PostgreSQL Upgrade Cadence

PostgreSQL yearly upgrade cadence

Starting with GitLab 16.0, we follow a yearly upgrade cadence for PostgreSQL:

  1. With every major GitLab version, we are increasing the minimum required PostgreSQL version to the next major version. Some examples:

    • In GitLab 17.0, PostgreSQL 14 will become the minimum supported PostgreSQL version.
    • In GitLab 18.0, PostgreSQL 16 will become the minimum supported PostgreSQL version.
  2. We will be announcing the deprecation of the current minimum PostgreSQL version one year in advance, with the release of each major version of GitLab:

  3. will be upgrading to the next major version every year during Q2. Our infrastructure will be preparing the upgrade in Q1 of every year, and execute the upgrade during Q2.

  4. Optional support for the next major PG version in Omnibus and charts will be tested and validated with the release of each major version of GitLab. The next major PostgreSQL version will become available between .0 major version and .4 minor version, and then will become the default for fresh installations in the middle of the release cycle (~ minor version .6). For example:

    • In GitLab 16.0, we will test and validate PostgreSQL 14 support in Omnibus and charts.
    • Between GitLab 16.0 and 16.4, we will add PostgreSQL 14 to Omnibus and charts as an optional supported version.
    • Around 16.6, PostgreSQL 14 will become the default for Omnibus fresh installations.
    • This change is not required for GitLab 15.x, as we are keeping PostgreSQL 12 as the minimum, and support for PostgreSQL 13 has been already added in GitLab 15.0.

At a glance:

GitLab Version Minimum Supported Version Optionally Supported Version Omnibus Default (Fresh installs) Release notes
16.6 PG13 PG14 PG14 will upgrade to PG16 in FY25-Q2
17.0 PG14 PG16 PG14 Support for PG16 will be added to omnibus and charts between 17.0 and 17.4
Support for PG14 will be removed in 18.0
17.6 PG14 PG16 PG16
18.0 PG16 PG17 PG16 will upgrade to PG17 in FY26-Q2