Policies and Processes

Support Operations policies pages

Support Operations policies page for audits
Contacting third parties
Support Operations policies page for contacting third parties
Enabling US Government Support
Support Operations policies page for enabling US Government Support for organizations that don't sync automatically
Gratis Support requests
Support Operations workflows and policies page for Gratis Support requests
Labels and issue boards
Support Readiness policies page for labels and issue boards
Organization Deletion
Support Operations policies page for Zendesk organization deletion
Project setup
Support Operations policies page for project setup
Team member licenses
Support Operations policies page for team member licenses
Working issues and MRs
Support Operations policies page for working issues and MRs
Working tickets
Support Operations policies page for working tickets
Zendesk maintenance
Support Operations policies page for Zendesk maintenance
Last modified May 10, 2023: Support Readiness migration (5acb8dd8)