Sander Brienen's README

README page for Sander Brienen to give a bit of background and interests

About me

I’m Sander Brienen, customer success manager for the EMEA region. Currently I’m covering mostly DACH accounts.

I live in a small village close to the German border in the Netherlands, with my wife, children and our dog. We moved there because we liked to live a bit more rural. I now enjoy my daily rounds with the dog through the woods.


I started my career as a Java developer. After having worked for 10 years in several lead development roles, I decided to make the switch to development tool consultant. I’ve always been a big fan of agile and this career switch gave me the opportunity to make use of that enthusiasm in a consultancy role. In those ten years I studied many agile and lean approaches like eXtreme Programming, LeSS, SAFe, the Toyota Production System, lean software development and later DevOps. In 2010 I founded the Agile Software Architecture Symposium in Arnhem to bring agile and software architecture closer together. In the following decade I advised organisations large and small on the transition to Agile or DevOps ways of working based on the Atlassian and GitLab software. Since January 2022, I made the switch to GitLab to continue making customers successful with GitLab and DevOps.


In my professional life I am interested in all things related to agile and lean processes, including:

More about me

How I work

I typically work 8:30am-5:30pm in the Central European time zone. The best way to reach me is on Slack, or tag me in a GitLab issue @sbrienen.


Whenever possible I prefer to communicate async, but I’m happy to have a meeting if async is not effective or appropriate for a situation. If you’d like to invite me to a meeting, please give me a heads up and let me know what we’ll be discussing. I work best when we have a meeting agenda shared ahead of time.

Last modified June 27, 2024: Fix various vale errors (46417d02)