Blocking end-to-end tests

This page describes the process and technical documentation around blocking end-to-end tests at GitLab. Blocking tests are executed as a showstopper step in the release pipelines. Blocking tests are executed as a blocking step in MRs but not the deployments.


GitLab’s end-to-end tests for API and UI, located in qa/qa/specs/features/, can be promoted to:

  • Smoke Tests: Essential for the release process, they are executed and can stop deployments from going further.
  • Blocking Tests: Key to maintaining code quality in MRs, blocking on failure and mandatory passing for MR approval.

In the longer term, the :blocking bucket will be sunset. All the tests will be run as a blocking step in the MRs and only smoke tests will be run during the release process.

Defining a Blocking Test

  • A :blocking test consistently succeeds in the master or nightly pipeline for at least 14 days.
  • A blocking test is for MR quality control and not included in deployment pipelines.

Promotion Processes

To Blocking Suite

Tests are selected for promotion by a weekly automated script that uses the data produced by reliable test report. The automated script is run once a week by a schedule named “Weekly reliable, unreliable E2E spec report” in the quality/toolbox project.

  • Criteria: 14 consecutive days of success and top 10 in run frequency in master or nightly pipelines
  • The process involves generating MRs for the top-performing tests and assigning them for review by counterpart SET for the DevOps stage of the test as a DRI.
  • A test should ideally not be promoted manually without it being identified in the reliable test report. However, if a test has been identified in the reliable test report did not make it to the top 10 number of runs, it can be promoted by manually creating an MR.

The flow of promotion to blocking as a decision tree:

flowchart TD
    %% nodes
    reliable_test_report[Reliable test report\nruns once a week]
    end_to_end_test[End to end test]
    passed_consistently_for_14_days_check{Passed\nconsistently\nfor 14 days}
    master_and_nightly_piplines_check{Ran in master or\nnightly pipline}
    surfaces_in_reliable_test_report[Surface in reliable test report]
    top_10_run_frequency_check{In top 10 list\nby no of runs}
    create_merge_request_for_promotion[Merge request created for promotion]
    no_action_performed[No action performed]

    %% diagram
    reliable_test_report --> |Evaluates| end_to_end_test
    end_to_end_test --> master_and_nightly_piplines_check
    master_and_nightly_piplines_check --> |Yes |passed_consistently_for_14_days_check
    master_and_nightly_piplines_check --> |No |no_action_performed
    passed_consistently_for_14_days_check --> |Yes| surfaces_in_reliable_test_report
    passed_consistently_for_14_days_check --> |No |no_action_performed
    surfaces_in_reliable_test_report --> top_10_run_frequency_check
    top_10_run_frequency_check --> |Yes| create_merge_request_for_promotion
    top_10_run_frequency_check --> |No |no_action_performed

Weekly Reliable Spec Report

This report plays a crucial role in managing the health of the test suite, highlighting:

  • Specs passing consistently for 14 days in different pipelines. These tests are promoted to blocking.
  • Blocking specs that failed in last 14 days. These tests are quarantined.

Managing Test Failures

The flow of test failures as a decision tree:

flowchart TD
    %% nodes
    test_fails[An E2E test fails]
    failure_in_mr_check{Failure is\nin MR?}
    author_fixes[MR author fixes the code\nor updates the test]
    failure_issue_created[Failure issue created]
    test_session_report[Failure issue surfaces on\ntest session report and Slack]
    manual_triage_flow[Manual Triage Flow]
    blocking_check{Failed test\nis blocking?}
    nightly_or_master_check{Failure is\non master\nor nightly\npipeline?}
    surface_on_relaible_report[Failure issue surfaces\non reliable test report]
    one_percent_failure_check{Test failed\nin more than\n1% of runs?}
    failure_issue_open_check{Failure\nissue\nis open?}
    test_environment_related_check{Failure is\nenvoronment\nrelated?}
    create_mr_for_quarantine[MR auto created for quarantine]
    no_action[No action needed]

    %% external links
    click manual_triage_flow ""

    %% diagram
    test_fails --> failure_in_mr_check
    failure_in_mr_check -->|Yes| author_fixes
    failure_in_mr_check -->|NO| failure_issue_created
    failure_issue_created --> test_session_report
    test_session_report --> manual_triage_flow
    failure_issue_created --> nightly_or_master_check

    nightly_or_master_check -->|Yes| blocking_check
    nightly_or_master_check -->|No| manual_triage_flow
    blocking_check -->|Yes| surface_on_relaible_report
    blocking_check -->|No| manual_triage_flow

    surface_on_relaible_report --> one_percent_failure_check
    one_percent_failure_check -->|Yes| failure_issue_open_check
    one_percent_failure_check -->|No| no_action
    failure_issue_open_check -->|Yes| test_environment_related_check
    failure_issue_open_check -->|No| no_action
    test_environment_related_check -->|No| create_mr_for_quarantine
    test_environment_related_check -->|Yes| manual_triage_flow

What happens when a blocking test fails?

Blocking test failures require immediate attention:

  • In MRs: The author is responsible for addressing any bugs or updating the test.
  • In master or nightly pipeline: Consistent failures trigger automatic quarantine.

Once a test is quarantined, the counterpart SET will be mentioned in a comment on the failure issue which will already be assigned to them. It is the responsibility of the counterpart SET to either delegate the issue or fix and de-quarantine the test themselves.

If a test needs to be quarantined sooner than the next reliable test report run, the fast quarantine process must be followed.

The :blocking tag cannot be removed from a test. Such a test can only be quarantined and de-quarantined.

Execution Command

  • Blocking Tests: bin/qa Test::Instance::All http://localhost:3000 -- --tag blocking

Execution Schedule and Environments

  • Executed in MRs and master in gdk-qa-blocking jobs for ongoing quality assurance.
  • Also executed in gdk-qa-blocking-ff-inverse jobs in MRs that include feature flag changes to validate the tests in both feature flag states.

Future Iterations

  • Make reliable orchestrated tests block
  • Automate the process of de-quarantining the tests that have been consistently passing. (Issue link) MR. (Issue link)
  • Once most of the tests have been promoted to the blocking, sunset the :blocking tag and make all tests block MRs. At this stage, any left over tests that weren’t promoted should be quarantined. (Issue link)
Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)