Create Stage: Tech Leads

The objective of this page is to provide a clear documentation of the responsibilities and attributes associated with the role of a tech lead within the Create Stage.

What is a Tech Lead

This role is outlined here.

Create Tech Leads

Source Code Tech Leads

Start Date End Date Estimated End Date Epic(s) / Issue(s) Tech Lead
2024-02-01 TBD TBD Branch Rules Joe Woodward
2024-02-01 TBD TBD Cells 1.0 Vasilii Iakliushin

Code Review Tech Leads

Start Date End Date Estimated End Date Epic(s) / Issue(s) Tech Lead
2024-01-30 TBD TBD Cells 1.0 Kerri Miller
2024-02-13 TBD TBD New Diffs Stanislav Lashmanov
2024-02-19 TBD TBD Review Rounds Phil Hughes

IDE Tech Leads

Start Date End Date Estimated End Date Epic(s) / Issue(s) Tech Lead
2024-05-01 TBD TBD Web IDE Category Paul Slaughter
2024-05-01 TBD TBD Workspaces Category Chad Woolley
2024-04-29 TBD TBD Cells 1.0 Vishal Tak
2024-02-21 TBD TBD VS Code Upgrade process Enrique Alcántara
2024-01-13 TBD TBD Workspaces Agent Authorization Hunar Khanna

Editor Extension Tech Leads

Start Date End Date Estimated End Date Epic(s) / Issue(s) Tech Lead
2024-02-01 TBD TBD Cell 1.0 Tomas Vik

Code Creation Tech Leads

Epic(s) / Issue(s) Tech Lead
Code Completion Models Allen Cook
Additional Context using ASTs Jan Provaznik
X-Ray CI Minutes Vitali Tatarintev
RAG for Code Completion Allen Cook
RAG Integration with Global Search Vitali Tatarintev
RAG Source Code Embeddings Jan Provaznik
Chat/Code Suggestions Alignment Tian Gao

How is a Tech Lead different from a Domain Expert

Tech Leads and Domain Experts share similarities and differences. The tables below clarify distinctions between the two roles.


Criteria Tech Lead Domain Expert
Expertise Requirement Requires domain knowledge and expertise Requires substantial experience in a specific area
Collaboration Collaboration with Engineering Managers and Product Managers Collaboration with team members and stakeholders
Mentoring Provides technical guidance and mentoring Mentors team members in their specific area
Not a Managerial Role Not a manager Not a manager


Criteria Tech Lead Domain Expert
Nature of Role Temporary role tied to a specific topic/project Ongoing role with substantial expertise
Assignment Criteria Efficiency, domain knowledge, expertise Substantial experience in specific areas
Seniority Any engineer, regardless of seniority Encouraged for team members with experience
Providing Technical Vision Providing technical vision and architecture Not required.
Guidance and Mentoring Offering technical guidance and mentoring Conducting code and MR reviews in their domain
Planning and Prioritizing Work Planning and prioritizing work Not required
Tracking Progress and Reporting Tracking progress on commitments and reporting Ensuring progress tracking and reporting within their domain, providing insights into achievements, challenges, and goals
Risk Management Identifying, assessing, and managing technical risks that may impact deliverables Managing technical risks associated with specific technology, product feature, or codebase area
Coordination Overseeing the work of others and helping remove blockers Coordinating with team members in their domain, ensuring smooth collaboration and addressing challenges as they arise
Collaboration Slack channel for collaboration (#tech_leads or topic/project specific channel) Not required.
Project Template Utilizes a project template for guidance Not required.
Scope Tied to a specific topic/project Generally encompasses specific technology, feature, or codebase area


The Tech Lead responsibilites are outlined here.


Determine if the Project needs a Tech Lead

In some projects, having a Tech Lead depends on the team’s available capacity. Engineering Managers decide based on the team’s Tech Leadership capacity. Use these questions to help evaluate if your project needs a Tech Lead.

  1. Is the project technically complex? Does it require a blueprint?
  2. Does it involve multiple technologies or integrations?
  3. Does the project demand unique technical expertise?
  4. Does the project have a high level of risk associated with technical aspects?
  5. Is the success of the project critical to the overall business goals?
  6. Are there complex technical decisions to be made during the project?
  7. Does the project involve architectural choices that need experienced guidance?
  8. Is there a tight deadline for project completion?
  9. Is there a need for effective communication between technical and non-technical team members?

Appointing a Tech Lead for a Project

Step Engineering Manager’s Responsibilities
1 Assess project needs
2 Evaluate Tech Leadership capacity
3 Select a Tech Lead
Last modified June 21, 2024: Fix epic link from tech lead page (10e22180)