GitLab Delivery:Framework


Framework is a team within the GitLab Delivery Stage. This team takes ownership of the GitLab Environment Toolkit (GET) as instance lifecycle tool, Reference Architectures, tooling and frameworks related to upgrade path testing, and will ensure installation and upgrade paths are fully tested and reliable. We follow the same processes as listed on the GitLab Delivery Stage, unless otherwise stated on this page.


The Framework team intends to make GitLab easy to operate at any scale. GitLab is critical to our end users (developers) and a necessity for organizations most important business operations and workflows. The Framework team functions with autonomy to drive good quality within our Reference Architectures and GET above all else.

Team Members

Name Role
Lekan SogunleLekan Sogunle Senior Backend Engineer

Product Manager: Dilan Orrino


The team’s primary roadmap is tracked within the Roadmap epic. Our roadmap is aligned with GitLab Delivery’s overall strategic objectives and is reviewed and updated as needed.

Working with Us

To engage with the Framework team, please refer to the following.

Slack Channels

The following list includes Slack channels relevant to projects within the team’s scope:

  • #g_software_delivery-framework - This is the primary Slack channel for discussions related to the GitLab Delivery Framework team.
  • #gitlab_environment_toolkit - For discussions, questions, and requests specific to the GitLab Environment Toolkit (GET).
  • #reference-architectures - For discussions, questions, and requests related to Reference Architectures.
  • Our slack group handle is @software-delivery-framework-team.

Triage DRI

The Triage DRI is a role established by the team to handle initial triage of questions and requests coming to the team. The Triage DRI process is intended to distribute knowledge and responsibilities across the team, and to prevent the same people from always being responsible for certain areas of the team’s work.


  1. Triaging and monitoring pipelines (e.g., Upgrade path pipelines).
  2. Monitoring and responding to requests in GET/RA Slack channels.
  3. Initial issue triage for GET, and RA.
  4. Maintenance of PG Dump Generator and related jobs if breaking master.
  5. Staging Ref maintenance.


The Triage DRI role will be on a weekly rotation cadence. Regarding response time, we’ve set an aspirational goal of about one working day. It’s important to note that this isn’t a strict Service Level Agreement (SLA). We’re viewing it more as a general guideline to aim for. We understand that sometimes things might take longer, and that’s okay. The main goal is to have a reasonable timeframe for addressing inquiries and issues that come our way.

It must be emphasized that the Triage DRI is not an escalation resource like Support, but rather an advisory one. The Triage DRI is there to provide advice and initial triage, not to be a replacement for Support or other teams.

Project Management

Framework Issue Tracker. GitLab Environment Toolkit (GET) issues - Primary tracking system for the GitLab Environment Toolkit. This board encompasses requests, enhancements, technical debts items and customer reported issues.

GitLab Upgrades Test Coverage - This epic encompasses issues related to testing upgrade paths.

Reference Architecture issues - This is where we track work related to Reference Architectures and conduct reviews for customer environments upon request.


This top-level epic monitors the different initiatives and sub-epics within the team and their respective statuses. It is populated automatically through epic automation. Every sub-epic must

  1. Epics must be created with the epic template linked below.
  2. Have the top-level epic as the parent epic.
  3. Have a completion date and a DRI for providing a weekly status update.
  4. Have a relevant workflow:: or workflow-infra:: label.
  5. Epic DRIs will be pinged on Tuesdays to leave a status update for the week in the epic.
  6. These updates are collected into the team’s top-level epic which feeds into the Grand Review.

We follow Platforms Project Management practices as outlined here.


The primary team label is team::GitLab Delivery Framework. This label should be applied to issues and epics throughout the organization that require the team’s attention.

Epic Template

Epic Template
### DRI :levitate:

### Participants :busts_in_silhouette:

### Problem to solve :thinking:

### Documentation :book:

* Publicly Accessible Documentation:

### Links / references :books:





/label ~"team::GitLab Delivery Framework" ~"workflow-infra::Triage"