: AWS Re:invent GitLab visibility (5 sessions). => 80% (4 AWS sessions and 6 with other partners)
- VP Alliances KR: Kubecon 14 Top Kubernetes partners with GitLab demos for 400 customers each. => 100%
- VP Alliances KR: Launch partner marketing campaign. => 20%
- VP Alliances: Deliver GitLab as part of our partner’s sales processes.
- VP Alliances KR: Support building channel with new VP. => ongoing
- VP Alliances KR: Double lead flow from key alliance partners. => 50%
- VP Alliances KR: Deliver first GitLab session at Dreamforce. => done
- VP Alliances: Build tighter partner integrations with GitLab for Kubernetes, Marketplace and Authentication.
- VP Alliances KR: Grow secure stage through partnerships. => first two partnerships launched
- VP Alliances KR: Create 1st class experiences for free partner compute services. => miss and moving to Q1
- VP Alliances KR: Establish shared technical roadmap with Hashicorp. => done
- VP, Field Ops: Instrument systems and programs to intended targets.
- CRO: Ensure public company readiness.
- CRO KR: Conduct mock earnings call. => Not Started.
- VP Field Ops: Optimize Month End Close.
- VP Field Ops KR: Target < 1 day EOM close.
- Sr Director of Sales Operations: Optimize EOM close.
- Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Provide final bookings < 1 day by simplification of IACV calc. => In Progress: Not yet fully automatic. True-Ups & transactions from web portal require manual intervention by Deal Desk.
- Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Automation > 50% of EOM close processes. => Moved to weekly cadence. New closing stage speeds up processing time. Monthly Closed now captured in issue for transparent communication and an audit trail..
- Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Document new processes in Handbook => Large re-factoring of current Sales Order Processing Handbook page.
- Sr Manager of Sales Systems: Timely and accurate iACV calculation.
- Sr Manager of Sales Systems KR: 95% of non-custom deals have correct iACV calc after deal configuration => In Progress. Technical discovery lead to the iACV Assessment
- Sr Director of Sales Operations: Optimize EOM close.
- VP Field Ops KR: Target < 1 day EOM close.
- VP Field Ops: Optimize Month End Close.
- CRO KR: Sales & Marketing using a single pipeline dashboard.
- VP Field Ops: Align GTM goals and optimize reporting cadence to support IPO.
- VP Field Ops KR: Create SSOT dashboard of key GTM KPIs.
- Sr Manager of Sales Strategy: Partner with GTM Sales/Marketing Metrics Team to create SSOT dashboard view of GTM KPIs.
- Sr Manager of Sales Strategy KR: Launch Periscope dashboard. => 80%
- Sr Manager of Sales Strategy KR: Highlight 3 KPIs of focus for GTM Motion Team. => Not Started
- Sr Manager of Sales Strategy: Partner with GTM Sales/Marketing Metrics Team to create SSOT dashboard view of GTM KPIs.
- VP Field Ops KR: Create SSOT dashboard of key GTM KPIs.
- VP Field Ops: Align GTM goals and optimize reporting cadence to support IPO.
- Customer Success: Decide on customer success platform. => Tracking to 100% complete. Pending negotiation and approval.
- Customer Success KR: Define requirements.
- Customer Success KR: Assess vendors.
- Customer Success KR: Contract signed.
- Customer Success: Restructure handbook to align GitLab organization to the customer journey. => 0% complete. Lacking resource to drive. Will carry-forward when we identify a resource to drive.
- Customer Success KR: Information architecture created with 100% of content relating to customer journey.
- Customer Success KR: 50% of handbook content restructured to new design as measured by group’s content.
- TAM: Complete onboarding processes.
- TAM KR: Segment-specific processes (enterprise, midmarket, SMB).
- TAM KR: 2 digital content assets. => Complete
- TAM KR: Survey created and sent to all 100% of Enterprise customers post-creation.
- TAM: Improve engagement approaches for key processes (EBR, TAM account reviews, GitLab days).
- TAM Comm: Develop scalable onboarding approach.
- TAM Comm KR: 2 webinars.
- TAM Comm KR: 1 Email campaigns.
- TAM Comm KR: Updated TAM process in handbook.
- CS Ops: Implement time-to-value reporting for 3 metrics. => 100% complete. Implemented in SFDC. Pending completion on onboarding to collect metrics.
- CS Ops KR: Time to engage, onboarding complete, and first value delivery.
- CS Ops KR: Reporting delivered for 100% Enterprise and midmarket customers.
- Comm SA: Define systematic Commercial presales technical buyers journey.
- Comm SA KR: Formalized tech eval process for 3 segments Tier 1 MM, MM, SMB => First iteration completed via new Handbook page
- Comm SA KR: Tech eval and handoff processes updated => Next iteration completed via this Merge Request and this Handbook page
- SA West: Establish Enterprise Large presales tech eval process.
- SA West KR: Identify success patterns.
- SA West KR: Improved activity tracking requirements created for SFDC.
- SA West KR: 2 SA playbooks.
- PS Solutions: Develop plans for future operational and strategic service offerings. => 75% complete
- PS Solutions KR: Revenue model created with finance. => 75% complete.
- PS Solutions KR: Customer survey and feedback reports created for 100% of customers (Q3 and Q4) => 100% complete.
- PS Solutions KR: New service offering plan created for 1 year outlook. 50% complete
- PS Solutions: Develop services onboarding for 2 partners for training capacity. => Partner program pushed to FY21.
- PS Solutions KR: Training plan.
- PS Solutions KR: Management plan.
- PS Solutions KR: 2 partners MSAs signed.
- PS Solutions: Complete end-to-end process to streamline sales process. => 65% complete
- PS Solutions KR: End-to-end process streamlined. => 100%
- PS Solutions KR: Control models updated. 50% complete
- PS Solutions KR: 100% of process steps and approvals documented. 100% complete
- PS Delivery: Improve repeatability and quality of service delivery.
- PS Delivery KR: Close backlog older than 120 days. => 25% complete, Identified path to signoff and revenue recognition.
- PS Delivery KR: Scheduling and resource management. => Not complete, pushed to FY21Q1
- PS Delivery KR: Expectations management training delivered to 100% of PSEs. 50% complete, Content developed, deliver expected at SKO
- PS Education: Develop modular “GitLab Total Product Training.” => 100% complete
- PS Education KR: Update existing training. => 100% complete
- PS Education KR: Develop content for 1 complete product training. => 100% complete
- CRO KR: Conduct mock earnings call. => Not Started.
- VP of Engineering: Enterprise-grade GitLab.com
- VP of Engineering KR: Finish observability project.
- VP of Engineering KR: Close remaining test gaps on enterprise features.
- VP of Engineering KR: 99.95 availability.
- Sr Director of Development
- Director of Engineering, Enablement: Iteratively re-architect our queue implementation to create 10x headroom
- Director of Engineering, Enablement: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
- Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MRs/Engineer/Month) increases to 10 by the end of January, which projects to 250 ~ 290 MRs/Month depending on the hiring progress.
- Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
- Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Add 1 BE maintainer (Backend from 8 to 9)
- Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD: Get CI queue times (p95) under 1 min => 100%
- Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
- Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MR Rate) increases to 10 by the end of January, which projects to 250+ depending on growth. => 76%
- Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time. => 66%
- Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (Add 1 BE maintainer) => 100%
- Director of Engineering, Dev: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
- Director of Engineering, Dev KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
- Interim Director of Engineering, Ops: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery => 50% MR Rate improved but is still below department goals
- Interim Director of Engineering, Ops KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MRs/month) increases to 7.2 (up 0%) by end of January. => +8% increase in section MR rate quarter over quarter
- Interim Director of Engineering, Ops KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time. => 100%
- Interim Director of Engineering, Ops KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y) => Maintainer to dev ratio worsened over the quarter about 17%
- Director of Engineering, Defend: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
- Director of Engineering, Defend KR: 3 new Defend MVC features are released
- Director of Engineering, Defend KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
- Director of Engineering, Secure: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
- Director of Engineering, Secure KR: Increase rolling 6 month average by >=10%. => We were able to reach 11.5% for the rolling average. OKR 100% achieved.
- Director of Engineering, Secure KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time. => N/A
- Director of Engineering, Secure KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y) => We added a maintainer for the Frontend. OKR 50% achieved.
- Director of Engineering, Growth: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
- Director of Engineering, Growth KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
- Growth stage: Perform weekly iterations
- Growth stage KR: Weekly iterations for growth
- Fellow: Identify and deliver 3 key improvements to observability and scalability => 100%
- Director of Infrastructure: Drive GitLab.com Availability to 99.95%
- Director of Infrastructure KR: Improve availability of bottom three performant services (sidekiq, registry, git)
- Director of Infrastructure KR: Full adoption of standarized workflow management across Infrastructure
- Director of Infrastructure KR:Drive database availability to 99.96%
- Director of Quality: Improve GitLab Enterprise features robustness by improving functional and performance test coverage => 94%
- Director of Quality KR: Finish all planned enterprise test gaps => 82%
- Director of Quality KR: Perform upgrade tests with no downtime and performance benchmark tests for all GitLab releases in FY20Q4 => 100%
- Director of Quality KR: Certify 2K reference architecture => 100%
- Interim Director of Security: Improve GitLab Security resilience and availability by creating independent GitLab Security environments
- Interim Director of Security KR: Migrate all existing GitLab Security tooling and infrastructure to the new environments and document in envs list
- Interim Director of Security KR: Create
environments. - Interim Director of Security KR: Full adoption of a dedicated GitLab instance for tracking of security issues within the new environments.
- Director of Support: Create sustainable process to achieve 85% performance to Next Response Time SLA
- Director of Support KR: Evolve work done in Q3 to reduce gaps in NRT workflow.
- Director of Support KR: Correlate NRT performance to reducing Time To Resolve (TTR).
- CMO: Cost-effective IACV pipeline growth
- Community: Showcase activity generated by GitLab Heroes.
- Community KR: 10 GitLab use-case videos or blogs published.
- Community KR: 5 GitLab talks given by Heroes.
- Corp Mkt: Increase in awareness around GitLab CI/CD in response to competitor GA announcement.
- Corp Mkt KR: Be included in 25% of the articles about competitor announcement.
- Corp Mkt KR: Drive 1000 form fills on the competitive campaign landing page.
- Corp Mkt: Successful pull-through of multi-cloud message at KubeCon.
- Corp Mkt KR: Reach 5,000 people directly (50% of attendees) via KubeCon talks or 0-day events.
- Corp Mkt KR: Be included in 5 multi-cloud focused articles and partnerships highlighted in 10 event articles.
- Corp Mkt KR: 500,000 social media impressions from tanuki adventure.
- Corp Mkt: In-quarter demonstrable results from AWS re:Invent.
- Corp Mkt KR: Collect 5,000 leads from AWS re:Invent.
- Corp Mkt KR: 500 follow-up requests.
- Corp Mkt KR: 50 SAOs and $1m in pipeline by end of Q4 (a 2-1 pipe to spend by end of Q).
- Corp Mkt: Increase awareness of GitLab in public relations efforts.
- Corp Mkt KR: 50% SOV vs. main competitor.
- Corp Mkt KR: Company mentioned in 30 business press articles.
- Corp Mkt KR: At least two key messages included in 75% of feature articles.
- Revenue Mkt: Optimize value-driver campaigns.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Decrease cost-per-lead to $230 by end of Q4.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Increase MQL to SDR-QL conversion rate by 20%.
- Strategic Mkt: Incorporate AWS, Google Cloud & VMWare partnership assets into 3 value-driver campaigns.
- Revenue Mkt KR: One partner-specific content asset in each PF track.
- Revenue Mkt KR: 3 partner demand-gen activities that drive to value driver campaign.
- Revenue Mkt KR: 1 technical blog for each partner introduced in each campaign.
- Community: Showcase activity generated by GitLab Heroes.
- CFO: Improve financial planning processes to support growth and increased transparency.
- Finance: Single source of truth for hiring process designed and implemented => 50% Talent Acquisition Working Group
- Finance: Complete financial model from top of funnel through closed won => 100%
- Finance: Version control for financial model that allows for real time analysis without impacting production model => 0% Moving to a financial planning tool
- Finance: Automate 100% of Investor Metrics in Periscope => 85%
2. CEO: Popular next generation product
- VP of Product Strategy: Get strategic thinking into the org.
- VP of Product Strategy KR: Secure section strategy review => 200%.
- VP of Product Strategy KR: Produce strategy visuals => 0%.
- VP of Product Strategy: Get acquisitions into shape; build a well-oiled machine.
- VP of Product Strategy KR: Build soft-landing identification software => 10%
- VP of Product Strategy KR: Identify 1000 acquisition targets => 1500%.
- VP of Product Strategy: Lay groundwork for strategic initiatives.
- VP of Product Strategy KR: Research 5 strategic initiatives => 20%.
- VP of Product Management: Deliver on product roadmap. Achieve 100% of our category maturity plans.
- VP of Product Management: Proactively validate problems and solutions with customers. At least 2 validation cycles completed per Product Manager.
- VP of Product Management: Create stage level product demos to build customer empathy. Deliver one recorded demo for each stage.
- Director of Product, Growth: Establish a rapid cadence of testing & learning. At least one deliverable per week, per growth group.
- Director of Product, Growth: Improve the customer experience with billing related workflows. Make material improvements to direct signup, trial, seat true-up, upgrade, and renewal workflows, both for .com and self-managed customers, driving at least $570k in incremental ACV (IACV).
- Director of Product, Growth: Improve the quality of product usage data. Deliver accurate SMAU dashboards for each stage, including both .com and self-managed customer usage data.
- Director of Product, Secure & Defend; Group Manager, Enablement: Communicate updated product visions at the Section level to inform product investment decisions. Deliver product vision content for Secure & Defend and Enablement sections by end of Q4.
- VP of Engineering: Raise productivity thru iteration without jeopardizing availability
- VP of Engineering KR: Raise MR Rate from 8 to 10
- Sr Director of Development: Deliver on our product vision by being more iterative => 100%
- Sr Director of Development KR: Raise MRs/Developer/Month from 8 to 10 => 100%
- Sr Director of Development KR: Organize interview with Sid about how to iterate for EMs and PMs => 100%
- Sr Director of Development KR: Section level reporting on MR Rate with KPIs review => 100%
- Director of Infrastructure: Achieve daily deployment velocity.
- Director of Infrastructure KR: Lower MTTP from days to single digit hours.
- Director of Quality: Increase Engineering efficiency and productivity by speeding up test and pipeline duration => 77%
- Director of Quality KR: Increase GitLab review app success rate from 29% to 70% => 100%
- Director of Quality KR: Reduce regression suite run time in the release process from 70 mins to 56 mins => 40%
- Director of Quality KR: Provide stage specific reporting mechanism for tests that run as part of the release process => 90%
- Interim Director of Security: Improve the GitLab product by dogfooding Secure & Defend features department-wide
- Interim Director of Security KR: Adopt 2 Secure features for common/daily workflows.
- Interim Director of Security KR: Adopt 2 Defend features for common/daily workflows.
- Interim Director of Security KR: Propose 3 features for Secure and/or Defend.
- Director of UX: Make the GitLab UI more beautiful by burning down remaining UI Beautification issues.
- Director of UX KR: Burn down remaining open issues in epic https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/989
- Director of UX: Help make the GitLab product more loveable by sharing UX work broadly and frequently to reinforce our overall vision.
- Director of UX KR: Get 16 total stages to participate in 4 UX Showcases, and share the resulting video in the Engineering Week in Review.
- Director of UX KR: Include Product Design and UX Research results in 5 Group Conversations.
- Director of UX KR: Post all new UX Scorecards and newly completed Pajamas components (Create, Build, and Style stages), post it to the Engineering Week in Review.
- Fellow: Finish documenting architecture and identify 3 most significant areas for architecture improvement => 60%
- CMO: Building scalable future capabilities
- Community: Grow Heroes program, with a Q4 focus in North America.
- Community KR: Establish Heroes governing council.
- Community KR: 5 new meetup groups in NORAM.
- Community KR: 10 new Heroes from NORAM.
- Community: Pilot GitLab “Hackathon-in-a-box.”
- Community KR: Develop packaged Hackathon offering to facilitate contributions at face-to-face events.
- Community KR: Pilot offering at 3 events in Q4.
- Revenue Mkt: ABM programs running.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Demandbase implemented.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Target accounts identified by territory.
- Revenue Mkt KR: ABM metrics baseline established.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Territory campaigns running in 2 territories.
- Strategic Mkt: Roll out GitLab ROI framework.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Deliver ROI business justification tool for sales.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Work with Forrester to complete first customer data collection for Total Economic Impact report.
- Strategic Mkt: Introduce use cases as framework for GTM.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Roll out first 4 use cases.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Align use cases with 3 content pillars.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Publish a web page dedicated to each use case
- Strategic Mkt KR: Publish demo for each use case.
- Strategic Mkt: Reset competitor and DevOps tools comparison web strategy.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Implement 5 loveable competitive comparison page revamps and Crayon cards.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Establish simplified comparison page format for ‘functionally similar’ DevOps tools.
- Strategic Mkt: Pilot Learn@gitlab web experience for finding & featuring how-to technical content.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Publish MVC landing page or PF experience.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Tag existing content into new page.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Build plan for FY21.
- Community: Grow Heroes program, with a Q4 focus in North America.
3. CEO: Great team
- VP Recruiting: Deliver on the ambitious hiring plan, in partnership with leaders, while ensuring a unique and exceptional candidate experience and that candidate pools are diverse and representative of our communities.
- VP Recruiting KR: At least 90% of plan for the quarter.
- VP Recruiting KR: Average time to fill at 40 days, excluding Director+.
- VP Recruiting KR: At least 35% of all hires/month are women.
- Chief People Officer: Support an environment where all team members feel they belong, are valued, and they can contribute; understand the key drivers for team member engagement and continuously improve.
- Chief People Officer KR: Select 1-2 top priorities from October 2019 Engagement Survey and develop action plan.
- Chief People Officer KR: Training modules rolled out: at least 2 DIB training modules (Inclusion & Ally) + communication/management training (Communicating Effectively & Responsibly Through Text) => Completed.
- Chief People Officer KR: ??% of hiring manager interviews for leadership roles are with female candidates.
- Chief People Officer: Improve onboarding to ensure optimal levels of new team member experience and productivity.
- Chief People Officer KR: OSAT (Onboarding Satisfaction): Increase response rate and maintain score of 4.0 or higher.
- Chief People Officer KR: ROI calculation for new HRIS that meets the needs of a medium to large size company.
- Chief People Officer KR: 100% of People Ops team trained to effectively handle team member questions.
- Chief People Officer: Team members understand the value of their compensation, benefits, and perks.
- Chief People Officer KR: Annual comp review with updated location factor based on data from ERI, Numbeo, Compensation Surveys while taking the Average Location Factor KPI into account. => 100%, Annual Compensation Review completed on time and under budget. New location factors implemented based on automated process.
- Chief People Officer KR: Measure and ensure gender pay equity. => 100%, Audit complete for US. Next iteration is to scope internationally and add equity.
- Chief People Officer KR: Ensure competitive benefits offerings where we have entities/PEOs. => 100% on new entities, not measurable on current entities.
- CRO: Implement an efficient and effective hiring model. Talent model used end to end on at least 5 hires in Q4, Manager Span of Control (equal to or less than 8) for entire CRO org.
- VP Field Ops KR: Refactor the recruiting process to recover hiring to plan. Hiring pipeline >100% of targets => In Progress.
- VP Field Ops KR: Provide metrics to leverage Talent model on at least 5 hires in Q4 => Completed.
- VP Field Ops KR: Keep Manager Span of Control (equal to or less than 8) for entire CRO org => Completed.
- Customer Success SA West: Improve presales technical account planning. Assessment of successful/unsuccessful approaches, Complete updated tech evaluation process integrating CoM in handbook.
- Customer Success Ops/Enablement: Develop CoM playbooks / cards for key TAM expansion plays. SCM to CI, Security, Free to Premium, Premium to Ultimate playbooks documented (Note: sales plays may not be in handbook).
- Customer Success Ops/Enablement: Enhance onboarding for Customer Success team. Updated training delivered to 80% of team, Enablement guide, New employee survey delivered to 100% of onboarded team members (once completed).
- Customer Success Ops/Enablement: Launch peer to peer continued education program. Library of recorded training sessions 3 digital assets, Quick response training, 2 small consumable training sessions delivered.
- Customer Success East: Develop SA experts program. Establish 3 stage experts, Define role and responsibilities in handbook.
- VP of Engineering: Provide mentorship/coaching at every level
- VP of Engineering KR: Scalable Mentorship/coaching program
- VP of Engineering KR: Launch internship program
- Sr Director of Development
- Director of Engineering, Dev: Improve the development productivity and experience
- Director of Engineering, Dev KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y)
- Director of Engineering, Defend: Improve the development productivity and experience
- Director of Engineering, Defend KR: Defend backend engineers hired in Q3 have created MR’s for all portions of the architecture necessary to create/maintain Defend features.
- Director of Engineering, Defend KR: >=1 defend engineer becomes a trainee maintainer by the end of the quarter
- Director of Engineering, Defend KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y)
- Director of Engineering, Enablement: Improve the development productivity and experience
- Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MRs/Engineer/Month) increases to 10 by the end of January, which projects to 250 ~ 290 MRs/Month depending on the hiring progress.
- Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
- Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Add 1 BE maintainer (Backend from 8 to 9)
- Director of Engineering, Growth: Improve the development productivity and experience
- Director of Engineering, Growth KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y)
- Director of Engineering, Dev: Improve the development productivity and experience
- Director of Infrastructure: Hire key Infrastructure Management vacancies
- Director of Infrastructure KR: Hire a Senior Director.
- Director of Infrastructure KR: Hire a Reliability Manager.
- Director of Infrastructure KR: Hire a Scalability Manager.
- Director of Quality: Scale Quality Engineering to all product stages by growing to plan => 67%
- Director of Quality KR: Hire 2 Quality Engineering Managers. => 100%
- Director of Quality KR: Hire 4 Test Automation Engineers. => 100%
- Director of Quality KR: Hire 1 Engineering Productivity Engineer. => 0%
- Interim Director of Security: Develop FY21 Security strategy and organisational structure
- Interim Director of Security KR: Document FY21 Security strategy and direction.
- Interim Director of Security KR: Document organisation structure and relevant new roles.
- Interim Director of Security KR: Adjust and document changes to staffing model.
- Director of Support: Develop FY21 Support strategy and supporting organizational direction
- Director of Support KR: Document FY21 Support strategy and direction.
- Director of Support KR: Document organization structure and relevant new roles.
- Director of Support KR: Adjust and document changes to staffing model.
- Director of Support: Rebase interlock with Customer Success
- Director of Support KR: Clearly define new role responsibilities in Support and Customer Success.
- Director of Support KR: Identify changes in to existing or new roles to fill gaps in service delivery.
- Director of UX: Scale UX Research by building out Research Training materials that Product Managers and Product Designers can use to consistently deliver results.
- Director of UX KR: Deliver 6 videos that address the highest priority topics in educating PMs and Product Designers on conducting user research.
- CFO: Issue Financial Statements and Improve Accounting Processes
- Controller: Achieve 12 day close by Q4 FY 2020, and 10 day close by Q2 FY 2021. => 90%
- Principal Accounting Officer: No material adjustments in audit; no material post-close adjustments in monthly close => 80%
- Accounts Payable: Complete Tipalti implementation => 100%
- Payroll: HR data integration between Bamboo/ADP; Update handbook with a payroll section (Shared OKR with PeopleOps) => 85%
- Payroll: Proposal to replace Expensify => 50% (User dissatisfaction with Concur)
- PAO/Revenue: Complete retrospective review of Revenue Allocation. => 90%
- Controller: Propose vendor and implementation plan for rev rec (formerly RevPro) and Commissions (Xactly). => 95%
- PAO: No material weaknesses identified by Audit Firm. => 90% (internal controls work not finalized by auditor)
- CFO: Build a scalable data infrastructure that ensures completeness of data, quality and ability for anyone in the organization to access data and perform analysis.
- Data Team: Embedded/Central analyst/engineer model implemented so each function has at least one embedded data analyst.
- Data Team: Sensitive data is identified in 66% of data sources at the database object level (columns, tables, etc.) in a file in our repository for use in automated and dynamic modeling, administering, and auditing of the warehouse.
- Data Team: 66% of data sources of Data quality measures and tests documented and implemented for data sources.
- CFO: Create an IT organization that prepares the company for growth over next 18 months.
- IT: Create an IT SLA framework and issue initial target of less than three days.
- IT: 100% of onboard/offboard activities included in new hire/termination issues with automated notification to system DRIs.
- IT: Complete audit of system access termination for offboarded team members.
- CFO: Create scalable business systems with business processes that have cross functional ownership.
- Business Systems: Technology Stack and DRIs in handbook in relevant places in handbook (avoid directory problem).
- Business Systems: Defined technology approach for back end of portal.
- CFO: Improve purchasing function to streamline process while saving money.
- Procurement: Public RFP issued to replace Zuora as GitLab’s Subscription Management and CPQ solution.
- Procurement: Streamlined workflow based on procurement type. Involve purchasing early in the process.
- Procurement: Deliver quantified savings of > $250,000 in Q4.
- CFO: Maintain corporate tax compliance while looking for methods to improve tax efficiency.
- Director of Tax: Deliver Global VAT review =>100%
- Director of Tax: Propose optimized tax structure for supply chain =>50%
- Director of Tax: Analysis on taxation of RSU’s => 100%
- CMO: Increase marketing team operational efficiency
- MktOps: Improve SDR lead processing efficiency.
- MktOps KR: Reduce lead views to 5 (from 30+ today).
- MktOps KR: Average lead processing time for SDR under 5 minutes (from 10+ minutes).
- MktOps KR: MQL lead and contact views emptied every day.
- MktOps: Less manual and more accurate lead routing.
- MktOps KR: DemandBase form append running on all inbound forms.
- MktOps KR: Reduce manual lead routing by 50% (from 4k per month).
- MktOps KR: No cutting-and-pasting data from DataFox/Discover.org.
- MktOps: Automate lead followup.
- MktOps KR: Lead status in Outreach synced to SFDC lead status.
- MktOps KR: Ability to auto-sequence low-scoring leads launched.
- MktOps KR: Drift bot qualifying and routing website leads.
- Community: Increase response coverage and improve responsiveness on high priority channels.
- Community KR: Decrease median first reply time to 5 hours for Hacker News and website/blog comments.
- Community KR: Add YouTube GitLab channels and LinkedIn to ZenDesk integration and response workflow.
- Strategic Mkt: Establish PIs (performance indicator) for each Strategic Marketing team.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Each sub-team at least one PI trackable in a Periscope dashboard.
- Strategic Mkt KR: Point-of-reference tool implemented.
- Strategic Mkt KR: AR coverage “heatmap at-a-glance” implemented.
- Revenue Mkt: Implement organic search optimizations.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Establish catalog of SEO terms.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Identify first list of SEO optimizations.
- Revenue Mkt KR: Optimize 10 website pages for key terms.
- MktOps: Improve SDR lead processing efficiency.
How to Achieve Presentations
Last modified March 5, 2025: Fix broken links (