Quote to Cash Documentation

Enterprise Applications Quote to Cash Documentation

Lead to Cash Flow

Business Process
Supporting System
Supporting Team
Demand Gen Effort (Marketo)
Marketing Ops
Trial (Home Grown Application - Ruby on Rails)
Fulfillment Engineers
Digital Purchase Path
Order Form Purchase Path
Sales Ops/ Deal Desk
Sales Cycle (SFDC)
Sales Systems
Contract (Salesforce, Zuora CPQ, DocuSign)
Fulfillment Engineers
Zuora Subscription Lifecycle Management
Zuora Billing
Rev Rec (Netsuite)
Enterprise Apps
License (Home Grown Application - Ruby on Rails)
Fulfillment Engineers
Support (Zendesk)
Support Team
Monitor (Home Grown Application "Version & SeatLink" - Ruby On Rails)
Fulfillment Engineers
Digital Renewal
Order Form Renewal (SFDC, Z-CPQ, DocuSign)
See Sell

Process Flow Diagrams

Sales-Assisted: New Subscription

Sales-Assisted: Renewal

Zero Touch: New Subscription

Entity Relationship Diagrams

Quote to Cash Systems Field Mapping

This spreadsheet provides a mapping of fields from the data models of Zuora Billing, CustomersDot and GitLab. This document highlights some of the overlap and dependencies between the systems currently.

Contact Us

Slack Channels

  • #enterprise-apps
  • #business-technology
  • #bt-finance-operations
  • #financesystems_help
  • #bt-integrations

GitLab Issues

Business Systems Analysts Integrations Engineering Finance Systems

Quote to Cash Entity Relationship Diagrams
Entity Relationship Diagrams for Quote to Cash Systems
Troubleshooting: True Ups, Licenses + EULAs
Important Links Internal L&R Notice Board Need Access to CustomersDot? to get a login to the CustomersDot, by opening an access request; remove all systems in the list except for the CustomersDot row. Make sure to save these credentials as distinct from your regular GitLab credentials. Need Access to the Version Application? to get a login to the version application, open an access request and remove all systems in the list except for the row for GitLab DEV which you will use to OAuth into the application.
Last modified July 9, 2024: Fix links and spelling (e30f31b6)