Group Conversations

Everything you need to know about GitLab’s daily, recurring Group Conversations


Group conversations are recurring events providing regular updates and an additional opportunity for team members to ask questions, across all GitLab teams on a rotating schedule. Group conversations support collaboration and transparency

All Team Members are invited to participate in Group Conversations by adding questions and comments in the Group Conversation issue, which is linked in every announcement by the respective host.

If you have suggestions for improving the Attendee or Meeting Leader experience please create a Merge Request (MR) to update this page — everyone can contribute!

Due to low attendance of the sync meetings, Group Conversations moved to being fully asynchronous in FY24-Q4.

Group Conversation vs. Key Review

It’s common to wonder what the difference is between these two meetings. Generally, they cover the same or similar content, but for different audiences.

Key Review Group Conversation
Audience Management General GitLab Team
Tone Formal Informational
Discussion High-context Low-context

The Key Review is intended for senior leadership to ask questions. The Group Conversation is open to the entire GitLab team to ask questions. We have both to give the senior leaders enough time to ask questions since the Group Conversations often have general questions unrelated to slide deck. Both are also a good place for sharing news and explaining initiatives. The same deck is generally used for both events, except that the Group Conversation one will have any material non-public information (MNPI) removed. Here’s a brief discussion of why we have both meetings, and how they can operate effectively:

For Attendees

If you have questions around an upcoming Group Conversation, please be sure to bring it to the #group-conversations Slack channel and @tag the host!

  1. Please add your questions as comments on the linked issue. Remember First Post is a Badge of Honor.
  2. Please do not include customer names in your questions/comments.
  3. Not everything has to be a question. Comments are welcome on the issue as well, whether it’s as a reply to an existing discussion thread or as a new thread where others can contribute to the discussion.
  4. Thanking and recognizing people is very important.
  5. You can ask someone to elaborate on a slide to get more context.


The Host or DRI is the person leading the conversation, usually the group lead, subject matter expert, and overseer of the slides created for the Group Conversation. The host doesn’t need to be the group lead, but the group lead is responsible for making sure that it happens.

Questions will generally be directed to the Host, and they will usually answer them unless they feel that another team member has more information or expertise to offer.

Process for host

Complete this process within 7 days after the Key Review to host a Group Conversation.

  1. Add your presentation in the Group Conversation Google Drive shared folder.
  2. Use the default Group Conversation issue template to create a new issue for your Group Conversation. The steps below are included in the template as boilerplate to replace, but please ensure to:
    1. Fill in your group’s name, and the date you’re posting the announcement.
    2. The host’s name as DRI. And assign the issue to them.
    3. Link of the Google Slides presentation (with edit or comment access to everyone at GitLab). See the presentation section for details.
    4. Link to the video of your Group Conversation presentation on GitLab Unfiltered (recommended, but optional).
    5. Link to the Key Review Agenda (if applicable).
    6. Date and estimated time when you will come back to the group conversation issue to answer any questions. Generally, the date should be 3 working days from posting date. Set it as the issue due date for reminders to go out.
  3. Post in #whats-happening-at-gitlab when ready. See the template Slack announcement which you can use, and personalize.
  4. Cross-post in #group-conversations.
  5. Set a reminder for the date/time when you’ve indicated you will answer any questions in the issue. The suggestion is between 2 to 3 business days after the issue is shared. Please resolve the comment thread once the question is answered.
    1. If there are questions that need a longer conversation, mention which Slack channel the conversation can continue, or link to a relevant issue.

Template Slack announcement

The <team> group conversation is ready!

Please see `${INSERT_LINK}` for the Group Conversation Issue, which includes links to the slide deck, what we've recently completed, and what we're currently working on. Any questions for the team, related to the slides or not, are most welcome. I will be answering them in 3 working days.


Use presentations to document everything people should know about your group. If the GC is for a group that didn’t have a Key Review, and are preparing new slides, the slides should start with the top 3-5 highlights or top of mind updates that are relevant across functions, followed by additional information. These presentations are for attendees to review and generate questions from for the call, and attendees will often have low context around your function or team.

Functions with Key Reviews should not create a new deck for a Group Conversation but should use their Key Review deck for the Group Conversation. If the Key review deck has MNPI, then a copy without MNPI should be created.

You can also record and upload a YouTube video if there is additional context that would be beneficial to supplement the slides.

There are three layers of content in a presentation:

  • Data, this is the contents of the slide.
  • Take away, this is the title of the slide, so use: ‘migration 10 days ahead of schedule’, instead of ‘migration schedule estimates’, the combined titles of your slides should make a good summary.
  • Feelings, this is the verbal and non-verbal communication in the video feed, how you feel about the take away, ‘I’m proud of the band for picking up the pace’.

Best practices for presentations:

  1. Save time and ensure asynchronous communication by writing information on the slides. Many people will not be able to participate in Group Conversations, either live or recorded, but can read through the slides.
  2. To better engage team members outside of your team or function, presentations should ideally assume low context.
  3. Slides with a lot of text that can be read on their own with lots of links are appreciated.
  4. If you want to present, please consider posting a recording to YouTube at least 72 hours before the meeting. Link it to the Google Doc (including specifying whether the video is private or public), and mention it in the relevant slack channels.
  5. Once a quarter, add a slide covering items being actioned from the engagement survey.
  6. Use this slide deck as the template for your presentation. Presentations should allow editing (preferred) or commenting from everyone at GitLab so that everyone can contribute.
  7. We encourage you to share metrics and key results during your Group Conversation. Please do not use cumulative metrics in your Group Conversations since those will usually show an upward trend and make it difficult to assess current performance. It is more appropriate to share cumulative metrics externally. See #8 of the general presentation suggestions for more information about cumulative metrics.

For more general presentation best practices, please see our communication handbook’s Presentation section.

Examples of good presentations

Examples of Past Sync Group Conversations

All of the public live streamed Group Conversations can be found on the GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel Group Conversations playlist.

Schedule & DRI

The Group Conversation schedule is set quarterly. The schedule is finalized the week before the start of each quarter by the EBA to the CEO.

The Scheduling DRI for each GC is encouraged to remind the DRI.

There is a rotating schedule with each Department having a conversation on a regular interval. We usually do not have Group Conversations or Company calls during the last two weeks of December. We also tend to cancel these during Contribute.

Please note: the frequency of Group Conversations does not recur on a specific cadence, but rather an estimated time (ex: the Portfolio Marketing GC could happen every other month, but does not happen specifically on the 4th Wednesday every other month). Groups Conversations without Key Reviews are optional, and these can be swapped with other groups without Key Reviews, or scheduled during an open day on the schedule.

If your Group Conversation is optional and you need to move the date, please work with your department’s EBA.

Group Conversation DRI Key Review? GC Frequency Alternate Hosts Scheduling DRI
Marketing Ashley Kramer Yes Twice per quarter EBA to CMSO
Sales Sales VPs Yes (GTM Key Review shared with Marketing) Monthly - rotates between VP of Commercial, VP of Enterprise, VP of Channel & VP of Customer Success EBAs in Sales
Finance Brian Robins Yes Twice per quarter EBAs in Finance
People Wendy Barnes Yes Twice per quarter EBA to CPO
Product Month PLT Leader Rotation Yes Quarterly EBAs in Product
Support Johnny Scarborough Yes Quarterly @lbot @lyle @vparsons EBA to Engineering
Security Josh Lemos Yes Quarterly EBA to Security
Development Tim Zallmann Yes Quarterly EBA to Engineering
Infrastructure & Quality Mek Stittri Yes Quarterly EBA to Engineering
General Sid Sijbrandij No Every other month EBA to CEO
Alliances Nima Badiey No Quarterly EBA to VP of Alliances
IT Nabitha Rao Yes Quarterly EBA to VP of Business Technology
Data Amie Bright Yes Quarterly EBA to VP of Business Technology

Current Schedule

Expected Posting Date GC DRI Key Review Date?
Wednesday 2024-01-03 Support Lyle Kozloff, Lee Matos December 20
Thursday 2024-01-11 Security Josh Lemos December 20
Wednesday 2024-01-24 Infrastructure & Quality Mek Stittri January 16
Wednesday 2024-01-31 IT Nabitha Rao January 23
Thursday 2024-02-01 Development Tim Zallmann January 24
Thursday 2024-02-22 IT Nabitha Rao February 14
Wednesday 2024-02-28 Product Product Leadership -
Monday 2024-03-18 People Wendy Barnes -
Monday 2024-03-18 Finance Brian Robins -
Thursday 2024-03-28 Support Johnny Scarborough March 18
Wednesday 2024-04-24 Data Amie Bright April 18
Wednesday 2024-04-24 Security Josh Lemos April 1
Wednesday 2024-05-01 Infrastructure & Quality Mek Stittri April 25
Wednesday 2024-05-22 IT Nabitha Rao May 15
Tuesday 2024-05-28 Product Product Leadership -
Wednesday 2024-06-12 Finance Brian Robins -
Monday 2024-06-17 People Wendy Barnes -
Thursday 2024-06-20 Support Johnny Scarborough June 13
Monday 2024-07-01 Security Josh Lemos June 17
Thursday 2024-07-25 Data Amie Bright July 18
Monday 2024-08-05 Infrastructure & Quality Mek Stittri July 25
Thursday 2024-08-22 IT Nabitha Rao August 14
Thursday 2024-08-29 Finance Brian Robins -
Wednesday 2024-09-11 Product Product Leadership August 30
Thursday 2024-09-12 People Wendy Barnes -
Thursday 2024-09-26 Support Johnny Scarborough September 18
Monday 2024-09-30 Security Josh Lemos September 19
Thursday 2024-10-24 Data Amie Bright October 17
Monday 2024-10-28 Infrastructure & Quality Mek Stittri October 16
Thursday 2024-11-21 IT Nabitha Rao November 14
Tuesday 2024-11-26 Finance Brian Robins -
Thursday 2024-11-28 Product Product Leadership -
Wednesday 2024-12-11 People Wendy Barnes -
Thursday 2025-01-02 Support Johnny Scarborough December 16
Monday 2025-01-06 Security Josh Lemos December 18
Thursday 2025-01-30 Data Amie Bright January 23
Monday 2025-02-03 Infrastructure & Quality Mek Stittri January 23

Examples of Past Group Conversations

All of the public live streamed Group Conversations can be found on the GitLab Unfiltered YouTube channel Group Conversations playlist.

Request a new Group Conversation

To request a new Group Conversation, please ping @exec-admins in the slack channel #group-conversations and they will assist you in scheduling a date.

Last modified September 23, 2024: Fix broken links (d748cf8c)