Engineering GitLab Product

Learn more about how Digital Experience engineers work with the GitLab Product.


From time to time, our team has objectives that require us to collaborate on the GitLab product.


There is an existing onboarding process for GitLab engineering. Digital Experience engineers need to complete a specific subset of that onboarding:

1. Git Workflow

Make sure you still feel comfortable with day 5 of the general onboarding steps for git workflow

2. Engineering Department specific tasks

Complete the Engineering Division/For Development Department specific tasks


Complete the Snowplow onboarding tasks

4. GDK

  1. You can get started with the GitLab Rails using the GDK here

  2. Set it with one line installation which:

    • Clones the GDK project into a new gitlab-development-kit directory in the current working directory.
    • Installs asdf and necessary asdf plugins.
    • Runs gdk install.
    • Runs gdk start.

    Note: First follow dependency installation instructions if necessary.

    curl "" | bash

  3. To browse your developmenet server:

    • Excute: cd gitlab-development-kit

    • Execute: gdk start

  4. Use the login credentials found here and learn more GDK commands

  5. Read how to use GDK documentation

Slack Channels

Here are some slack channels to ask for help: