ModernLoop is the scheduling tool that the Candidate Experience Team uses to book interviews. Prelude is integrated with Greenhouse via API. DRI: Candidate Experience Team
Logging in to ModernLoop
To log in select the ModernLoop tile in Okta and use SSO.
You can also download the ModernLoop Chrome extension
How to schedule via ModernLoop
- Go to ‘My Tasks’ using the task bar on the left
- In the ‘Action required’ bucket, click on the candiadte who has the label ‘ready to Schedule’
- A side window will open, scroll down and click the ‘Schedule now’ button. The page will open to the candidate’s availability. On the right press ‘Next: Setup Interviews’ button.
- Check the information for the required interview to schedule (time, interviewer, scorecard etc), then click ‘Next: Find Schedules’
- ModernLoop will create a list of interview options. To see an interviewers calendar you can click on the interviewer or the ‘view’ option on the top right of the card.
- To select a schedule option click on ‘use schedule’on the top right corner of the option card.
- The location will be automatically selected as Zoom and a zoom room selected.
- The calenders are ‘Candidate Interview Calendar’ for candidate events and ‘Interview calendar’ for Internal events.
- Select the Email to canditate template from dropdown list.
- If the interview requires a brief, you can include this by selecting ‘Add attachment’
- For the interviewer invite, select the correct template from the dropdown list
- Review all details and then press ‘Confirm and send’
- If you only wish to send the invites to the interviewers before sending the candidate invite, select ‘Send internal only’. This will send the interviewer invites and move the candidate into the Pending section of My tasks. When you wish to send the candidate invite you can go into the candidate profile and click ‘finish and Send’.
How to add or replace an interviewer for a scheduled interview
- If you wish to replace or add an extra interviewer to a scheduled interview, in ‘My tasks’ go to scheduled, click on the scheduled interview.
- When the side page opens with the interview details, click on the 3 dots on the interview tile and select ‘Edit Interview’.
- To add an interviewer select ‘add interviewer’ and type in the name of the new interviewer.
- To remove an interviewer select the three dots next to their name and select remove interviewer.
How to set up Interviewer Modules (Interviewer pools & training plans)
A module is modern loop is an interviewer pool, which also allows for trainees to move through shadows/reverse shadows.
To set up a module take the following steps:
- Go to Modules on the task bar on the left
- Click on ‘New Module’
- Give the Module a name, select the training plan (typically 2 shadow and one reverse shadow), and select role-by-role, then create
- Click on add interviewers and then type in the names of the Trained interviewers for the module. Then select fully trained and the interviewers will be added to the module.
- To add the trainees click on ‘Add interviewers’ in the top right corner. Type in the names of the trainee interviewers and then select ‘Trainee’
To delete a Module, click into the Module, then go to settings and delete module.
To assign a module to an interview plan:
- Go to jobs and select the job which you want to use the interviewer module for.
- Select the stage tab and select the interview stage required.
- The interview plan will pull up the interviews inthis stage from Greenhouse. Click on ‘Add Interviewer’ and then in the box type the name of the module you want to use.
How to schedule a technical interview
- If the technical interview requires a interviewer module, check in the job interview plan that the correct interviewer module is selected.
- Continue to schedule the interview using the same steps as for a 1:1 interview.
- For the candidate email select the template ‘Technical Interview - Candidate confirmation’ and add in the technical instructions using the correct text expander snippet.
- For interviews which have an MR, select the ‘Technical Interview with MR’ for internal invites for interviewers.
- If there is a shadow interviewer from a Module, ModernLoop will automatically add in a paragraph to let the interviewers know who is the lead and who is the shadow.
- Select finish and send.
How to update Organization wide settings
NOTE: Only Admins can change organizational settings. Organizational settings can be found in the menu on the left hand side of the homepage.