Ownership and boundaries - Editor Extensions

This page provides clarity and a clear expectation between all parties who author/maintain features in editor extensions systems.


Multiple groups contribute to features exposed through our editor extensions. This can create ambiguity regarding ownership and maintenance responsibilities. This document outlines an agreed-upon approach for consistent ownership attribution, aligning expectations and improving efficiency among all involved parties.

Owning a system part means being responsible for feature development, bug-fixes, and general maintenance of the affected part. Ideally, a team has maintainers in the system part they own to be more independent of the editor extensions team, but this is not a strict requirement.

System overview

Currently, the external features being integrated via our Editor Extensions follow this architecture:

  • UI component built on gitlab-ui
  • Integration with Editors: Webview
    • Webview is a web page shown in the editor
  • Integration with Editors: Business logic
    • Business logic represents the editor-specific integration (e.g. TypeScript and VS Code Extension API, Kotlin and JetBrains Plugin API)

Legacy Ownership model

Currently used by Duo Chat:

System part Group responsible
Chat UI component in gitlab-ui AI-Powered:Duo Chat group.
VS Code - Chat Webview (web page) AI-Powered:Duo Chat group with support from Create:Editor Extensions group
VS Code - Chat business logic (extension) Create:Editor Extensions group
JetBrains - Chat Webview (web page) AI-Powered:Duo Chat group with support from Create:Editor Extensions group
JetBrains - Chat business logic (plugin) Create:Editor Extensions group

Ownership model for features implemented in Language Server

Currently used by Duo Workflow and soon to be used by Duo Chat.

System part Group responsible
UI Component Group owning the UI component
LS webview & plugin Group owning the UI component with support from Create:Editor Extensions group
VS Code integration Create:Editor Extensions group
JetBrains integration Create:Editor Extensions group
Visual Studio integration Create:Editor Extensions group

Process of notifying others

  • When a team starts working on a feature that will require Editor Extensions support:
    • PM/EM will notify Create:Editor Extensions group’s PM/EM - this allows the team to forecast the capacity necessary to support in the near future
  • When the UI of the feature is ready:
    • the authoring team opens an integration MR
      • The Create:Editor Extensions group will assign an engineer to take over the MR and complete integration