FY20-Q4 OKRs

View GitLabs Objective-Key Results for FY20 Q4. Learn more here!

This fiscal quarter will run from November 1, 2019 to January 31, 2020.


  1. CRO: Build strong FY21 pipeline.
    1. CRO KR: FY21-Q1 pipeline at 2X target (stage 3+)
    2. CRO KR: FY21-Q2 pipeline at 1.2X target (stage 3+)
      1. VP, Field Ops: Instrument systems and programs to intended targets.
        1. VP Field Ops KR: Factor pipeine targets to relevant tools.
          1. Sr Director of Sales Operations: Assess solution for pipeline targets.
            1. Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Implement targets into Clari (or SFDC). => We did not make progress on this KR, and will carry over into Q1FY21
            2. Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Measure effectiveness to 90% accuracy. => We did not make progress on this KR, and will carry over into Q1FY21
          2. Sr Manager of Sales Strategy: Measure and report on iACV forecast accuracy and take action to improve
            1. Sr Manager of Sales Strategy KR: Assess Clari abilities to trend or track in Periscope, assess rep/mgr level forecast accuracy to 100% throughout the QTR and identify actions for sales managers => In Progress.
        2. VP Field Ops KR: Target 90%+ completion of certification programs.
          1. Director of Sales Enablement: Develop certification ROE and processes.
            1. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Target 90%+ completion of certification programs starting with initial Command of the Message certification for Sales and CS team members => 100% completion
            2. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Verify manager engagement and support => 100% sales manager engagement and support
            3. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Defined certification strategy heading into FY21 => Meeting with CRO on Jan 27 to review proposed sales certification strategy for FY21+
          2. Director of Sales Enablement: Improve operational excellence around Command of the Message and strategic opportunity management with MEDDPICC.
            1. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Successfully execute strategic opportunity consult engagement with Force Management => 7 of 8 opportunity consults (8th decided to push to Q1)
            2. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Effectively deliver 2-day CoM & MEDDPICC workshop to sales team members who did not participate in the Aug training => Done. Delivered 2-day CoM & MEDDPICC workshop on Jan 16-17 to ~80 sales team members who did not participate in the Aug training
            3. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Improve the consumability of CoM and Command Plan supporting resources in the Sales Handbook => Updated the look and feel of Command of the Message Handbook Page.
            4. Director of Sales Enablement KR: 95%+ sales participant completion of currently-running Fast Start program => Done. 100% completion of 13-week Fast Start reinforcement & sustainment program (see scorecard).
          3. Director of Sales Enablement: Reduce rep ramp time and optimize onboarding.
            1. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Identify key measurements and reporting cadence => In progress. Key measurements and reporting cadence identified but not delivered by Data Analytics team due to competing priorities (issue has now been open for 5 months).
            2. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Ensure Sales Onboarding process (to include issue creation) is consistent and timely => In progress. Implementing enhanced Google Classroom SQS/onboarding reporting starting in FY21. Sales onboarding process and content documented in the Handbook.
          4. Director of Sales Enablement: Ensure FY20 Sales Kick Off effectively supports to FY21 sales strategy.
            1. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Effective, collaborative SKO planning and communication leading up to the early Feb 2020 event => In progress. On track to deliver against these results in early Q1.
            2. Director of Sales Enablement KR: Development of interactive, role-based training sessions to support FY21 pipeline development and acceleration => In progress. On track to deliver against these results in early Q1.
      2. VP Alliances: Broaden addressable user base through user personas (OPS and Security).
        1. VP Alliances KR: AWS Re:invent GitLab visibility (5 sessions). => 80% (4 AWS sessions and 6 with other partners)
        2. VP Alliances KR: Kubecon 14 Top Kubernetes partners with GitLab demos for 400 customers each. => 100%
        3. VP Alliances KR: Launch partner marketing campaign. => 20%
      3. VP Alliances: Deliver GitLab as part of our partner’s sales processes.
        1. VP Alliances KR: Support building channel with new VP. => ongoing
        2. VP Alliances KR: Double lead flow from key alliance partners. => 50%
        3. VP Alliances KR: Deliver first GitLab session at Dreamforce. => done
      4. VP Alliances: Build tighter partner integrations with GitLab for Kubernetes, Marketplace and Authentication.
        1. VP Alliances KR: Grow secure stage through partnerships. => first two partnerships launched
        2. VP Alliances KR: Create 1st class experiences for free partner compute services. => miss and moving to Q1
        3. VP Alliances KR: Establish shared technical roadmap with Hashicorp. => done
  2. CRO: Ensure public company readiness.
    1. CRO KR: Conduct mock earnings call. => Not Started.
      1. VP Field Ops: Optimize Month End Close.
        1. VP Field Ops KR: Target < 1 day EOM close.
          1. Sr Director of Sales Operations: Optimize EOM close.
            1. Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Provide final bookings < 1 day by simplification of IACV calc. => In Progress: Not yet fully automatic. True-Ups & transactions from web portal require manual intervention by Deal Desk.
            2. Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Automation > 50% of EOM close processes. => Moved to weekly cadence. New closing stage speeds up processing time. Monthly Closed now captured in issue for transparent communication and an audit trail..
            3. Sr Director of Sales Operations KR: Document new processes in Handbook => Large re-factoring of current Sales Order Processing Handbook page.
          2. Sr Manager of Sales Systems: Timely and accurate iACV calculation.
            1. Sr Manager of Sales Systems KR: 95% of non-custom deals have correct iACV calc after deal configuration => In Progress. Technical discovery lead to the iACV Assessment
    2. CRO KR: Sales & Marketing using a single pipeline dashboard.
      1. VP Field Ops: Align GTM goals and optimize reporting cadence to support IPO.
        1. VP Field Ops KR: Create SSOT dashboard of key GTM KPIs.
          1. Sr Manager of Sales Strategy: Partner with GTM Sales/Marketing Metrics Team to create SSOT dashboard view of GTM KPIs.
            1. Sr Manager of Sales Strategy KR: Launch Periscope dashboard. => 80%
            2. Sr Manager of Sales Strategy KR: Highlight 3 KPIs of focus for GTM Motion Team. => Not Started
    3. Customer Success: Decide on customer success platform. => Tracking to 100% complete. Pending negotiation and approval.
      1. Customer Success KR: Define requirements.
      2. Customer Success KR: Assess vendors.
      3. Customer Success KR: Contract signed.
    4. Customer Success: Restructure handbook to align GitLab organization to the customer journey. => 0% complete. Lacking resource to drive. Will carry-forward when we identify a resource to drive.
      1. Customer Success KR: Information architecture created with 100% of content relating to customer journey.
      2. Customer Success KR: 50% of handbook content restructured to new design as measured by group’s content.
      3. TAM: Complete onboarding processes.
        1. TAM KR: Segment-specific processes (enterprise, midmarket, SMB).
        2. TAM KR: 2 digital content assets. => Complete
        3. TAM KR: Survey created and sent to all 100% of Enterprise customers post-creation.
      4. TAM: Improve engagement approaches for key processes (EBR, TAM account reviews, GitLab days).
        1. TAM KR: Processes for each 3. => Complete
        2. TAM KR: 2 Templates (EBR and reviews). => Complete
        3. TAM KR: Enablement for 90% of CSMs. => Complete
      5. TAM Comm: Develop scalable onboarding approach.
        1. TAM Comm KR: 2 webinars.
        2. TAM Comm KR: 1 Email campaigns.
        3. TAM Comm KR: Updated TAM process in handbook.
      6. CS Ops: Implement time-to-value reporting for 3 metrics. => 100% complete. Implemented in SFDC. Pending completion on onboarding to collect metrics.
        1. CS Ops KR: Time to engage, onboarding complete, and first value delivery.
        2. CS Ops KR: Reporting delivered for 100% Enterprise and midmarket customers.
      7. Comm SA: Define systematic Commercial presales technical buyers journey.
        1. Comm SA KR: Formalized tech eval process for 3 segments Tier 1 MM, MM, SMB => First iteration completed via new Handbook page
        2. Comm SA KR: Tech eval and handoff processes updated => Next iteration completed via this Merge Request and this Handbook page
      8. SA West: Establish Enterprise Large presales tech eval process.
        1. SA West KR: Identify success patterns.
        2. SA West KR: Improved activity tracking requirements created for SFDC.
        3. SA West KR: 2 SA playbooks.
      9. PS Solutions: Develop plans for future operational and strategic service offerings. => 75% complete
        1. PS Solutions KR: Revenue model created with finance. => 75% complete.
        2. PS Solutions KR: Customer survey and feedback reports created for 100% of customers (Q3 and Q4) => 100% complete.
        3. PS Solutions KR: New service offering plan created for 1 year outlook. 50% complete
      10. PS Solutions: Develop services onboarding for 2 partners for training capacity. => Partner program pushed to FY21.
        1. PS Solutions KR: Training plan.
        2. PS Solutions KR: Management plan.
        3. PS Solutions KR: 2 partners MSAs signed.
      11. PS Solutions: Complete end-to-end process to streamline sales process. => 65% complete
        1. PS Solutions KR: End-to-end process streamlined. => 100%
        2. PS Solutions KR: Control models updated. 50% complete
        3. PS Solutions KR: 100% of process steps and approvals documented. 100% complete
      12. PS Delivery: Improve repeatability and quality of service delivery.
        1. PS Delivery KR: Close backlog older than 120 days. => 25% complete, Identified path to signoff and revenue recognition.
        2. PS Delivery KR: Scheduling and resource management. => Not complete, pushed to FY21Q1
        3. PS Delivery KR: Expectations management training delivered to 100% of PSEs. 50% complete, Content developed, deliver expected at SKO
      13. PS Education: Develop modular “GitLab Total Product Training.” => 100% complete
        1. PS Education KR: Update existing training. => 100% complete
        2. PS Education KR: Develop content for 1 complete product training. => 100% complete
  3. VP of Engineering: Enterprise-grade GitLab.com
    1. VP of Engineering KR: Finish observability project.
    2. VP of Engineering KR: Close remaining test gaps on enterprise features.
    3. VP of Engineering KR: 99.95 availability.
    4. Sr Director of Development
      1. Director of Engineering, Enablement: Iteratively re-architect our queue implementation to create 10x headroom
      2. Director of Engineering, Enablement: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
        1. Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MRs/Engineer/Month) increases to 10 by the end of January, which projects to 250 ~ 290 MRs/Month depending on the hiring progress.
        2. Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
        3. Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Add 1 BE maintainer (Backend from 8 to 9)
      3. Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD: Get CI queue times (p95) under 1 min => 100%
      4. Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
        1. Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MR Rate) increases to 10 by the end of January, which projects to 250+ depending on growth. => 76%
        2. Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time. => 66%
        3. Interim Director of Engineering, CI/CD KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (Add 1 BE maintainer) => 100%
      5. Director of Engineering, Dev: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
        1. Director of Engineering, Dev KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
      6. Interim Director of Engineering, Ops: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery => 50% MR Rate improved but is still below department goals
        1. Interim Director of Engineering, Ops KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MRs/month) increases to 7.2 (up 0%) by end of January. => +8% increase in section MR rate quarter over quarter
        2. Interim Director of Engineering, Ops KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time. => 100%
        3. Interim Director of Engineering, Ops KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y) => Maintainer to dev ratio worsened over the quarter about 17%
      7. Director of Engineering, Defend: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
        1. Director of Engineering, Defend KR: 3 new Defend MVC features are released
        2. Director of Engineering, Defend KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
      8. Director of Engineering, Secure: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
        1. Director of Engineering, Secure KR: Increase rolling 6 month average by >=10%. => We were able to reach 11.5% for the rolling average. OKR 100% achieved.
        2. Director of Engineering, Secure KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time. => N/A
        3. Director of Engineering, Secure KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y) => We added a maintainer for the Frontend. OKR 50% achieved.
      9. Director of Engineering, Growth: Meet enterprise customer expectations around timely feature delivery
        1. Director of Engineering, Growth KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
        2. Growth stage: Perform weekly iterations
          1. Growth stage KR: Weekly iterations for growth
      10. Fellow: Identify and deliver 3 key improvements to observability and scalability => 100%
    5. Director of Infrastructure: Drive GitLab.com Availability to 99.95%
      1. Director of Infrastructure KR: Improve availability of bottom three performant services (sidekiq, registry, git)
      2. Director of Infrastructure KR: Full adoption of standarized workflow management across Infrastructure
      3. Director of Infrastructure KR:Drive database availability to 99.96%
    6. Director of Quality: Improve GitLab Enterprise features robustness by improving functional and performance test coverage => 94%
      1. Director of Quality KR: Finish all planned enterprise test gaps => 82%
      2. Director of Quality KR: Perform upgrade tests with no downtime and performance benchmark tests for all GitLab releases in FY20Q4 => 100%
      3. Director of Quality KR: Certify 2K reference architecture => 100%
    7. Interim Director of Security: Improve GitLab Security resilience and availability by creating independent GitLab Security environments
      1. Interim Director of Security KR: Migrate all existing GitLab Security tooling and infrastructure to the new environments and document in envs list
      2. Interim Director of Security KR: Create Sec-prod and Sec-pre-prod environments.
      3. Interim Director of Security KR: Full adoption of a dedicated GitLab instance for tracking of security issues within the new environments.
    8. Director of Support: Create sustainable process to achieve 85% performance to Next Response Time SLA
      1. Director of Support KR: Evolve work done in Q3 to reduce gaps in NRT workflow.
      2. Director of Support KR: Correlate NRT performance to reducing Time To Resolve (TTR).
  4. CMO: Cost-effective IACV pipeline growth
    1. Community: Showcase activity generated by GitLab Heroes.
      1. Community KR: 10 GitLab use-case videos or blogs published.
      2. Community KR: 5 GitLab talks given by Heroes.
    2. Corp Mkt: Increase in awareness around GitLab CI/CD in response to competitor GA announcement.
      1. Corp Mkt KR: Be included in 25% of the articles about competitor announcement.
        1. Corp Mkt KR: Drive 1000 form fills on the competitive campaign landing page.
    3. Corp Mkt: Successful pull-through of multi-cloud message at KubeCon.
      1. Corp Mkt KR: Reach 5,000 people directly (50% of attendees) via KubeCon talks or 0-day events.
      2. Corp Mkt KR: Be included in 5 multi-cloud focused articles and partnerships highlighted in 10 event articles.
      3. Corp Mkt KR: 500,000 social media impressions from tanuki adventure.
    4. Corp Mkt: In-quarter demonstrable results from AWS re:Invent.
      1. Corp Mkt KR: Collect 5,000 leads from AWS re:Invent.
      2. Corp Mkt KR: 500 follow-up requests.
      3. Corp Mkt KR: 50 SAOs and $1m in pipeline by end of Q4 (a 2-1 pipe to spend by end of Q).
    5. Corp Mkt: Increase awareness of GitLab in public relations efforts.
      1. Corp Mkt KR: 50% SOV vs. main competitor.
      2. Corp Mkt KR: Company mentioned in 30 business press articles.
      3. Corp Mkt KR: At least two key messages included in 75% of feature articles.
    6. Revenue Mkt: Optimize value-driver campaigns.
      1. Revenue Mkt KR: Decrease cost-per-lead to $230 by end of Q4.
      2. Revenue Mkt KR: Increase MQL to SDR-QL conversion rate by 20%.
    7. Strategic Mkt: Incorporate AWS, Google Cloud & VMWare partnership assets into 3 value-driver campaigns.
      1. Revenue Mkt KR: One partner-specific content asset in each PF track.
      2. Revenue Mkt KR: 3 partner demand-gen activities that drive to value driver campaign.
      3. Revenue Mkt KR: 1 technical blog for each partner introduced in each campaign.
  5. CFO: Improve financial planning processes to support growth and increased transparency.
    1. Finance: Single source of truth for hiring process designed and implemented => 50% Talent Acquisition Working Group
    2. Finance: Complete financial model from top of funnel through closed won => 100%
    3. Finance: Version control for financial model that allows for real time analysis without impacting production model => 0% Moving to a financial planning tool
    4. Finance: Automate 100% of Investor Metrics in Periscope => 85%

2. CEO: Popular next generation product

  1. VP of Product Strategy: Get strategic thinking into the org.
    1. VP of Product Strategy KR: Secure section strategy review => 200%.
    2. VP of Product Strategy KR: Produce strategy visuals => 0%.
  2. VP of Product Strategy: Get acquisitions into shape; build a well-oiled machine.
    1. VP of Product Strategy KR: Build soft-landing identification software => 10%
    2. VP of Product Strategy KR: Identify 1000 acquisition targets => 1500%.
  3. VP of Product Strategy: Lay groundwork for strategic initiatives.
    1. VP of Product Strategy KR: Research 5 strategic initiatives => 20%.
  4. VP of Product Management: Deliver on product roadmap. Achieve 100% of our category maturity plans.
  5. VP of Product Management: Proactively validate problems and solutions with customers. At least 2 validation cycles completed per Product Manager.
  6. VP of Product Management: Create stage level product demos to build customer empathy. Deliver one recorded demo for each stage.
  7. Director of Product, Growth: Establish a rapid cadence of testing & learning. At least one deliverable per week, per growth group.
  8. Director of Product, Growth: Improve the customer experience with billing related workflows. Make material improvements to direct signup, trial, seat true-up, upgrade, and renewal workflows, both for .com and self-managed customers, driving at least $570k in incremental ACV (IACV).
  9. Director of Product, Growth: Improve the quality of product usage data. Deliver accurate SMAU dashboards for each stage, including both .com and self-managed customer usage data.
  10. Director of Product, Secure & Defend; Group Manager, Enablement: Communicate updated product visions at the Section level to inform product investment decisions. Deliver product vision content for Secure & Defend and Enablement sections by end of Q4.
  11. VP of Engineering: Raise productivity thru iteration without jeopardizing availability
    1. VP of Engineering KR: Raise MR Rate from 8 to 10
    2. Sr Director of Development: Deliver on our product vision by being more iterative => 100%
      1. Sr Director of Development KR: Raise MRs/Developer/Month from 8 to 10 => 100%
      2. Sr Director of Development KR: Organize interview with Sid about how to iterate for EMs and PMs => 100%
      3. Sr Director of Development KR: Section level reporting on MR Rate with KPIs review => 100%
    3. Director of Infrastructure: Achieve daily deployment velocity.
      1. Director of Infrastructure KR: Lower MTTP from days to single digit hours.
    4. Director of Quality: Increase Engineering efficiency and productivity by speeding up test and pipeline duration => 77%
      1. Director of Quality KR: Increase GitLab review app success rate from 29% to 70% => 100%
      2. Director of Quality KR: Reduce regression suite run time in the release process from 70 mins to 56 mins => 40%
      3. Director of Quality KR: Provide stage specific reporting mechanism for tests that run as part of the release process => 90%
    5. Interim Director of Security: Improve the GitLab product by dogfooding Secure & Defend features department-wide
      1. Interim Director of Security KR: Adopt 2 Secure features for common/daily workflows.
      2. Interim Director of Security KR: Adopt 2 Defend features for common/daily workflows.
      3. Interim Director of Security KR: Propose 3 features for Secure and/or Defend.
    6. Director of UX: Make the GitLab UI more beautiful by burning down remaining UI Beautification issues.
      1. Director of UX KR: Burn down remaining open issues in epic https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/989
    7. Director of UX: Help make the GitLab product more loveable by sharing UX work broadly and frequently to reinforce our overall vision.
      1. Director of UX KR: Get 16 total stages to participate in 4 UX Showcases, and share the resulting video in the Engineering Week in Review.
      2. Director of UX KR: Include Product Design and UX Research results in 5 Group Conversations.
      3. Director of UX KR: Post all new UX Scorecards and newly completed Pajamas components (Create, Build, and Style stages), post it to the Engineering Week in Review.
    8. Fellow: Finish documenting architecture and identify 3 most significant areas for architecture improvement => 60%
  12. CMO: Building scalable future capabilities
    1. Community: Grow Heroes program, with a Q4 focus in North America.
      1. Community KR: Establish Heroes governing council.
      2. Community KR: 5 new meetup groups in NORAM.
      3. Community KR: 10 new Heroes from NORAM.
    2. Community: Pilot GitLab “Hackathon-in-a-box.”
      1. Community KR: Develop packaged Hackathon offering to facilitate contributions at face-to-face events.
      2. Community KR: Pilot offering at 3 events in Q4.
    3. Revenue Mkt: ABM programs running.
      1. Revenue Mkt KR: Demandbase implemented.
      2. Revenue Mkt KR: Target accounts identified by territory.
      3. Revenue Mkt KR: ABM metrics baseline established.
      4. Revenue Mkt KR: Territory campaigns running in 2 territories.
    4. Strategic Mkt: Roll out GitLab ROI framework.
      1. Strategic Mkt KR: Deliver ROI business justification tool for sales.
      2. Strategic Mkt KR: Work with Forrester to complete first customer data collection for Total Economic Impact report.
    5. Strategic Mkt: Introduce use cases as framework for GTM.
      1. Strategic Mkt KR: Roll out first 4 use cases.
      2. Strategic Mkt KR: Align use cases with 3 content pillars.
      3. Strategic Mkt KR: Publish a web page dedicated to each use case
      4. Strategic Mkt KR: Publish demo for each use case.
    6. Strategic Mkt: Reset competitor and DevOps tools comparison web strategy.
      1. Strategic Mkt KR: Implement 5 loveable competitive comparison page revamps and Crayon cards.
      2. Strategic Mkt KR: Establish simplified comparison page format for ‘functionally similar’ DevOps tools.
    7. Strategic Mkt: Pilot Learn@gitlab web experience for finding & featuring how-to technical content.
      1. Strategic Mkt KR: Publish MVC landing page or PF experience.
      2. Strategic Mkt KR: Tag existing content into new page.
      3. Strategic Mkt KR: Build plan for FY21.

3. CEO: Great team

  1. VP Recruiting: Deliver on the ambitious hiring plan, in partnership with leaders, while ensuring a unique and exceptional candidate experience and that candidate pools are diverse and representative of our communities.
    1. VP Recruiting KR: At least 90% of plan for the quarter.
    2. VP Recruiting KR: Average time to fill at 40 days, excluding Director+.
    3. VP Recruiting KR: At least 35% of all hires/month are women.
  2. Chief People Officer: Support an environment where all team members feel they belong, are valued, and they can contribute; understand the key drivers for team member engagement and continuously improve.
    1. Chief People Officer KR: Select 1-2 top priorities from October 2019 Engagement Survey and develop action plan.
    2. Chief People Officer KR: Training modules rolled out: at least 2 DIB training modules (Inclusion & Ally) + communication/management training (Communicating Effectively & Responsibly Through Text) => Completed.
    3. Chief People Officer KR: ??% of hiring manager interviews for leadership roles are with female candidates.
  3. Chief People Officer: Improve onboarding to ensure optimal levels of new team member experience and productivity.
    1. Chief People Officer KR: OSAT (Onboarding Satisfaction): Increase response rate and maintain score of 4.0 or higher.
    2. Chief People Officer KR: ROI calculation for new HRIS that meets the needs of a medium to large size company.
    3. Chief People Officer KR: 100% of People Ops team trained to effectively handle team member questions.
  4. Chief People Officer: Team members understand the value of their compensation, benefits, and perks.
    1. Chief People Officer KR: Annual comp review with updated location factor based on data from ERI, Numbeo, Compensation Surveys while taking the Average Location Factor KPI into account. => 100%, Annual Compensation Review completed on time and under budget. New location factors implemented based on automated process.
    2. Chief People Officer KR: Measure and ensure gender pay equity. => 100%, Audit complete for US. Next iteration is to scope internationally and add equity.
    3. Chief People Officer KR: Ensure competitive benefits offerings where we have entities/PEOs. => 100% on new entities, not measurable on current entities.
  5. CRO: Implement an efficient and effective hiring model. Talent model used end to end on at least 5 hires in Q4, Manager Span of Control (equal to or less than 8) for entire CRO org.
    1. VP Field Ops KR: Refactor the recruiting process to recover hiring to plan. Hiring pipeline >100% of targets => In Progress.
    2. VP Field Ops KR: Provide metrics to leverage Talent model on at least 5 hires in Q4 => Completed.
    3. VP Field Ops KR: Keep Manager Span of Control (equal to or less than 8) for entire CRO org => Completed.
    4. Customer Success SA West: Improve presales technical account planning. Assessment of successful/unsuccessful approaches, Complete updated tech evaluation process integrating CoM in handbook.
    5. Customer Success Ops/Enablement: Develop CoM playbooks / cards for key TAM expansion plays. SCM to CI, Security, Free to Premium, Premium to Ultimate playbooks documented (Note: sales plays may not be in handbook).
    6. Customer Success Ops/Enablement: Enhance onboarding for Customer Success team. Updated training delivered to 80% of team, Enablement guide, New employee survey delivered to 100% of onboarded team members (once completed).
    7. Customer Success Ops/Enablement: Launch peer to peer continued education program. Library of recorded training sessions 3 digital assets, Quick response training, 2 small consumable training sessions delivered.
    8. Customer Success East: Develop SA experts program. Establish 3 stage experts, Define role and responsibilities in handbook.
  6. VP of Engineering: Provide mentorship/coaching at every level
    1. VP of Engineering KR: Scalable Mentorship/coaching program
    2. VP of Engineering KR: Launch internship program
    3. Sr Director of Development
      1. Director of Engineering, Dev: Improve the development productivity and experience
        1. Director of Engineering, Dev KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y)
      2. Director of Engineering, Defend: Improve the development productivity and experience
        1. Director of Engineering, Defend KR: Defend backend engineers hired in Q3 have created MR’s for all portions of the architecture necessary to create/maintain Defend features.
        2. Director of Engineering, Defend KR: >=1 defend engineer becomes a trainee maintainer by the end of the quarter
        3. Director of Engineering, Defend KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y)
      3. Director of Engineering, Enablement: Improve the development productivity and experience
        1. Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Overall section monthly throughput (MRs/Engineer/Month) increases to 10 by the end of January, which projects to 250 ~ 290 MRs/Month depending on the hiring progress.
        2. Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Track all planning priority issues and make sure they are being completed on time.
        3. Director of Engineering, Enablement KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Add 1 BE maintainer (Backend from 8 to 9)
      4. Director of Engineering, Growth: Improve the development productivity and experience
        1. Director of Engineering, Growth KR: Maintain current developers to maintainers ratio - Nominate and add maintainers as we are increasing (BackEnd increase from X to Y, Frontend increase by X to Y)
    4. Director of Infrastructure: Hire key Infrastructure Management vacancies
      1. Director of Infrastructure KR: Hire a Senior Director.
      2. Director of Infrastructure KR: Hire a Reliability Manager.
      3. Director of Infrastructure KR: Hire a Scalability Manager.
    5. Director of Quality: Scale Quality Engineering to all product stages by growing to plan => 67%
      1. Director of Quality KR: Hire 2 Quality Engineering Managers. => 100%
      2. Director of Quality KR: Hire 4 Test Automation Engineers. => 100%
      3. Director of Quality KR: Hire 1 Engineering Productivity Engineer. => 0%
    6. Interim Director of Security: Develop FY21 Security strategy and organisational structure
      1. Interim Director of Security KR: Document FY21 Security strategy and direction.
      2. Interim Director of Security KR: Document organisation structure and relevant new roles.
      3. Interim Director of Security KR: Adjust and document changes to staffing model.
    7. Director of Support: Develop FY21 Support strategy and supporting organizational direction
      1. Director of Support KR: Document FY21 Support strategy and direction.
      2. Director of Support KR: Document organization structure and relevant new roles.
      3. Director of Support KR: Adjust and document changes to staffing model.
    8. Director of Support: Rebase interlock with Customer Success
      1. Director of Support KR: Clearly define new role responsibilities in Support and Customer Success.
      2. Director of Support KR: Identify changes in to existing or new roles to fill gaps in service delivery.
    9. Director of UX: Scale UX Research by building out Research Training materials that Product Managers and Product Designers can use to consistently deliver results.
      1. Director of UX KR: Deliver 6 videos that address the highest priority topics in educating PMs and Product Designers on conducting user research.
  7. CFO: Issue Financial Statements and Improve Accounting Processes
    1. Controller: Achieve 12 day close by Q4 FY 2020, and 10 day close by Q2 FY 2021. => 90%
    2. Principal Accounting Officer: No material adjustments in audit; no material post-close adjustments in monthly close => 80%
    3. Accounts Payable: Complete Tipalti implementation => 100%
    4. Payroll: HR data integration between Bamboo/ADP; Update handbook with a payroll section (Shared OKR with PeopleOps) => 85%
    5. Payroll: Proposal to replace Expensify => 50% (User dissatisfaction with Concur)
    6. PAO/Revenue: Complete retrospective review of Revenue Allocation. => 90%
    7. Controller: Propose vendor and implementation plan for rev rec (formerly RevPro) and Commissions (Xactly). => 95%
    8. PAO: No material weaknesses identified by Audit Firm. => 90% (internal controls work not finalized by auditor)
  8. CFO: Build a scalable data infrastructure that ensures completeness of data, quality and ability for anyone in the organization to access data and perform analysis.
    1. Data Team: Embedded/Central analyst/engineer model implemented so each function has at least one embedded data analyst.
    2. Data Team: Sensitive data is identified in 66% of data sources at the database object level (columns, tables, etc.) in a file in our repository for use in automated and dynamic modeling, administering, and auditing of the warehouse.
    3. Data Team: 66% of data sources of Data quality measures and tests documented and implemented for data sources.
  9. CFO: Create an IT organization that prepares the company for growth over next 18 months.
    1. IT: Create an IT SLA framework and issue initial target of less than three days.
    2. IT: 100% of onboard/offboard activities included in new hire/termination issues with automated notification to system DRIs.
    3. IT: Complete audit of system access termination for offboarded team members.
  10. CFO: Create scalable business systems with business processes that have cross functional ownership.
    1. Business Systems: Technology Stack and DRIs in handbook in relevant places in handbook (avoid directory problem).
    2. Business Systems: Defined technology approach for back end of portal.
  11. CFO: Improve purchasing function to streamline process while saving money.
    1. Procurement: Public RFP issued to replace Zuora as GitLab’s Subscription Management and CPQ solution.
    2. Procurement: Streamlined workflow based on procurement type. Involve purchasing early in the process.
    3. Procurement: Deliver quantified savings of > $250,000 in Q4.
  12. CFO: Maintain corporate tax compliance while looking for methods to improve tax efficiency.
    1. Director of Tax: Deliver Global VAT review =>100%
    2. Director of Tax: Propose optimized tax structure for supply chain =>50%
    3. Director of Tax: Analysis on taxation of RSU’s => 100%
  13. CMO: Increase marketing team operational efficiency
    1. MktOps: Improve SDR lead processing efficiency.
      1. MktOps KR: Reduce lead views to 5 (from 30+ today).
      2. MktOps KR: Average lead processing time for SDR under 5 minutes (from 10+ minutes).
      3. MktOps KR: MQL lead and contact views emptied every day.
    2. MktOps: Less manual and more accurate lead routing.
      1. MktOps KR: DemandBase form append running on all inbound forms.
      2. MktOps KR: Reduce manual lead routing by 50% (from 4k per month).
      3. MktOps KR: No cutting-and-pasting data from DataFox/Discover.org.
    3. MktOps: Automate lead followup.
      1. MktOps KR: Lead status in Outreach synced to SFDC lead status.
      2. MktOps KR: Ability to auto-sequence low-scoring leads launched.
      3. MktOps KR: Drift bot qualifying and routing website leads.
    4. Community: Increase response coverage and improve responsiveness on high priority channels.
      1. Community KR: Decrease median first reply time to 5 hours for Hacker News and website/blog comments.
      2. Community KR: Add YouTube GitLab channels and LinkedIn to ZenDesk integration and response workflow.
    5. Strategic Mkt: Establish PIs (performance indicator) for each Strategic Marketing team.
      1. Strategic Mkt KR: Each sub-team at least one PI trackable in a Periscope dashboard.
      2. Strategic Mkt KR: Point-of-reference tool implemented.
      3. Strategic Mkt KR: AR coverage “heatmap at-a-glance” implemented.
    6. Revenue Mkt: Implement organic search optimizations.
      1. Revenue Mkt KR: Establish catalog of SEO terms.
      2. Revenue Mkt KR: Identify first list of SEO optimizations.
      3. Revenue Mkt KR: Optimize 10 website pages for key terms.

How to Achieve Presentations

Last modified March 5, 2025: Fix broken links (2feb413c)