
The ModelOps stage aims to empower GitLab customers to build and integrate data science workloads within GitLab.


Build a diverse and global development team to support and drive results across the stage, while maintaining our values and unique way of working.


Drive results through iterative development as we add ModelOps teams to the stage, and feature to the product. Our teams are data-driven, support dogfooding, and collaboration within GitLab and the wider community.


  • MLOps - building on prior work from within the stage and Incubation Engineering.
  • DataOps - currently not staffed, a future team to focus on supporting data workloads that power modern software applications built with GitLab.

Team members

The following people are permanent members of the ModelOps Stage:

Who Role
Michelle Gill Director of Engineer
Monmayuri Ray Engineering Manager

How to contact us

  • Tag a team member in a merge request or issue
  • Post a message in the #s_modelops Slack channel (internal only)

The MLOps team aims to empower GitLab customers to build and integrate data science workloads within GitLab.
Last modified July 9, 2024: Fix links and spelling (e30f31b6)